Setting Off

Opening the gourd, there was a letter inside. There were a few words written briefly: "Wulang is safe. Don't worry."

Qin Huai asked Ah Yu to burn the letter and said, "Chi Gou must have a reason to stay there. Since Fifth Brother is fine for the time being, don't worry."

"Alright, we're just waiting for news from Second Uncle," Ah Yu said.

A few days later, Wang Chuangui also sent back news that they were fine. They had only encountered some local tyrants when they arrived. Wang Chuangui didn't pretend to be polite to them. Instead, he attacked them directly. Their relationship became a little stiff, and their lives were almost in danger.

Fortunately, Wang Chuangui had something left behind by Ah Yu. The couple had trained in Wanning City and were not to be trifled with. Now, the situation was slowly stabilizing.