
"Be careful." Ah Yu reminded them softly. The two people who led the way glanced at Ah Yu and said carelessly, "Don't you think it's too late to talk about this now?"

"It's never too late to be cautious." Wang Wulang took over and pointed his arm forward, blocking the person's gaze on Ah Yu. "Brother, your City Lord is building a residence in such an area. Is he planning to open a black shop? There's no one living in the desert."

"If you want to live, don't talk so much."

However, Wang Wulang did not listen to his warning. Instead, he giggled and said a few more things, acting like a young master from a rich family who was inexperienced in the world.

There were all kinds of people in Jiangsai, but there were no simple people.

The more innocent he appeared, the more vigilant people would be of him.

With him like this, the two of them did not say anything else.