Still Saying That There's Nothing Between You And Her?!

Everyone looked over.

Bai Jingtian, who was dressed in casual clothes, appeared at the door.

He had intended to casually greet the cast from the door, but when he saw Shi Ran standing in the dressing room,

he changed his mind.

Bai Jingtian turned on his toes and stepped into the dressing room.

The people present did not expect to see Bai Jingtian so soon and were very excited.

Especially Gong Zhiling. The moment Bai Jingtian appeared, her breathing quickened.

Her eyes followed Bai Jingtian closely.

When she saw Bai Jingtian walking to Shi Ran's side, jealousy filled her eyes.

"What happened?" Bai Jingtian asked Shi Ran.

"It's all their fault. They joined hands to bully Sister Ran!" When Fang Tongtong saw Bai Jingtian, she finally had a place to vent her anger.

She explained the entire situation in detail.

Bai Jingtian listened attentively, and the crease between his eyebrows gradually became obvious.