Jealous of a Friend?

"I guess so," Shi Ran responded casually without stopping.

In her previous world, hackers had been nothing more than a basic skill to everyone.

But here, hacking was a profession, and most of those who knew how to hack hid in the shadows.

Outside the window, Chu Jinchen's lips curled up when he heard this, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Qiu Yaohang revealed the same expression as Ji Wenfeng.


She's lying right?!

'She's just rehearsing her lines, isn't she?'

They were definitely rehearsing!

San Yu rubbed his nose.

He was surprised.

But even if she was a hacker, she must be a small-time one.

As he thought about it, he glanced at Chu Jinchen's back.

Third Young Master had seen the most skilful hackers before.

Miss Shi was just embarrassing herself in front of Third Young Master.

Chu Jinchen did not stay outside for long.

He walked straight in.