If It's Her, I'm Willing to Marry

Qiu Yaohang was speechless.

'What the hell kind of bossy speech is that?'

"What do you mean, your person? You like Shi Ran?" Qiu Yaohang looked gossipy.

Seeing that Chu Jinchen was about to speak, he spoke first, "You don't have to deny it. Anyone with eyes can tell."

"I didn't deny it." Chu Jinchen raised his eyebrows.

As that cold face flashed through his mind, a faint smile appeared on his lips, like the warm sun in early spring.

Qiu Yaohang's eyes widened.

Was this an admission??

After a while, Qiu Yaohang deliberated and said, "I won't stop you if you like Shi Ran, but I still hope you can reconsider your investment."

Chu Jinchen supported his chin and remained silent.

"Your engagement with Yufei was set the moment you were born. It represents a hundred years of friendship between the Wen and Chu families."