If She Dies, I Won't Live Either

The taxi stopped on a deserted street.

Shi Ran got out of the car and walked straight into the street.

All was quiet except for the sound of the breeze.

The doors of every house were closed. There was no one in sight and it was dark everywhere.

Only one spot was brightly lit, illuminating a large stretch of road.

That was the destination Shi Ran wanted to go to.

Quiz Internet Café

She pushed open the door and stepped inside.

The Internet café was plain and empty. No one was there and even the air-conditioning was off.

She walked to the front desk where a young man was looking down at a competition video with headphones on.

Shi Ran tapped the table lightly.

The young man looked up sharply. When he saw who it was, he looked surprised.

But he still stood up quickly and bowed. "Hello."

Shi Ran pulled down her mask. "Hello, is this an Internet café run by Team R?"