Single Dog Received 10,000 Critical Hits

Chu Jinchen was stunned at first. He tightened his grip on her waist and kissed her hard.

San Yu silently put down the partition in the backseat.

It was only just now when the Third Young Master looked like a pathetic love sick boy.

And they were already starting to show off their affection??

The single dog had received 10,000 critical hits!!!

The kiss ended.

Chu Jinchen curled his lips. He was in an extremely good mood and even felt light-headed.

Especially when she saw Shi Ran's face turn red, his empty heart was completely filled.

The last time he saw her blush was after that brat called Ruirui kissed her.

And this time, it was because of him.

Shi Ran coughed lightly and the warmth on her face gradually faded.

She asked, "Are you still angry?"

Chu Jinchen raised his eyebrows. "A little."

As he spoke, he lowered his head.

However, this time, his head was cupped by her palms.