Since You're So Powerful, Why Didn't You Kill Me?

The man looked to be in his forties and looked friendly and harmless.

Shi Ran recognized the other party at a glance.

'Wen Gongliang?'

She was vigilant, but she still pretended to be puzzled. "May I ask who you are?"

Wen Gongliang did not suspect anything. "I'm Wen Gongliang. You might not know me, but you must know my daughter. I'm Wen Yufei's father."

"What's the matter?" Her reaction was ordinary.

Wen Gongliang said, "I want to talk to you about my daughter and Jinchen."

As soon as he finished speaking, the driver opened the door of the backseat on the other side.

Shi Ran raised her eyebrows.

It seemed that if he did not chat with Wen Gongliang tonight, he would not let her go easily.

She looked around and pointed not far away. "There's a cafe there. Let's talk over there."

She did not intend to get into Wen Gongliang's car.

This person was a wolf in sheep's clothing.