Wipe It Whenever There's a Chance

Wen Yufei hurriedly waved her hand. "No, I don't mean anything else. It should be the problem with the swimsuit. I was careless."

"How is that possible?!" Xiao Qi said excitedly, "Didn't you go with her to change into a swimsuit just now? Was it her?"

Wen Yufei panicked even more. She shook her head. "It's really not her. I just looked at her subconsciously. I didn't mean anything else."

She refuted seriously.

Xiao Qi refused to let it go. "Sister Yufei, you still want to cover for her! How many times has this happened?"

[How many times???]

[F*ck, do you mean that this is not the first time? Could it be that Shi Ran often bullies Wen Yufei in private?]

'Are you serious?'

[Is it very strange? She's such an ingrate to her adoptive parents and Yufei is so weak. Is it very strange to bully her?]