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The matter between Shi Wenfei and Zhou Yufan fermented even more.

Even if Shi Wenfei closed the comments section on Weibo, she was in a terrible fix.

Even Zhou Yufan's company's stocks was affected.

The netizens also used the video to quickly find all kinds of evidence that Zhou Yufan and Shi Wenfei were already together.

For example, the background layout of the room in Shi Wenfei's previous live broadcast was exactly the same as the one Zhou Yufan had posted online.

There were also the various small actions of the two of them on the variety show.

There were even people who called themselves the staff of "Love Warning" who revealed that Shi Wenfei and Zhou Yufan had slept in the same room several times.

In the blink of an eye, the wind changed. Shi Wenfei and Zhou Yufan had entered the center of the storm.

At this moment, Shi Wenfei was staying in Zhou Yufan's apartment.