On a Friday evening, Jake was on his way back from a meeting out of town so he passed by Owens college. These days Owen spent more time occupied with classes and assignments as he was about rounding up the semester.
" I'm passing by your college....are you done with lectures?"Jake called.
"Yeah....I'm having dinner with my project partners....I'll be done in a bit though"
"Okay....what restaurant are you at"
"Late night dine right...it's by the side of the faculty building" Owen explained.
"Okay I'll be there in a bit" Jake replied. As he drove he could notice our flower petals were falling as it was autumn.
He was able to locate the restaurant at the side of Owens faculty building. He called Owen again and Owen asked him to enter as they were still discussing in the final parts of the project.
Jake got in and sat at the table closer to the door where the light was dimmer in contrast to where Owen sat. He found Owen seated at the window side engrossed in whatever he was saying, depicting the aura of a team leader. Jake saw a few familiar faces with Owen and two strange faces. He noticed that one of the strange faces that was seated next to Owen kept sneaking lustfull glances to an obliviously engrossed Owen. Owens eyes lit up when he saw Jake and he waved at him to which Jake nodded. A waiter came over and Jake ordered a soda.
Owen strode over to him.
"Hey babe....I'll be done in like 10 minutes "
"Sure take your time....who's the dude that was seated next to you"
"Oh Liam...he's my ex. We dated first year and broke up...we don't usually hang out, we're together cause of the project"
" Ok...I don't like the way he stared at you"
"He's wasting his time" Owen said and strode back to his table. Jake kept staring at Owens ass as he strode back to his seat and he caught the so called Liam also staring at Owen.
Ten minutes later, the group rounded up and Liam and the other guys left. Owen came over with his three friends. Gilbert kept staring at Kevin puppy eyedly.
"Guys...this is Jake"
Gilbert stretched forth his hand and said. "Hi I'm Gilbert...it's nice to meet you...just so you know I was your little matchmaker"
"Thanks...hi Kevin" Jake said recognizing him from face time.
"Hello Jake" Kevin greeted.
"Hi..I'm Stephen"
"Nice to meet you guys..."
Jake settled his bill and they got out of the restaurant. As they got out a bike was parked next to Jake's car with a bulky man resting on it.
He waved at their direction and Kevin waved back.
"Do you know him?" Stephen asked
"Isn't that Julian from gym?"Owen queried
"Yeah I know him...and Yes he's Julian" Kevin answered.
"What is he doing here?" Gilbert asked in jealousy.
"He's my boyfriend and he came to pick me up....doesn't want me going home late"
"Whoa....you finally accepted him?"
"Now I can put pieces together...." Stephen said.
Jake left to get his car running, giving the group their privacy.
"...you loved Gilbert but gave up on him when he started dating Zoey and now you accepted a guy who's been hitting on you?"
"Shockingly...yes"Kevin responded.
"Whoa....being no one's favorite in a group really keeps you in the dark" Stephen sighed.
"It isn't like that Stephen...." Owen said.
"It's fine though"
"Kevin I've told you I'll break up with her why are you doing this" Gilbert said.
"Bye guys....I'm leaving now" Kevin ignored him.
Kevin got to Julian's bike and kissed him then hopped on clutching tightly to his biceps as they sped off.
"Owen won't you talk to him for me"
"I'll try Gil...I forgot that first time but now I really will".
"I broke up with Zoey too.." Gilbert revealed.
"Why?"Stephen asked
"Cause I love Kev...I've always loved him... I only realized it now that I've lost him and it didn't feel right with her...without him around"
"Well they say you never know what you have till you've lost it" Stephen said "I'm off guys"
"Gil I'll talk to him and I'll tell you how it goes...are you okay"
"Thanks ..I'll leave now "
Gilbert left and Owen strolled to Jake's car.
"I'm sorry for wasting your time " Owen apologized.
" it's fine...are they cool now?" Jake asked.
" no...I'll talk to Kevin though and hear what he says. " Owen replied.
"Okay...about your ex!"
"He seems effeminate"
"As he should be"
"Were you the one.... ?"
"Yeah and we reversed roles most times "
"One day I'll fuck your sorry ass" Owen teased and clawed Jakes thigh.
"You wish baby" Jake smiled.
Stephen strolled to the hostel as he lived on campus. He had an online friend who comforted him when he felt sad and also motivated him. Today he felt sad cause his friends had kept him in the dark and it hurt that he was no one's favorite. ''Maybe it's because I'm not in the same major with them and we just have few classes together' he thought to himself. He had always told his online friend Dean about his friends without revealing their identity when he did and Dean was ever ready to listen. They chatted mostly on WhatsApp and had talked to each other once when Stephen had failed a course that was really crucial for his computer science major. Dean had called him and they talked for a while.
They had gotten to know each other as they were both in a group with players who loved the Pack of Legends game. They had both displayed in depth knowledge on the game and had instantly clicked and chatted in private. He found out Dean was a game developer but Dean refused to tell him the name of the game or his name as a creator. They shared limited information about each other and even their WhatsApp display pictures were pics of their game characters.
"Hello" Stephen sent.
"Hi...are you joining the conquest by ten"
"Yeah... how was your day"
"Not really... I was just reminded I wasn't anyone's fave today"
"Don't think much about that...you're my favorite partner"
"If you don't feel comfortable hanging out with your friends you can leave them and believe me you'll find people who'd know your worth and really love you"
"Thank you very much...this means a whole lot"
"Anytime...see you at ten"
"Hello" a rough husky voice said.
"Who is this" Jake asked. This number wasn't saved on his phone but his brain had registered all digits and he knew who was on the other line.
"It's Mr Jeffrey Hudson...when are you coming home" His father asked.
"I'll be there on moms death anniversary" he replied.
"My campaign is ongoing and I'll be visiting an orphanage in two days ....I need you to be there"
"I'm busy and uninterested and besides not much people know you have two sons so ....play along with the one you showcase to them"
"You could actually say I am your adopted son who had deserted you after making some bucks and surely the public will see you as a gem and give you sympathetic votes" Jake said .
"I want you there....Katherine's dad is gonna be there and he'd want to see you"
His father knew his weak point. His promise to his mother That he'd marry Kiki. Over the years, he'd forced himself to believe that marrying her was the right choice. He had to respect the father of the woman he intended to marry.
"...I'll think about it" he said and the call ended.
He had to be there now. In his fathers space, the one place he hated the most. He had to bear the disgust plastered on his father's face specially for him.
On his mother's deathbed his father had been outside of the door to the room when he was with his mom. He had overheard what his mom said to Jake.
"Jake...my beautiful boy Jake. Always know that having you was a blessing to me. I've always loved you although I hardly expressed it and will still love you even in death...I know you love men and it's a part of you that the world can never change...I feel bad that as your mother I was never able to support you for who you are...I'm just too scared that the world wouldn't accept you, wouldn't let you be happy...wouldn't see my boy for the gem he is...promise your selfish mother that you'll never come out...you'll never let the world know you're gay...it should be our secret forever...promise me you'll marry Katherine once she graduates and live in the way the world seems normal so you can be happy...All I want is your happiness... promise me my boy" she strained as she coughed up blood.
"I promise you mom" he wept. He saw a tear escape her eyes and he hugged her as she drew her last breath with him on her chest. He cried for a while shaking her to get up. The doctor had told them earlier in the week that they should be prepared for the worst as the cancer was very close to her heart now.
When he exited the room he met his father outside with disgust plastered on his face.
"You disgust me...I wished you died instead of her" his father bitterly said and walked off.
Jake was shook, here he was dealing with the fact that his mom just died and his dad was here condemning him. He never believed his father could hate him to that extent. A man that was ignorant of the changes in his wife's body blamed him. He left home that day and stayed at Jules's. He cried on Jules laps that night, his mom had just left the world and his dad had wished he was gone instead. At that moment he wished his father had been the one to die and his imperfect mother live. He thought. She should have been alive, why had the cancer not struck his father instead.
"Father killed her. He killed her with his greed for power. He must have stressed her, must have had her hold women meetings and do voluntary work for his stupid campaign. He must have had a make a million cookies for bake sale without a care for how she felt or how tired she got. She must have quietly done it all. Pleasing a man who didn't care, being submissive to a inhumane beast...I wonder what she saw in him...why she stayed silent all those years.." Jake thought.
He vowed to never come back home as there was nothing to come to anymore. His father clearly despised him and his brother ignored him. Growing up he and his brother were never close. His father would always support Rome in everything he did and when he made mistakes he'd find positivity in them and praise him. All ties strained when the unloved child turned gay, Rome avoided him like he had the gay plagues and his dad hated his presence.
Jake promised himself to visit home only on his mother's death anniversary to honor her memory.
He traveled to San Francisco after her burial and worked really hard. He took student loans to pay tuition and got some par-time jobs. After graduation, he was employed in Silicon Valley at the company he interned for. They saw how competent he was and reserved a spot for him.
Saving up some money and getting experience, he was able to establish up his firm.