Kiki began a tour of all her friends houses she knew in San Francisco the next morning. Jake was annoyed by this cause she had snuck out his car keys for her tour. He kept wishing for the two days to come as soon as possible so she can be on her way back to the Uk. He needed to be in work today as he had an important meeting. He exited his home premises and hailed a taxi and joined a huge traffic. Usually he left home very early when he had important work to dodge the traffic but today he had woken up late and Kiki just had to take his car as well leaving a note about her whereabouts. He ended up arriving late at the meeting to meet clients who were cross at him as they'd arrived an hour earlier. He entered into a fit of apologies until their anger subsided and the meeting commenced.
He aced the meeting and went to his office to work. Jake inspected his staff and was pleased to see that his manger was doing really good job. Lunch time came by and he sent his secretary to buy him hamburger and soda from Big Peas.
When he closed from work in the evening, he booked a taxi to Jules's bar. He arrived there and saw Jules at the counter with Chico, they seemed to be in a serious conversation so he abandoned his favorite seat and went over to them.
"Hey Jules...Chico" he greeted.
"Hey man !" Chico said.
"Hey" she said weakly.
"Jules what's up " Jake asked.
Chico moved to the other side to get drinks ready for the customers pooling around.
"Let's talk outside" she said as she wiped the counter as the ice bucket had formed a little pool.
As they moved out some of the guys he had hooked up with sent winks which he ignored. They exited the bar.
"Where is your car ?" Jules asked scanning the parking lot in search of Jake's car.
"Kiki took it" he replied.
"Kiki's back ?"
"Yeah...she just sprung in unannounced but O..."
"Let's go to my office then" Jules suggested.
Jake and Jules got back into the bar and headed to her office.
"Tell me Jules....what's wrong " Jake asked as they got in the confines of her office.
"We're postponing the wedding"
"What !...why ?...isn't it meant to be in two weeks or so ?"
"Yeah...right now he's on the sea and he sent a letter that he won't be dispatched anytime soon as something unexpected came up" Jules explained.
"Oh...I'm so sorry sweetie" he hugged her in comfort and little sobs escaped from her lips.
"I feel so hurt Jake... should I still marry him or just call it off ?"
"Sweetie !...listen to your heart...if this feels wrong for you...make a's your life"
"I just love him too much !"
"I know"
Their embrace tightened as she sobbed more. He patted her head as she sobbed.
"How soon can he get back ?"
"In a month"
"Have you guys decided on a new date"
"No...I'll wait till I see him face to face"
"Okay Sweetheart"
"Thanks for being here" she thanked.
"Yeah...but if I hadn't come by you wouldn't have told me"
"I would have come by your house..." she said withdrawing from the embrace and wiping her tears. " what's Kiki doing here ? and what about Owen ?"
"The universe is helping me Jules ! It really is, you know I've been a good guy all my life"
"Seriously Jake! You'll say this ?"
"Yeah...Kiki came by and Owen just had to travel to New York for work for a week and Kiki leaves in two days"
"Okay...just pray he doesn't come earlier and see her in your house"
"Don't jinx it please...I had a dream quite similar to what you're saying"
"Spill !"
" disapprove of my double life. Why should I ?"
"Because what you're doing is wrong and I love you and want what is best for you"
"Support me...that's what's best"
"See Jake I'm not in the mood to argue with you...but when everything happens and you're sad come over I'll lend you a shoulder to cry on"
"It won't go south...I'll marry Kiki in Uk and open a branch of my company over there and we'll live branch over here will still be running and I'll come here and stay with Owen for a while then go back"
"This is the most insane and silliest plan I've ever heard...juggling your life like that ? You aren't serious bout this right ?"
Jake's phone began buzzing and he answered it.
"Hello Jake love where are you ?"
"Are you home ?"
"Yeah and I'm really hungry...come make me something to eat"
"Order something to eat cause I'm making nothing for you" Jake said and hung up the call.
"I've gotta go now Jules we will talk later"
Owen was done with the day's photo shoot for the new brand in New York Josh was collaborating with. He and Davis, his mentee were driven to their hotel room by their agents. Davis was a very nice guy, he was dark and had short curly black hair and he was as tall as Owen. Over time they'd bonded and he was the only friend Owen could proudly said he had as the others were 'Hello-Hi-buddies'.
"I'm so tired man" Owen said as they got into the hotel.
"Same here...let's head to the restaurant and have dinner"
"Sure "
They got to the restaurant and placed their orders. When the food came, Owen took pictures of his and sent to Jake. Davis also took pictures of his and asked Owen for permission to take their selfie which Owen gave. He took the pic and posted it on Instagram tagging Owen.
"Having dinner with my mentor :) ...he's cute though :)" The post read.
Owen saw it on his own phone as he was tagged and just smiled. They had little talks as they are their dinner.
His sister rang him when they were on their way to the room.
"How are you sis ?"
"I'm fine was dinner"
" do you know I just ate ?"
"Well a certain guy posted your dinner pic"
"Who is he ?...he doesn't look like Jake"
"Silly ! I said he's Davis how would he look like Jake ?...he's my mentee"
"Okay...and he says you're cute"
"Cause I am...why did you call though"
"Can't I hear my lovely brothers voice again"
"Okay fine...I won't forget to get what I promised"
"You're the best !"
"'s late lock up and go to bed"
"Why did you take my car" Jake asked Kiki as he got into the house to meet her laying on his sofa watching something on Tv and on her phone as well.
"Chill Jake what's yours is mine as well and besides you didn't expect me to ride a taxi around San Francisco. Did you ?"
"The least you could have done was ask...what's mine is not yours yet until we're officially married "
"Which is definitely gonna happen !"
"You're just so annoying !"
"You need it for your boring life"
"I'm not boring okay"
"Who said so ?"
"Owen did" he murmured for only his hearing.
"Now be a sweetheart and take me out to a romantic dinner"
"Goodnight Kiki" Jake ignored her, strolled into his room to get some night wears and went into the guest room he was sleeping in.
The next day they flew to San Jose and headed to a hotel after arriving.
"Let's go to my parents instead...they'd love to have you" Kiki suggested.
"I don't want to and besides I saw them recently can go if you want"
"I'll stay with you"
They got their room keys and headed to their designated room. Jake wanted to book two rooms but when they got into the lobby Kiki automatically clung to him.
"What about that secretary of yours ?" She asked as they entered their suite.
"She's doing fine"
"Well I don't care"
"But you asked ?.."
"And that bestie of yours ?"
"Jules Is doing great...she's getting..." Jake was about to spill about Jules marriage that he planned to go to with Owen before he collected his senses. "...she's getting a tattoo "
"Do you want me to get one"
"No...suit yourself"
"Then why did you mention hers ?"
Evening came by and they got ready for the party.
Kiki undressed right in front of Jake who stared at her with a bored expression before walking away. 'If only you were Owen' he thought as he walked by.
"Is he perhaps asexual...cause even a man who is being celibate till marriage would definitely get a reaction to a nude woman...a sexy woman like me....if it was Fred he'd have hugged me to the bed by now...and my other lovers always got after marrying Jake I still have to keep them ?...well I don't mind doing that if I can have him but I'd love to know how he is on....." Kiki thought.
They hired a car that drove them to the event. When they got there, Kiki had a friend take pictures of them that Jake filled with fake smiles. After pictures they got in and that went over to greet the celebrating couple. He found a table to seat at when Kiki left to talk to friends. He knew no one but Phoebe,Josh's sister who waved at him and continued the conversation she was engaged in. Jake could hear whispers of people saying Kiki had gotten her body done. He hated side talks and wished they would say it to her face. The party was suffocating so with a glass of champagne he left for the roof top. He was uninterested in mingling with such crowd of fake people who smiled at your face and diced you once you turned your back.
At the rooftop of the party, he brought out his phone that he'd put in DND. He couldn't risk Owen calling him when he was with Kiki cause she'd be curious to know who he was talking with and Owen would want to know why he'd change his tone of speaking to him. He couldn't deal with that. He set his phone back to normal and saw he had missed two phone calls from Owen. He rang him back in the privacy of the roof.
"Hey babe...sorry I missed your calls...I was working late"
"Again ?"
"Yeah...I have a big project I'm working on"
"Okay please don't over work yourself I don't wanna come back to meet a "stressed outta life boyfriend""
"I promise you won't...who's the roommate you mentioned in our chat last time"
"Okay he's my mentee...Josh just signed him so I'm showing him the ropes"
"Are you comfortable being with some stranger ?"
"Yeah he's a cool person and makes really good jokes...he's easy to like babe"
"I'm having a bad feeling bout him"
"Stop being jealous babe I'm all yours...just yours "
"Keep that in mind and if that guy tries any stuff..."
"He won't babe...he's straight man"
"Do you know how sexy you are ?....straight men can turn gay if you're in the same room with them "
"Whoa I never knew I was so yummy" Owen teased.
"Stop that...I'm getting hungry for you now "
They laughed and Jake had another call coming through.
"We'll talk later I'm getting a call"
"Okay...bye love"
They ended the chat and Kiki called.
"Where are you babe" She asked.
'She's definitely in her group of fake friends!...she was as fake as they were too !" Jake thought.
"I'm at the rooftop I'll be back in a bit"
"Okay...hurry back so we can leave"
Jake stayed a while then left to the party. Kiki said her goodbyes and they exited the place. They drove to the hotel in silence and she looked sad. 'She must have heard the rumors about her' Jake thought.
"Can you believe what happened Jake ?" Kiki said as they got into their room.
"What ?"
"Those stupid and shitty people had the guts to talk crap about me getting my body done and that the only thing I had that they were envious of was you. Can you believe that ?"
"Kinda...did you get your body done ?"
"Really Jake ? You too ?.... at least you're asking me to my face...well I didn't go under the knife I just took some supplements and besides you know I have a very nice body" she stated.
Jake coughed, shrugged out of the suit he was wearing and went to bed in his singlet and underwear. She followed suit hugging him from behind.
"Can't you kiss me ?"
"Goodnight Kiki !"
She tightened her grip on his body. Jake had gotten used to this that he didn't bother to shrug her off, she needed the comfort. For people who have been showing off all their lives, when people talking negatively about them that takes a toll on them.
He flew back the next morning and he was jet lagged when he got home. These past few days he's been flying around. He prepared a warm bath and soaked himself in.
* * * * *
A day later Jake felt better and Kiki came by from her parents to get her suitcase. She flew out that day. Jake went to work and clocked out at noon.
On his way home, he saw a bakery shop that displayed yummy cakes and he remembered Owens sister. She must be at home now as high schoolers were having their holidays. He bought a few pastries as he didn't know what she really liked and zoomed to Owens house.
When he got to Owens floor he noticed some people were moving in next door. He rang the door bell and Amelia popped her head out.
"Hi Amelia"
"Who are... Jake !"
"Come on in Owen isn't in though"
"No it's fine...I came to check up on you and drop off some pastries I picked for you"
"Awwwn thanks...please come in"
Jake entered the house and scanned the small apartment. He spotted portraits of Owen around the walls and a family picture of Owen , Amelia and their dad. He confirmed that Owen had gotten his good genes from his dad. At the dining area he saw a portrait with seven Korean guys in it. Seven gorgeous men !.
Amelia returned and he noticed she was wearing a sweatshirt with BTS members on.
"Do you want anything"
"No thanks...seems you're having new neighbors"
"Wow...they're moving in already...the cat lady just left"
"Your previous neighbor loved cats ?"
"Yeah...she was obsessed with them...had about thirty"
"That's pretty much"
" the meowing in the neighborhood will tone down"
" you're into kpop ?"
"Yeah... a huge fan !...are you a lover too"
"I'm not really music lover though...I once had to protect a kpop YouTuber from hacking so I knew about kpop from there"
"That's cool"
"Yeah...she had so many followers and videos too...everything Korean"
"Wow...she must have been a multi Stan"
"I don't know..."
"Well I'm an army..."
"What's that"
Talking to Amelia felt so easy she was excited about whatever he had to say. She kept telling him about BTS and showing off their pictures. Jake hung out with her for a while.
"Let me have your number so I can call to check up on you" Jake said.
"Okay" she rattled it off to Jake.
He rang her !.
"If you have any problem please call"
"'re so sweet"
"Okay I've gotta leave now...see you later."
Jake left !.
When Jake left Amelia had some of the pastries then packed some for Tom and Tam. She was heading downstairs as she felt like using stairs when she met a boy bringing three boxes stacked on top each other up. she shifted to the side for him to pass through. The boy's eyes matched hers and he placed the boxes down and she saw his face. He wasn't a pure American...he was mixed. He extended his hand to shake hers and she did too bewitched by his Asian eyes.
"I'm Yj" he said.
"I'm Amelia...nice to meet you"
"Same here...where's your flat"
"Flat 24"
"Wow...we are family and I moved into flat 23"
"Okay that's cool"
"Can we hang out sometime ?"
Yj picked up the box and was on his way back up.
Amelia's heart pounded and it took a while to get moving to her friends house.