Chapter Seventeen

Owen woke up satisfied while Jake was still sleeping. He cuddled Jake's sleeping form.

"I kept you up all night" Owen mumbled and kissed Jake's sleeping plump lips. He got out of the room heading straight to the kitchen to brew coffee and make some toast. He had just turned on the coffee machine when he heard buzzing sounds from the door. The same sounds he heard when he tried opening the door yesterday. The doorbell was then rung by whomever had given up trying the door code.

'Who could that be ? the person at the door someone Jake doesn't want finding out his sexuality cause if he were to open the door how would Jake explain who the man in his robe was and what he was doing here this early...but what if the person was Jake's secret affair cause the person at the door apparently knew his previous door code'' Owen contemplated.

He rushed over to the door cam and saw an elderly lady out there 'phew!!' Owen breathed.

'Is she perhaps Jakes Aunty cause his mother was dead ! ....would Jake be mad if i opened the door for this lady without his permission????...well I'll find out later' .

He opened the door and the woman was now on her phone trying to dial someone.

"Hello....good may I help you ?" Owen asked.

"Good day..." she put down her phone "...I'm Mrs Green and I work for Jake"

The woman kept looking him up and down with a curiosity in her eyes.

"Are you his cleaner?"

" he in ?"

Owen paved way for her to enter.

"Yes he's asleep...I'll assist you"

"Don't bother...get on to what you were doing..." Owen was in the kitchen and the coffee was ready. Time to make the toast, he sliced up some avocados and placed it on a small plate.

Mrs Green was cleaning the walls of the living room when he got out with the breakfast tray.

"Do you care for coffee ?"

"I'll get some're Jake's brother right"

"Uhm ..."

"Seeing you in his robe and all"

"I'm not his brother!!!!" Owen replied annoyed and went back into the room. This lady had ruined his mood.

He entered the room and Jake was up and about exiting.

"Go back in...the living room is dusty"

"Is Mrs Green here ?" Jake had woken to see three missed calls from her. He realized he hadn't given her the new door code as she came to clean once every two weeks.


"Wow you made me breakfast...let me go back to bed" Jake hopped back to bed and noticed Owens expression. "...what happened babe ?"

"She called me your brother"

"Who did ?"

"Mrs Green of course"

"Oh I'm sorry bout that"

"Does she know ?"

"Know what ? My brain works slow in the morning"

"That you're gay"

"I've never had a personal discussion about myself with her before "


"Does she need to know"

"I don't like the look she gave when she saw me in your robe"

"Ignore her babe...she just works for me..."

Owen took the tray and placed on the table at the corner of the bed prompting Iake to jump out of the bed he just got into. Jake sat down stand pulled Soren unto his laps.

"my robe looks good so good on you but I prefer what's..." Jake said as his hand traced Owens legs.

"You aren't tired after all we did last night?"

"I've got insane stamina that shocks me"

Jake kissed him.

"Does my breath stink"


"I'll hit the bathroom" Jake brushed and came back.

While he left Owen inspected his drawer and spotted a perfume bottle which he curiously sniffed. It scented like a female's perfume and he'd never smelt this fragrance from Jake before.

He waited for Jake to come out and he did minutes later.

"Who has this perfume Jake ?"


Jake said spotting the perfume in Owens hand.

'Damn ! Kiki forgot this choking perfume of hers...what am I gonna say now ?"

"Who has this Jake...tell me" Owen's heart was shaking he felt any moment now he would cry.

" Jules"

"Why would she forget her perfume in your room?...not even the guest room your room when she's just your best friend...clear me on your relationship with her"

"Baby what's up ...ever since you came back you've just been accusing me nonstop"

"I'm not...I'm just asking for an explanation "

"Jules and I are best friends and I lover

her as a friend that's it nothing more....her marriage is being postponed so she came over and cried here about it....should I have carried my wailing friend to the guest room to cry"

"Why didn't you tell me Jake" Owen asked. "Do sad people carry perfumes around ???" He thought.

"You were working babe...I couldn't distract you"

"You should have... we need an open communication in this relationship to avoid misunderstandings"

"I'm sorry" 'Damn now the lies just keep coming out and my heart aches seeing the hurt in his eyes when he questions me...His guardian angel must be warning him against me but...he's blinded by his love for me".

"I'm sorry too" Owen apologized feeling bad for doubting Jake.

They hugged and went back to eating breakfast.

Jake turned Owen over to face him as they finished the food. He stared at him for a long time then pecked his lips, he was heading for his neck....


Jake stood up and went to the door while Owen climbed the bed.

"Jake can I talk to you for a second" Mrs Green said at the door post and Jake went out shutting the door behind him.

"I'm sorry I have to resign"

"What !!why?"

"I can't work for a gay man my principles forbids it... earlier I noticed that you bring men over and I had my suspicions but seeing the guy that's here this early with you today I've confirmed it"

"But what does my being gay have to do with you working here"

"It irks me and I couldn't concentrate on mind kept wondering what you both were doing indoors...I've quit"

"I'll wire you your pay" Jake said.

"Don't bother...I'll pray for you" Mrs Green said and left.

She had been cleaning for him for two years now and she's just resigned cause of his sexuality. His tummy riled in anxiety, how could she do that to him. Made him feel like he was living wrongly and adding that she'd pray for him too. He felt down....stuff like these made him fear coming out the disapproval from people's faces. The look on her face reminded him of his dad, made him think he was less human. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and gulped it down.

Owen brought out the tray from the room.

"Has she gone ?"


"Why are you having a beer ?"

"I felt like it !"

"Okay...should we go to the gym"

"I'm not in the mood...I've got some work to do" Jake took another can and went into his room. Owen felt something was up but thought it was a work related matter.


That evening they hung at the terrace sipping wine and watching the night sky. Owen held the railings while Jake hugged his waist from behind and littered kisses on Owens face from time to time.

"I love how the city looks from here and how quiet is is" Owen declared.

"I love who is in my arms"

"So cliche my apartment we used to have such noisy neighbors...they'd wait till late to start blasting music or watching late night movies"

"Your apartment isn't soundproofed ?"

"Not really...a lil bit sister and I would go knock and they'd just turn it down a little my sister got these speaker on the black market and they hit high notes on kpop...most neighbors couldn't vibe to it so they came pleading till we all reached an agreement"

"Your sister doesn't take shit"

"She doesn't...she told me about your visit...that was sweet"

"I should care for my baby's sister too"

Owen turned and pecked him.

"This weather is good for a stroll" Owen noticed.

"Okay let's go"

"Yeah...lend me some clothes"

"My wardrobe is all yours baby"

Okay. He took a hoodie of Jake's and some shorts to go.

"It looks good on you"

"Sexy right ?"

"More like a cute lil bunny "

Owen pouted and they were on their way down. They held hands in the empty hallway and Jake smiled, Owen loved him maybe he'd be willing to sacrifice for his sake...

When people came by Jake was sure to unhook their hands then held it again. Owens smile was fading off by this continuous action as they strolled to the park.

At the park some people walked, jugged, and sat at the park benches. The trees kept dancing in the breeze. The lights in the pack were dimmed and they held hands as they strolled.

Some teenagers walked by and recognizing Owen asked for some selfies. When they approached them Jake had quickly let go of his hands.

"You literally own the stage and I follow all your updates and love your photo shoots" The first girl Mandy declared.

"Thank you" Owen responded with a smile.

"Can I get a selfie ?" The other, Lisa asked.

"Sure !"

They took selfies with him and took turns taking pictures of each other with him.

"Are you in a relationship?" Mandy asked.

"Yeah I am " Owen answered staring at Jake

"Is he your boyfriend ?"

"I'm not !" Jake exclaimed. "We're friends" promptly said.

"Yeah...we are" Owen sadly said refusing to look Jake in the eyes.

"Okay...bye then" They left.

Owen hurriedly took an about turn heading to Jake's house.. Jake followed suit.

" do you want your fans knowing you're gay too ?" Jake asked as they got in.

"I can't believe you'd do that Jake..."

"Im sorry"

"You didn't even think for a second didn't think about my feelings.."

"I'm sorry...please forgive me ...I'll try to come out but I'm not ready yet"

"I don't think I'll ever be.. :("

"I wanna go to my house"

"Please don't" Jake kissed "...I'm sorry for hurting you"

"It's fine...I have to go sister called earlier"

"You're not mad right ?"

Owen packed his things.

"Goodbye" he left.

As soon as he got into a taxi tears pooled his eyes.