Chapter Thirty Two

Jake moved in with Josh and the both of them were pretty much sulking. Jake cooked and Josh cleaned, they were able to balance house chores. Any work they couldn't do , they hired help to do it.

"You seem down Josh what happened ? Jake asked Josh as they sat for dinner one night.

"You too...Jules practically yelled my ear off to take you in" Josh replied.

"My relationship is on the rocks man" Jake revealed.

"That's fucked up "

"Yeah...I've tried to reach him but i fucked up bad..wronged him too much and in as much as I want him to listen to my stupid excuse I should let him heal for a while."

"Yeah...but don't be away for long though so you won't lose him" Josh said.

"If I's all my fault and I'll accept that" Jake sadly said.


"So about Monneteni..."

"I called him and told him I liked him and he actually said he liked me too..."

"Really...?" Jake excitedly ask forgetting his broken heart for a moment.

"Yeah...but as a friend and friend only as a friend" Josh continued.

"Shit! "

"Hmm and there is this other guy that likes me should I give him a chance ?"

"A chance ? Who is he ?..tell me " Jake curiously said and they had now abandoned the food they were eating.

"Trevor...I met him at Jules's "

"Oh oh ...the super hot guy Jules said approached you ?"

"She did ?...yeah he's the one "

"Okay go on"

"You're getting pretty excited about this " Josh observed.

"Should I sulk all day then...I know I'm an heart..."

" Trevor and I met at the hotel when I traveled to New York "

" it fate ?" Jake asked taking a bite of the rice.

"You're sounding like him...he mentioned something like that too" Josh said.


"So we talked and stuff then we slept together and after then I said we shouldn't meet up again but he found my house and bla...bottom line he wants a relationship and I want Monneteni "

"Geez !"

"What should I do ?

"Follow your heart..." Jake said .

"Don't tell me that real"

"Do you like Trevor ?"

"Maybe...I don't body loses control whenever he's around"

"That means you're attracted to like him"

"I love Monty !"

"But your 'bunty' doesn't like you back"

"Monty! ...why does my first man love not love me back"

"In life we can't always get what we want "


"But if I go to Trevor...he won't be happy cause I love Monty, I always will won't that be like leading him on ?" Josh said playing around with the food.

"Maybe you don't really love this Monty could just be a crush and over time it will crash"

"Hmmm...I'm off to bed" Josh said abandoning the food. He had lost his appetite. Thoughts on love and relationship was stressing him out.

"Night love..." Jake said.

Knock !knock

Jake was in pajamas so he went over to open the door. He met a handsome dude at the door.

"Who's there ?" Josh yelled from his room.

"Who are you?" Trevor asked Jake.

"You're Trevor right" Jake asked with a smirk on.

"Yeah and you are ?" Trevor replied raising his brow to appear intimidating. Jake felt like laughing, this dude was outside the door and he was inside and yet the dude was trying to appear intimidating.

"I'm Jake...Josh's friend" Jake said to him and his facial muscles relaxed. "Josh!! The guy here wants you" Jake yelled loud enough for Josh to hear from the room.

"Wants me ?'re making me think dirty thoughts now Jake...should I call Lisa ?"

"Who is Lisa ?" Trevor asked as Josh came into view and Jake retreated into the house.

"Trevor !...why are you here ?...thought.." Josh asked.

"Can't I come in " Trevor asked. The night was really chilly despite the coat he wore.

"Fine" Jake was now on the couch as he had finished eating. Seeing them come in, he decided to give them privacy and go to his own room but Josh asked him to stay and he did.

"Okay...spill" Josh said to Trevor as they sat on another sofa.

"Can't he leave ?" Trevor asked staring at Jake.

"Why? He's my friend so talk"

"Have you made up your mind yet"

"There's nothing to make up"

"So you'll still be hung up on Monty

"No...I'll move on"

"You'll call Lisa then ?"

"Yeah I'll do just that"

"What about me then...I'm not part of the list ?"

"Impatient people like you are not on my list " Josh said rolling his eyes.

"I'm not...I'm more serious minded" Trevor replied and his hand had worked his way to Josh's exposed thigh from the robe he wore.

Hearing the flirty remarks going round Jake left the parlor and entered his room. He switched off his phone and plugged it to recharge.

"I like playful guys"

"I can be one for you". Trevor said and head successfully placed Josh on his lap now.


Kiki arrived at San Francisco on an evening flight and she headed off to Jake's condo again without calling. She got into the building and tried in the pin code.

"Why has Jake changed it again or is the machine faulty" she asked herself as she repeatedly put in her birthday date. She tried Jake's as well but it didn't work.

She kept on trying but the door didn't budge so she resulted to knocking. She kept banging the door which alerted the neighbors. The doors were soundproof but some who were just getting back from work or the gym saw her action and they alerted security.

"You're causing a nuisance here ma'am...who are you here for ?" A security man said.

"I'm here for fiancé" she said showing him the ring on her finger.

"Then act civilized and be considerate of others and call him" the man told her sounding pissed. He was watching an ongoing match when he got a complaint from a resident.

"I wanted it to be a surprise" Kim whispered as few neighbors loitered the passage.

"Well you have been banging this door for a while now...enlighten me on how it can still be considered a surprise "

"Okay...I'll call him" she resigned.

She called Jake and sent texts but got no replies at all. She banged the door again and kicked the door with her pencil heeled which crooked with the impact and hurt her leg.

"Fuck you Jake !" She yelled.

The Security man dragged her out for inconveniencing the other residents.

"Whoa...I can't fucking believe this"

She overheard one of the neighbors say "she's too beautiful to be crazy" that angered her and she'd have slapped the lady that said it if not for security dragging her out. Jake had completely disgraced her today, in front of her future neighbors at that.

She dialed Phoebe her friend asking if she could crash over and Phoebe accepted. She booked at taxi to Phoebe's house.

"Oh Kiki it's so nice to see you..."they hugged "'s been so long "Phoebe said.

"'s great to see you too" kiki composed herself...her voice had cracked a bit and the embarrassment had shaken her a bit.

"Wow your body is amazing as always ... What is your secret ?"

" with workout and a few supplements you could always get your dream body"

Phoebe sneered behind her.


"Your body's not too bad but you should really lose some body fat to be...more appealing" Kiki suggested.

" I love my body the way it is...and my boyfriend does too " Phoebe said.

" have a boyfriend? And you never told me about him" Kiki's anger had dispersed now to curiosity.

"Yeah he's a very renowned mysterious chef...every big we have occasion in the city he's in charge of it...he has a private jet too and he's just the best ..."

"Hmm...mystery chef...tell me his name I'll google it" Kiki cut in.

"His identity is unknown and has to kept so... we're dating in secret"

"Ah it possible to have a secret relationship with a guy nobody knows like you said...since no one knows him what's the point of the secrecy ?" Kiki asked with disbelief on her face.

"That's how we want it" Phoebe replied.

"So you're practically dating a ghost"


"Ok show me some secret photos "

"Does it make sense to take pictures with a guy who has a secret identity" Phoebe snapped.

"Wow you tell juicy tales Phoebe...stop hallucinating about this chef guy"

"His name is Suga"

"Okay chef Suga...Get me some cool champagne"

"I'm sorry I don't have that...I have red wine though"

"Okay bring it I'll manage...your chef boyfriend can't even stock up your wine cellar with champagne"

'Seriously you'll manage...I promise to burst that clod nine you are...' Phoebe thought.

She brought the wine from her cellar with some ice cubes.

"You won't believe Jake changed his passcode and forgot to inform me.." Kiki joked.

"Are you sure he forgot or intentionally changed it so you wouldn't stumble in on some certain scenario..." Phoebe asked and her voice was laced with sarcasm.

"What are you implying " Kiki wondered.

" you care for a snack ?"

"Get me something with low fat"

"I don't have such at's in the shop for special people like you"

"Too bad... I'll have to go to bed like that"

"I could make you a sandwich...there's low fat bread"

"That will suffice"

Phoebe went to the kitchen and Kiki followed behind her.

"I was curious to know how your sex life with Jake is"

"That's my private affair and we aren't close enough for me to disclose such to you"

"Kiki I'm one of your oldest friends... and besides you are in my house...just tell me"

"Well Jake can't get enough of me...even when I was in the Uk he kept asking for nudes every now and then...there you've heard it"

Phoebe burst into a rage of laughter, clutching her tummy and almost losing balance. Her laughter spilled the tomatoes she had sliced. She wiped her laughing tears and picked it up.

"What's so funny" Kiki fumed.

"It's hysterical hearing you lie like this"

"Did Jake say anything..."

"No...I know for a fact that Jake doesn't like your type...and you said he can't get...get what exactly?"

Phoebe laughed again.

" spill the gist" Kiki said annoyed.

"Well Jake is in love with someone else" Phoebe spilled.

"And who the fuck is the bitch..."Kiki roared.

"Calm down kitty...I haven't shared the highlight of the gist...he's in love with a man"


"Yeah right...a man"

"no wonder he wouldn't even look at me after all the work I got done on my body just for him"

"Busted...I knew this body of yours wasn't natural" Phoebe jeered.

"Is that all you can say about my situation ? Kiki asked Phoebe as her eyes got red, she pierced a gaze at her. "how could Jake do this to me for all these years...I'll tell his dad" Kiki contemplated ruffling her hair.

Phoebe patted her shoulder in comfort and said. " why not tell your dad" she mocked.

"Shut up Phoebe...I can't believe you're acting this way" Kiki said and shrugged off her and walked into the guest room arranged for her.

'I feel like a this is what it feels like to have the upper hand..." Phoebe laughed maniacally. "It was a good laugh but I feel like a piece of shit now...I don't know what she going wasn't worth it at the end...I shouldn't have told her. '

Phoebe opened the guest room and entered. She found Kiki crying and she went to the bed where Kiki had curled into a bed and hugged her. Offering her the comfort she could give. They slept off with one sobbing and the other comforting.

The next day*

"I'm flying home " Kiki said after being awake for minutes and just staring straight at the ceiling.

"Oh...okay...have a safe flight"

"Yeah thanks "

"Sorry I was being bitchy last night" Phoebe apologized.

"It's fine you are my one true friend after all...thanks for staying with me" Kiki said and hugged her. Then she left with her bag and tried Jake again, still no reply. She booked a flight home.