Chapter Thirty Four

Jules came back from her honeymoon trip and the next day, she went to Owens house. She remembered his home address from that his birthday party night. When she got there Owen wasn't there just his sister.

"Hey...Owens sister right" Jules asked, smiling at the young girl.

" look familiar, where did we meet?"

"I think we've met before " Jules played along. "I'm not sure where though...Please where's Owen ?"

"Who are you though ?"

"I'm a model...we work at the same company and I have been trying to reach him and he's not been picking " Jules said and Amelia scanned her from head to toe and nodded her head in confirmation. Jules did have a slim body with beautiful curves. Jules decided to lie cause what if she told the girl she was Jake's friend and she refused to tell where Owen was.

"Okay he's at the gym now" Amelia replied

"The gym downtown ?"

"Yeah, I could lead you there if you want"

"No thanks I'll figure it out myself"

"Excuse me...what dye product do you use for your hair " Amelia asked noticing how Jules red hair glowed in the morning sun.

"Oh my hair is all natural" Jules smiled


Jules left the building and entered her car and checked the gps for the nearest gym. She set the coordinates and began driving. Her phone rang, apparently she had two missed calls earlier from her mother.

"Jules honey are you back ?" Her mother asked.

"Yeah mom"

"When are you coming home !"

"I am home I just told you I'm back " Jules smirked.

"Shut up silly when are you coming to your parents home. Do you have to change the terms cause you're married now " her mother nagged.

"Oh sorry mom, I'm rather busy right now, in a few days I'll come home"

"Okay I'll be waiting for you "

"Bye "

The gps in her car was able to direct her to the gym. She parked out front where other cars were parked too.

"Do you want to sign a membership form" a bulky guy asked as she got in.

"Uhm no...I'm looking for Owen"

"Owen...he should be at thread mills right now, that's where I saw him last"

"Okay thanks"

Jules entered further and noticed the gym was really big, bigger than it appeared from the outside. She found Owen at the thread mill, he was sweating and his hair glowed in the brightness of the room, swerving from left to right. He must have noticed her staring cause he turned and saw her there. He put off the machine, grabbed his towel to dry off sweat and took a large swig from his water bottle. Jules thought when he was done drinking and wiping he would come meet her but he turned on the machine again after that, plugging earplugs in his ears. She went close to him and switched off the machine herself.

"Please hear me out for a while" Jules said.

"What do you have to say Jules" He asked uninterested.

"I'm not here to ask you to get back together with Jake, that should be your decision I just want you to lend me your ears please"

"Hmmm" he stared at her " okay fine" he got off the machine and they went to a bench attached to the walls and sat.

"I know what he did was wrong...keeping you in the dark about her and all but there's a reason for that, a reason that may not mean a lot to you but is a great deal to Jake" she shared.

"Let's hear it" Owen sarcastically said.

"Jake promised his mom on her deathbed that he'd never come out and would marry you know what death wishes from your loved one's are want to fulfill it cause you'll never get to see them again"

"I never knew this...but it doesn't change the fact that he lied" Owen understood what death wishes meant. Although he never got one from his dad. He knew all his dad would had wanted was for him to take care of his sister, Amelia. He missed his dad.

".....what about the fact that He also lied about being gay..."

"Jake is gay and I can swear on it...all the time you were with him did you ever see him look at a woman...he's never been romantically attracted to women"

"Do you know how loved up he looked in those photos...his eyes gleamed with love for her as he held her, he made videos with her too that he lied about and goodness knows what happened where no one could see"

"That was a facade Owen...he tried to make himself and the world believe he was straight"

"That means he slept with her"

"No...he never did. I strongly doubt that he'd ever do that"

"See you're not sure, shit happens. He could be bi and must have deceived you too"

"He is not deceitful, he couldn't have"

"But he clearly deceived me...You're a truly great friend Jules....I love how you're looking out for him....but I was hurt..I don't think I want to get back together with him though...."

"Thank you for listening and I can't tell you what to do but Jake really misses you and he tried to tell you the truth but truth is something out of our control"

"It wouldn't have been out of control if he had told me earlier about everything "


"How did you find me here?"

"I went to your house and your sister told me you were here "


"I'll leave now, have a great workout session " she said and left.

She drove to her house planning to visit Jake the next day at his house as Jake had left Josh's house when he got back from his mother's memorial.


" Jake !"

"Hello...who is this ?" Jake asked as he couldn't recognize the voice of the person who knew his name.

"It's Rome !"

"Rome ? Who ?"

"Your brother Rome" Rome said.

"Hmmm...what do you want ?" Jake asked.

"I wanted to come by and visit with the family"

"Are you drunk?..." Jake asked cause as far as he could remember this was the first time Rome was calling him.

"No... I'm not... I owe you an apology too...I wanted us to talk"

"Why?...what's compelling you to do so" Jake wondered.

"My heart is and you're"


"Can I visit v?"

"Fine...anytime you're free let me know"

"Is Tomorrow cool"

"Sure" Jake said and texted his address

Jake was extremely surprised that his brother had called him. Now that he'd cut ties with them his brother was willing to reach out to him. Jake remembered when they used to always fight growing up, as his dad always got Rome lots of toys and none for Jake. Jake being the younger would want to play with Rome's new toys but Rome was unwilling to share and his dad just shouted at him to manage the broken hand me downs that his mom had managed to patch up for him. He'd once gotten so upset that when Rome went to school he snuck into his room and while playing he mistakenly broke Rome's newly bought toy and of course he was the only culprit. He hid it under the bed but it was found by the help and Jake was beaten by the dad and consoled by his mom. That time Jake used to wonder if he was adopted at that young age of seven.