Chapter 2

After clossing the door of his house su chan took out a thick booklet from the system space, just as he open the first page of the book "Nine rank profound art' flash into between his brows suddenly a tide of words flash into his mind which led him autometic comprehension of nine rank profound art after comprehending nine rank profound art suddenly golden light flash all over his body which seem to be like cutting the marrow and wash the filth of body and increase the qualification of su chan from low grade to peerlesss grade.

Qualficatian of person determind the future of a person if Qualification is good then person can able to achieve higher realms in the future, and if person have bad Qualification who born with low grade aptitude then they can only able to achieve atleast golden core realm in their lifetime, only if they keep hardworking if not they will only able to lingering them self to body tempering or Qi refining realm forever in their life time or if person get heaven and earth treasures which can changed the Qualification of person then they can able to think to tuch higher realm in their life's, but in raod to immortal way always most important thing for the people is, who can persist their desires, with firm will, with luck and hard work also important, because if you have how much high Qualification you have if don't have luck, firm will or you don't work hard, you will never able to tuch high realm after God transformation realm because after this realm, how much high your Qualification you have, without treasures of heaven and earth you can't able to cultivate yourself to high realm, because after God transformation realm cultivator need a alot of resources to cultivate himself to higher realms.

Realms of Pro-profound Continent are divided in body tempering realm first floor to tweelth floor, Qi refining realm, foundation building realm, Golden core realm, Yuan Ying Realm, God Transformation Realm, Void Realm, Tongtian Realm and Nirvana Realm etc as for higher realm then that su chan have no idea for now, because he himself is so far away from golden core realm only cultivator of body tempering realm how should he will know more then these nine realm. but from the memories su chan knew that after Nirvana realm is holy realm which is heard by previous owner of body by when su clan elder teaching and introducing the realms of Pro-profound continent.

After Qualification upgradtion su chan didn't relax and takes out the bottle of perfect body tempering pills from system spece and one by one with the operation of nine rank profound art exercise started to throw the pills in his mouth and suddenly a powerful aura burst out from su chan's body.

quadruple body tempering realm

quintuple body tempering realm

sextuple body tempering realm

septuple body tempering realm

octuple body tempering realm

nonuple body tempering realm

decuple body tempering realm

After reaching decuple body tempering realm in su chan's body aura dim a lot but it didn't stop and burst out more which keep increasing cultvation level of the realm of su chan.

undecuple body tempering realm

duodecuple body tempering realm

At this time su chans body aura completely burst out and reach the twelfth floor peak of body tempering realm and completely stabilized without any sequel of damaging the foundation of realms, realm.