Chapter 4

Father!! Su chan said.

Su boy how's going your cultivation, huh, you broke through peak of twelfth body tempering' realm, seeing su chan's cultivation realm su lao shocked in his heart, because last week when he came and check su chans cultivation realm then there was only triple body tempering realm cultivation level, but seeing today by his own eyes,

how he couldn't be shocked because he knew himself about the Qualification of su chan so it's so shocking for himself that which he can't even able to express through by his own words.

Seeing his father shocked because of his sudden soaring cultivation realm, so su chan think of a story and make up for this sudden soaring cultivation so he said. Father, son get a chance left by a great cultivator in a cave mansion when he was hunting with his mager triple body temering realm cultivation realm into the willd forest, in the cave mansion he get a marrow washing pill and some pills for increasing realms realm, so after cut the marrow and wash the filth of body son eat the pills and increase his apptuted to top grade cultivation talent and after eat some pills and tresuress of heaven and earth left by great cultivator and increase his cultivation realm to peak of twelfth body tempering realm cultivation realm just as father can see.

Listening the story of su chan, su chan's father su lao laughed.

Haha...god does pity..God does know one can say my chen'r can't able to cultivate and always struck to body tempering realm.. Seeing his dad behaving like that su chan thinking about to tell his father about that his cultivation Qualification aptitude is not top grade but peerless grade but he keeps to be silent because he himself knew that if people knew about that my Qualification aptitude changed to peerless grade then it will bring a lot of problems so he chose to be silent and said to his dad that his talent become top grade after all it's good to be genius there's no need to be evildore, for a mean while until I have strong strength I will not reveal my Qualification aptitude about to anyone else.

After his dad give him resources and let him keep silent about his sudden increase of cultivation and changing of Qualification aptitude, after he left his house with a smile on his face.

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