Chapter 15

At this time a knock come over on his door, seeing that someone is knocking over on his door, su zhu walk over to the door with a push opened the door of his room, there is a middle aged men standing who looks like to be thirty to forty years old, if someone sees that person they will only think that person in front of them is just a humble mortal, without any power to fight against martial artists, he is the great elder of branch zhenwu holy Land of 'zongzhu" His name is Yang YiYi.

Master!! Su zhu politely said to the middle aged men, who's standing nears to his room doors.

Apprentice, don't you wants to go home, to meet your family, now as a teacher gives you a mission that a newly profound level ruin appeared near your su family into ten thousand demon forest. mean while your journey to ten thousand demon forest, you can also go to your su family for reunion, after somedays later you have to come back for me after exploring profound level ruin, for your own hard cultivation, with your talents and will, you can go a lot far in the path of Immortality and your not the fish, who can only able to swim into thirteen kingdoms but you are a dragon who maded to rule all over the oceans, so for your own reminder after exploring and reunioning with your family members, you have to return the holy Land as soon as possible, and don't think teacher is bad because teacher is so hard on you, but I do all of this because of your own goods.

Apprentice's understood!! Su zhu replied.

Okey, now you can go and prepare after tomorrow you can get out, after saying that Yang YiYi turn around and left.

At zingling county, su clans mainson inside a dilapidated house, su chan, who's cultivating suddenly open his eyes, at the same time a boundless aura came out from his body, peak of void returning realm cultivation base, yes, just in more then two days with God transformation pills and void pills which signed by him in these days, su chan able to cultivated himself to peak of void returning realm cultivation base realms realm.

Hush!! Peak of void returning realm cultivation base, just only half step away from nirvana period realm cultivation base. Su chan said to himself in his heart.

And just as he is Immaraging into the enjoyment of improving his own realm to peak of void returning realm, a sweet mechanical voice sound sounded in his mind.

"Ding' does host sign in'

without any hesitation su chan said. " Yes'

"Ding' congratulations to host getting nirvana pills 12.

Seeing pills as a reward of sign in, su chan had no any expressions on his face, because su chan knows that the system is made only of help, for his growth of cultivation base realms realm.

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