
"Why again are you throwing him a surprise party?"

"Because he threw me one last year."

"And you think he isn't going to know about it?"

"Les," She begins. "I don't really care if he knows or not. Yes, I'd be a little disappointed, but at least I played my role of a loving and doting girlfriend."

I sneered. "Loving and doting what?"

"You wouldn't understand because you have never been a girlfriend before."


"Okay, that was hurtful."

"You've never dated before?"

I turned to see Christian behind me and I mentally sighed.

"Why are you here again?"

"It's my house." He states.

Oh right.

Billie and I were currently at Christian's place. Billie came to his house to get it ready for the party.

She had already gotten the cake, drinks and snacks. What was just missing was the party guests and the actual celebrant.

"Okay." Billie sighs. "People should start flocking in here by seven and I'm going to get Ian by eight." She runs over the plan.

"How old is he clocking?" Christian asks.

"Twenty." She answers. "Same age as everyone in this room."

"I'm not twenty yet." I raise my hand.

"Oh right. You're still a minor." Christian ruffles my hair and I smack his hand away.

"I am no minor."

"Sure thing sweetheart."

"And I'm not your sweetheart." I huffed.

"The time's five now. I have to get home and get ready." She continues, completely ignoring us. "I'm not going to be here until eight. So Les, please keep everything in order until then." She says to me.

"Hey! It's my house." Christian speaks up.

"So?" I ask him.

"Shouldn't I be the one to be in charge?"

"Oh please." Billie and I said together and he scoffs.

"Wow." He muttered.

"So I'll see you guys by eight or so." She grabs her keys from the counter and walks to the door.

"Bye." I say after her.

"See you." She walks out and closes the door behind her.

"So." Christian begins and I roll my eyes. "Since you're inexperienced in the dating field, I could be nice enough to be your start."

"I'd rather stay single forever." I walk to his kitchen.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows and followed me.

"Why would I want to date a guy who's a playboy?" I open the fridge and take out a can of beer.

"Playboy?" He leans on the counter.

I opened it, and took a sip. "Last week, I saw you with Layla. The week before, I saw you with Lisa."

"So? How does that mean anything? How are you so sure it wasn't platonic?"

"Your lips were touching at both times." I state.

"Okay." You got me. They both knew it was nothing serious. They both knew I just wanted sex."

"Too much information." I put a finger up.

He chuckles. "How does that affect the relationship though?"

"It's a major insecurity."

"Major insecurity?"

I take a gulp from the canned beer and nod. "Yeah. How would I be sure you're not out there sleeping with another girl just because you're already bored of me?"

"Bored of you?" He scoffs. "Listen to yourself. First of all, for me to have actually committed myself to you, for me to have actually tied myself down in a relationship, for me to actually not stay just for the sex but for the long run speaks a lot. Why would I want to go through all that just to later cheat on you?" He asks. "Then second, it's your fault for not having trust and faith in me. Those two are kind of important, you know."

"You could have decided to date me just to keep me from other guys."

He laughs in disbelief and stands straight. "Why would I want to do something like that?"

"And second," I ignored his question. "Like you said, I've known you for over eight years. So I've seen and I've heard stories about you."

"Stories? And you believe them?"

"Most of them are true, aren't they?"

"Yeah….but don't you think you need to know my say on it?"

"Don't really need it when I know you inside out."

He stares at me baffled.

"But I'm just saying my own view on dating you. It's not like we're in a relationship or anything. Other girls may not think the same way, so it doesn't really matter."

"You're right." He nods. "We're not in a relationship, but it all matters. This conversation that we just had, really, really matters." He says with a serious tone.

Maybe too serious.

"Okay?" I chuckle awkwardly.

"I need to step out for a moment."

I nod. "Sure. But make sure you're back before the party."

"I'll try." He mutters as he walks towards the door.

"I do have one question though." He turns.

"Which is?"

"I've noticed something." I begin. "You don't enter a relationship, I get that because you don't want commitment and such, but why is it that every girl you've ever been with has her name starting with 'L'?"


I nod. "Right since high school, every girl that was always by your side was either Laura, or Lola, or Lisa. Always *L*."

He smiled softly. "I didn't know you noticed."

"It's kinda not hard to miss." I state. "Do you have an obsession, or a fetish, or something?"

He chuckles. "No, I don't have an obsession or a fetish or something."

"Then why?"

"I once liked this girl and she had the letter L in her name." He explains. "She never noticed me. Never cared for me or even liked me. To her, I was invincible."

"So you dated other girls with her initials just because she didn't like you back?" I ask and he nods.

I frown at him. "That's weird. Couldn't you have just told her you liked her?"

"I did try." He says. "But I think she took it the wrong way and set up an imaginary boundary."

"Of course she would. It's you."

"Very funny." He says dryly. "So I tried everything I could to get her attention." He continues.

"And how did that turn out?"

"I think I may have overdone it." He states and chuckles. "Without realizing, I drew a very long and thick line between us." He mutters.

He sighs and turns around, walking out of the door and closing it gently behind him.