Drunken Lash Out

Turns out Christian didn't show up at all. I tried his number a few more times, but he didn't even pick up. Neither did he text back. I sent him god knows how many text messages, but none of them were replied. None.

I had to settle everyone, I had to make sure everyone hid well when Ian came, I had to be in the center when we were singing, I had to make sure the drinks were enough because Billie was busy with the celebrant.

I had to do them all and not enjoy myself at all. I had to do them all alone.

I had taken god knows how many cans of beer and I couldn't care less. I was boiling inside and I needed something to cool me the hell down.

For over three freaking hours, I haven't gotten a sight of Christian or his head, or any part of his freaking body. I have been cat called by these drunk college boys countless times this night and the only thing I wanted to do now was just leave. I was tired, I swear I could feel a headache coming, I just wanted to go home, curl up in my bed and just sleep. That's all I wanted. But I couldn't leave until I gave Christian a piece of my mind.

Billie came to me a few times to ask about Christian, I then told her to forget about it when it seemed like she was starting to get worried.

I mean it's Christian. One, he doesn't like the fact that people are in his house, and two, he doesn't like Ian. Even though he hasn't met him.

That's pretty much enough reasons why he may have not shown up.

After that, she didn't come to ask about him anymore. Although he could've at least said a thing instead of ignoring our calls.

For that reason, I am pissed.

It's why I'm this pissed. He made me do everything all alone, at least he could have given me a heads-up, but nothing.

Typical Christian.

I felt tipsy already. I could hardly move well on my feet, and everything was in doubles. But I still wanted more.

I walked to the kitchen to get myself another beer. I placed the bottle on the counter and sighed. I was already bored. This isn't even my type of party.

I don't even like parties.

My face felt flushed and I wanted to really get out of here.

But what if Billie needs me for something, and I'm gone? Now what type of friend would that make me?

I took the beer from the counter and opened it. I drained the whole bottle of beer at once.

My dress was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable. I'm more of a baggy clothes kind of person, but wearing this backless satin mid thigh length dress wasn't really doing it for me.

I glanced around until my eyes landed on a certain someone I wanted to kill.

I smiled. I freaking smiled.

It must have been the alcohol doing its work, I don't know, but I know that smile was fake.

He stood there staring at me while I smiled at him.

If only you knew how much I wanted to kill you.

I waved at him and he looked away.

Okay, harsh.

He looked back at me and started walking towards me.

"Hey." His eyes swept over me for a brief moment.

"Look who finally decided to show up." He glanced around before finally turning to me.

"Are you drunk?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"Drunk?" I stare at him weirdly. "I'm not drunk. What's that?"

"Clearly, you're drunk." He states. "C'mon. Let's get you home." He takes my hand and I push it away.

"Where were you?" I ask him.

"I'm sorry I'm just coming. I lost track of time." He tries to take my hand again, but I move away.

"That doesn't answer the question Christian." I state sternly. "I asked where you were, not why you're late. Do you know what I went through these past few hours?"

"Missed me?" He asks with a sly smile.

"Oh shut up. This isn't time for jokes."

"Lesley I-"

"Do you know the funny part from all this is?" I ask him.

He tries to take my hand."Les-"

"I fucking waited." His hand drops by his side. "I waited for you. I don't know why I did so, but each time someone came through that door," I pointed at the door. "I hoped it was you."

The music was so loud I could barely hear myself speak. And I'm so sure I'm barely myself now. I don't know how much booze I had, I don't know how much beer I gulped in, I don't even know how I even started taking the beer.

All I know is that my mouth can't stop moving on its own, my mind's blank, and I feel like I'm going crazy. Everything's spinning crazily around me and I really really wanted out of here.

"Lesley. I'm sorry. I didn't know. My phone was on silent and-"

"Excuses, excuses, excuses." I interrupted him. That's what you only know to give right?


"When you left your school to come here, excuses! When you're asked a question, excuses! When you lost my keys, excuses! Even now Christian, even now you're giving excuses." I sighed.


"When will you actually stop giving excuses for once?"

It's okay Lesley. That's enough.

I sighed and walked towards the fridge again for another beer.


That same voice kept repeating the same thing over and over and over again.


There goes my name again.

"You need to stop it. You've had enough." He said behind me and he took the beer from my hands.

I took another and he took that one also.

I turned to him. "Leave me!"

"That's enough." He grabs my hand but I yank it away.

"That's enough for today, Lockhart." He says again, but this time firmly.

"You called my last name. You almost never say my last name."

He grabs my hand again. "You've had enough to drink tonight. I know you're upset and you have every right to be, but you need to put the brakes on your intake and rest."

"No. You don't know shit!"

"Let's go." He says calmly. He turns to walk away but I stand still, not moving my legs.

He turns to me. "No."

"Let's go Lesley."

"And if I don't want to?"

He glanced away and back at me."Don't test me Les."

Is he seriously getting annoyed?

"Or what?" I raise my head high. When he says nothing, I scoff. I poke him. "See?" I poked his shoulder again. "You can't do anything. You're not the boss of me and you have no right at all to tell me what I can or cannot do."

I stated and walked past him but before I could even move away, my hand was grabbed back and suddenly, I was placed on the counter. He shifted me closer to the extent that I could feel his breath on my face.

Then he stared hard at me, straight at my eyes. It only took him a second before he crashed his lips against mine.

I swear I felt like I was on cloud nine. His hands immediately went from my thighs to my back.

His hands caressed my back and they felt cold. I shivered from the touch. One of his hands went to my neck, then my face, then he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

He pulled away a moment later, and we were both breathing heavily.

"Never call my bluff again." He says gruffly.

"I'm afraid I'd have to do it again." I breathe out calmly.

He stares at me."What?"

"I need you to finish what you started." I state and immediately pulled him for a kiss, this, deeper than the last.