I Made Lance Wait

When Chiaki woke up the next morning, she was alone in the bedroom. Lance Hua was nowhere to be seen, his scent didn't even linger in the air. He definitely left hours ago. Chiaki peeked at the holographic screen. Eight a.m. Did she just wake up one hour later than usual?

[Coin balance: +100 from daily check-in. Total balance: 10,000.]

Huh? So many? Did you just add a thousand coins to my balance, System? What for? Not that I complain, but —

[User can view the last interactions that earned coins.]

Oh. How am I only aware of this now? Maybe I'm just too occupied with being indifferent.

Chiaki gave an order to the user interface to open the coins history. She wanted to know where these extra a thousand coins came from.

It showed a list of her recent check-ins, but on the top of the list, there was this single item.

[Singularity bonus: 1,000.]