Lance is a Transmigrator, Too

Lance Hua stopped their tongue battle abruptly. 

Chiaki, with her dazed eyes, looked up at him. Her half-lidded orbs were glazed with lust she knew her body would burn without the outlets.

"Let's end it here, first, yeah?"

The remark felt like a bucket of cold water poured over her head, drenching her in hatred.

"Wh- why?" She only managed a word.

Lance Hua wiped her eyes with his thumb, the dried tears flew again as they became unblocked. "I don't know if you want this."

"But . . ." And then Chiaki remembered. She had him sign a divorce paper; didn't that make them practically a divorced couple?

"So, the divorce . . ."

Lance Hua scrunched his eyebrows, tilting his head farther from Chiaki as he asked, "The divorce?"

"You signed the paper already. If you wanted that, then," Chiaki lowered her gaze, staring at the peaking wound from Lance Hua's shoulder, "then, I'm okay. We can end it here."