I’m Lord Hua’s Wife

"Don't loiter around. The Lady will soon pass this street to reach the mansion."

Chiaki wanted to scold this guard, but without any crest she bore on her clothes that signified she was from Lance Hua's household, it was difficult to convince this man. She just swallowed her protest and stepped aside. 

Remember, don't make any trouble for the lord. Going out without asking for his permission is already a violation, I don't want to be a troublemaker wife.

She stood behind the burly body of the guard, still craning her neck to scan the crowd in case she could find Sea in the throng of passersby.

"Oooh," many people started ooh-ing and aah-ing. Chiaki whipped her neck to follow the direction of people staring at, and she found out the reason.

"It's Lady Kayla's carriage, she's coming."

"No, she's riding a horse. She's the one in the front."