Without Dairy

But Ignos' reaction was otherworldly. A drop of tears rolled down his cheek.

"Ignos?" Chiaki approached him and knelt before him on the carpet, palming his knee. "You're alright?"

Since no response, Chiaki asked again, "May I?" She didn't want to initiate an unwelcome contact, that was why his consent was requested.

Ignos nodded weakly. She proceeded to extend one hand to his face in a gesture about to wipe the bulbous drop.

Ignos' face was devoid of colour. He allowed her to approach, as if he was jusst another glass sculpture in her garden.

Chiaki wiped the tears off him, saying, "Whatever's happened, you're safe here, okay?"

Ignos Fire, the high and mighty commander of the Northern region, Lance Hua's most trusted man, nodded at this simple coaxing from Chiaki, a woman he used to be crossed with.

"Don't worry about anything, for now, eat the soup."