Untethering Begins

"No, my lord, I promise. I won't do anything like that anymore."

Lance Hua scoffed, "I don't believe you."

Chiaki tsked at the reaction. She held Lance Hua's hand earnestly. "But you must. I'm your wife, and I know how hard the past accident impacted you. I won't pull such a thing again," Chiaki spoke in such a low tone it soothed him although Lance Hua didn't want to buy it.

As there was still no reaction from Lance, she added, "Before I do that, you'd know already, so I won't do that ever again, okay?" She lifted her little finger. "Pinky promise?" 

Lance Hua didn't take the pinky finger. "You know I'm serious when I don't indulge you in your propensity to sacrifice yourself for other people."

"My lord," Chiaki whined. "For once, please trust me."

"Is there anyone really doing that? Trusting someone else who is about to do dubious stuff just by asking that please trust them?"