Chapter 15 : The battle is not over.

"Until everyone is Free no one is free" The battle has being going on since the day it started till now and our ancestors has never stopped fighting and they never lost any battle for once till now, It's just that most of us are still ignorance of those great endeavors, we are just neglecting their sacrifice and the efforts they have invested into making sure that we their unborn generations then can live now and have our space to live our lives, but now that most of us has reached the echelon where they can see the whole world from one space and they have the opportunity to affect the whole world positively or negatively in just one shot from that echelon but majority of them that are not doing it is more numerous than the number of the few ones that are doing it, why it is it like that? Meanwhile the majority of the intentional champions are Africans, but majority of them are Less concerned about the struggles or their people, check if the ancestors will be happy for you when you return, you have the privilege to live any how you like in this world but when you get there in the spirit world you can't control your life anymore, you can't live anyhow you like, surely there is a spirit world for us as Africans,and that is where we are going after this physical world to meet our ancestors, to meet with the people we've lost in one way or the other, just be sure of it as an African child that your forefathers are waiting for you in the spirit world, so if I were you all I would never want to hesitate for a second to contribute to this struggle, the struggle is our purpose, the struggle is our goal, the struggle is our live, the struggle defines us at last, the struggle has been going on for a very long time, if you have any opportunity of asking any dead person he or she will tell you that the spirit has being fighting against those people who came to steal from them, it is our divine mandate, it is our divine duty, it is our divine evolution, "the only new thing that will happen in this new world now is the total freedom of the entire African race" that is the only good news that awaits this new world, but certainly it will be a shocking news to the enemies of Africa, surely it will be a sad news to the oppressors of Africa and only them will everyone know that the foreign religion they brought to us was not to save us but to cripple us and keep us down forever, if you are not contributing to this struggle in any way then just know that you are not in peace with your spirit, you are at war with your ancestors until you realize they are not chasing you but you are just chasing yourself thinking they are after you, and the earlier you know this truth and abide by it as an African child the earlier you know true peace, if you must feel true peace as an African child then you must feel for the struggles of Africa because it is only there that you will find all the confirmations and confidence that you need to work with and walk these wicked world, Our spirit is not enslaved, our spirit is stronger than the enslavers, that is why some of us has the right to speak against the injustice and the inhuman treatments given to our brothers and sisters in Africa at large, It is just we the human beings that has allowed ourselves to be subjected to foreigners, We have allowed ourselves to be deceived, We have allowed foreign influence to embed our originality and quality, but the great spirit in us has always refused it in every form, even though we are too foolish to understand the signs of the spirit which speaks as loud as nothing else has ever sounded to us but yet we couldn't hear it because we are too busy listening to nonsense lies and cowardly teachings from the same strangers who don't mean well to you, how can someone force you to accept the help he or she is offering to you, is it by force to help somebody?? Assuming you came to help someone and the person says no I don't need ur help, what else will you do if not to pack and go? "You don't force someone to accept good things" since they claim they mean good to us then let them stop being good to us, let them leave us and go, we don't need their assistance or help in any way or form, but they kept on insisting they must help us, who does that?? Where is it ever done in this life that you force someone to accept your assistance or your benevolence?? It is not done anywhere, it is wrong to force someone to accept good endeavors, we say we don't need their help then let them pack up their things and leave, just as simple as ABC, but this evil people has persistently insisted that they must help us because they know that we are the ones helping them and they couldn't just be grateful for that great benevolence and indulgence that we are given to them and their unborn generations, we have fed them through centuries even though they were still killing and stealing from us in the process, still they couldn't just leave us alone till now, but just one day, just one day, Africa will definitely be free