Chapter 19 : Why African pastors suffers most

Now I get it very clearly the reasons why most African pastors are the poorest in the planet, Now I know why most African pastors are the ones that suffers most on the planet, it is because they are the ones helping in spreading the fake doctrines brought to Africa by the evil strangers who intends to close the history of Africa completely.

How can a God who is not weak expect His children to be weak? How can a God who is the richest expect His children to be the poorest? How can a God who loves His children so very much to the point of giving them a numerous resources that is endless expect them to suffer this much till eternity? How can a God who hates injustice and detest wickedness expect His children to be killed unjustly and unlawfully? How can a God who wishes His children well expect them to die in poverty? That's certainly not our God, that's certainly not the God that created Africa, Our God is not weak, Our God is not poor God, Our God is not a coward or a foolish god, the God that created us is the richest, wisest, strongest, loveliest, most caring, most cheerful, most kind, most loving, most high and most holy God, A God that loves us very much and He never expects us to suffer even a bit, He never wanted to be dieing after all, until the devil showed up, Our God is a merciful God and also a consuming fire, no dares Him and stand to tell of it, Our God never expects us to be weak, Our God is not expecting us to fold our hands and watch some inferior strangers come into our lands and claim what belongs to us and we just watch them and do nothing, that's not our God, our God is the great Lion of the tribes of Judah and lions birth lions, we are the children of the great Lion of the tribes of Judah so we are the lions, and no one dares try to take what belongs to lions, goats don't even take food to the lions and return alive talkmore of going to take what belongs to lions, that's a clear example of impossibility, it has never happened in any mythical historical fiction talkmore of happening live, But however it has happened to Africa for centuries, Africa as the greatest continent has been under the lesser continent instead of being above them as the greatest continent, rather they made us to be under them, we are not supposed to be under them, they were supposed to be under us serving us as the children of the great king of kings, It is now very clear to me that the reasons why African pastors go through a lot of misfortune and a lot of unbearable situations is because they are going against their own nature, they are speaking against their own being, they are preaching against their own believe, they are helping the enemies cripple us the more, they are assisting the enemies to destroy us the more and so nature has taken it out on them in his own ways, the ancestors has taken it out on them for their ignorance and betrayal, pastors in Africa go through a lot of unimaginable circumstances that even a clear sinner has never tested before, Pastors in Africa are the ones that suffers most because they believe that it is the will of their God to suffer, because they believe that Jesus the son of God came and suffered and die so them they also have to suffer till they die, oh my God this is crazy, how can any reasonable human being believe this kind of delusional story that as rich as our God that He expects us His lovely children to die in poverty, that's absurd. Our God is not a monster nor an injustice God, He is not a wicked God, it is just because you are being deceived by the foreign religion that was brought to you by the same people who wants to extaminate you completely from the face of the earth and your helping them to spread their evil mission in Africa, how do you expect to be successful? If it's you, how would you feel if your children teams up to fight against you with the enemies that came to close your existence? Would you allow them to succeed in their blind ministry? A ministry that has existed for centuries yet has offered nothing to prove it is what they says it is, A religion that was forced upon us centuries ago and now we are willfully forcing ourselves into it this time around, A religion that killed your forefathers unjustly, A religion that molested your ancestors till their last breath because they couldn't give up their beliefs, A religion that brought this unlimited spaces for corruption into our lives, A religion that killed most of our brothers and sisters instead of saving them, what has the foreign religion offered to the pastors that is so committed in doing the works? Why has God not saved them if they were doing his will? You can not work for God and go unrewarded, you can not serve God properly and remain poor, That's not true, He is not a God of injustice neither is He a poor God, if you do the will of God accordingly then His wishes for you will follow you excessively, Africa pastors needs to return to their old ways of worship to God the creator