Chapter 22 : The Great Spirits Of Africa

We were created with a greater spirit in us as Africans, We were created with an ancestral spirit that lives in us from generation to generation, these great spirits were our great grandparents who has lived before us and died long ago to reunite with their spirit maker, and it is believed in some part of the world that there is another existence in the spirit world after this life on earth, some people believe that after we die that we go to reunite with our lost loved ones, that is why people pen a tribute and say "until we meet to part no more" which means that there is an expectation that every one will also return to that spirit world one day, And from further illustration, Some people say that in the spirit world that every one of our relatives who has died for a very long time reunites with their own ancestors who has also died long before they existed, And just like we the human beings lives together as families it is also how they live together in the spirit world family by family, tribes by tribes, clans by clans just as it is in the physical world, because there is this saying that says , " whatever is in the physical is also in the spiritual" And some people say that the physical is the manifestation of the spiritual, some say that it is after it has happened in the spiritual then I will now happen in the physical, Generally it is believed that human beings did not just emanate from no where, It is generally understood that human beings came from the first humans that was created by God the creator, And so from there we began to spread through the world, we began to scout the earth, then every one finally settled in their various destinations after much conflicts, According to studies of the creation of human beings,It is understood that humans were created in the image of God the creator, which is pretty much like saying we're demigods, It is understood that we were created in the likeness of the creator, which simply means that we posses everything that the creator posseses, According to my experiencial knowledge about God the creator, He is a spirit, but His spirit is unlike no other spirits, So which means that since we posses everything that our creator posseses that simply means that we have that same great spirit of the creator in us as human beings, According to my personal illustrations of human beings, the human is the body and the spirit is the being, that's "human being" It is believed that when we die that our spirit leaves us immediately and return to reunite with the maker, And it is also believed that those who has died long ago that their spirit returned and reunited with their Maker who is also a spirit, And some spiritual studies or insights proves that there is some sort of community in the spirit world that runs consistently just like the normal community here on planet earth, There is no father or mother who would enjoy watching their children betray them and they will be happy with it, Assuming you were there with them when it all started, you would have understood the extent of bitterness that we must have inflicted on our forefathers who are watching us from the spirit world, The sole purpose of every African child is to help liberate Africa from her doom "colonialism" the purpose of every African child is to assist in chasing away every foreign influence that has subdued the strength and the beauty of Africa, The purpose of every African child is to contribute relentlessly and endlessly in every possible ways for the decolonization of Africa, and furthermore to enhance the co-operative of the united States of Africa."Wisdom Ndukwe" Colonialism is not just a criminal act but also a taboo, colonialism is a crime against nature, how can someone go to forcefully control something that clearly does not belong to him? How can you go to a place you have never been before to take over authority from the people who lives there and begin to rule them? They should enlist at least five reasons why they came to colonize Africa, What are the five reasons why the white people came to colonize Africa?? List five purposes of colonialism?? What has colonialism offered to the lives of Africans since it started?? What are the reasons behind colonialism? These are the kind of questions every reasonable African child should be asking, did we call them to come and colonize us? Did we ever accept to be colonized? Did we call them to come and teach us anything? Did they create any country in Africa?? Did they create any natural resources in Africa?? Who and who had the agreement to colonize Africa?? What has the colonization done for Africa? Instead they have used that medium to milk Africa, they have use that particular word colonialism to suck the resources in Africa every day since centuries till now, one thing I am too sure about is that Africa will not end like this, Africa must surely be greater, just one day Africa will get rid of all kinds of oppression and suppression, It is a spiritual mandate.