Chapter 43 : Beware Of False Knowledge

Knowing the truth changes everything, Abiding by the truth changes you"no one would say that he or she have not seen or heard the truth from someone or from somewhere, but some of you don't have the courage to abide by it, one thing is for sure, most people know the truth but don't have the capacity to speak it out or follow it, however, A wise man once said, " Beware of false knowledge it is worse than ignorance " but I would also tell you that it is extremely dangerous to know the truth and not abiding by it, it is the worst things that someone can do in life, knowing the truth and still going against it purposefully, when it backfires, its usually an earthquake or holocaust, Truth is something you feel inside, just like when you do good you feel good, when you do bad you feel bad, when you see the truth you feel it too, if though you are mad or dumb or careless, when you see the truth you feel it above every other things, There has been this fake story about our ancestral lineage goin on for centuries till today it has been preached in every corners of Africa, but I believe that in every decades there has also been many Freedom fighters and lovers of justice and Truth, I believe there were so many people preaching the truth, I believe there were so many wise men and women who had the capacity to speak the truth to the whole world till their last breath, probably someone must have inspired them, probably they learned from previous heroes and heroins, probably someone or something must have motivated them to that obligation and they were capable of tackling it sincerely with hesitation or compromisation, there were many legends and great men and women who had the courage to speak against the evil done against Africa, and those great people got their powers and wisdom directly from God Himself through their ancestors, through the ancestral spirit in them because they were in communism, don't forget that no human can see God, however, to follow the truth simply means you're a freedom fighter, you are a justice seeker, it means many things good to follow the truth, there are many advantage than disadvantage, I must tell you, speaking from daily experience for years of abiding strictly to the truth, " though no one is perfect, but sometimes dedications can be perfect " following the truth has many benefits, and the first and foremost insurance about following the truth is that you have God's attention undivided and you become the mouthpiece of the gods, which simply means you have full access to the spiritual realm, that is when you can get all the answers you need in life but the more answers you get the more questions you have to ask, there is this comfort you get in knowing that your ancestors are backing you up in your struggles, you absolutely feel very confident enough each second, there are lots of benefits in following the truth, it makes you outstanding, it makes you live in reality and not in, living by the truth makes you unique, you will be enjoying the goodness of nature while others are being manipulated, every one certainly needs the truth, every one wants it but not everyone can afford to give it out, some people who knows the truth about the struggles of Africa can not come out to speak against the evil in the land of Africa, but then you want good things, you want justice in your personal affairs but you can speak for other's justice even when you know the truth of the whole thing, still you couldn't speak it out, how do you expect to be happy? How do you even expect justice in your cases? How do you expect your children to know the truth since you don't preach it to them, rather you hold it yourself, because maybe you are comfortable in your life so even if others are dieing it's none of your business even though you know what to do to save them all from dieing, but you rather watch your African brothers and sisters to die in hardship and you and your families are living very comfortable in excess, because you are okay that is why other people's wellbeing is not your concern, but you have easily forgetting that you are saved to save others, just as trees don't bear fruits for trees consumption but for human consumption, so I'd Human being blessed to bless others, you are not blessed to pack billions in your account while people are dieing of hunger around you every day, that is not why you were blessed, you are blessed to be a blessing to others "and until everyone is okay no one is okay " If the rate of poverty in Africa is not your top concern then I wonder what else could be the purpose why you were blessed in the midst of the African adversity, i wonder what else could be your top goal in life apart from saving as many people as you can, but remember that "charity begins at home " if there's anything you need to do for people in this life, it should be first your people, your people can not be dieing of hunger and you are feeding others outside, Africa we need to come home now.