Chapter 51 : There Is God!

If there is no God there would be no life, if there is no God there would be no man, nothing else would have made us in his image, no one would have made us in his image, no one would have known what man will look like, God created everything in the world through his words and He made purposefully made everything to be pleasant to human beings, He purposefully made everything for man to enjoy, His original purpose for creating the world was just for us to come and live and enjoy and leave for others, He blessed the world with good things that are all pleasing to man, And further mandated man to live and dominate the earth, Man is supposed to live happily forever because the earth is undoubtedly enough for everyone here now and more that are yet to come, the earth is too big enough for everyone to live happily forever, we shouldn't be struggling with each others space, there's enough space in your country, there's a lot of spaces in your continent that could contain everything and everyone, we shouldn't be dragging anything with anyone, No one should be taking from others forcefully when you can just get it peacefully and legally in your continent, there is no need for Killing each other, there is no point in killing another person just to take what belongs to him when you can simply work for it with your natural strength and earn it peacefully and happily, there is no need for colonialism since everyone needs almost everyone to survive, since every human being is equal in the sight of the creator then why are we not equal in the sight of our fellow human beings? All fingers are not equal yet we need all fingers to live completely, there is no history in the world that states that the black people created the white people just as there is no history that states that the white people created the black people, it is the same God that created the white people that also created the black people, but is quite understandable to say that God loves the black people more than the white people because if it wasn't so then He wouldn't have blessed the black people more than the white people, He wouldn't have blessed the black people with an extremely natural strength, and aboundance of treasures with exquisite beauty, our Wisdom is unlike others, our talents are exquisite, our culture is the richest, our tradition is the most interesting, our religion is the simplest as long as your hands are clean and your minds are pure then you don't need to fear anything or bother your over anything at all, your physical and spiritual back up is assured, as long as you don't think any evil for anyone any evil formed against you will never prosper, Our resilience is something else or you can say it's spiritual, Even with all this advantages the black man has over the white man still no black man has ever gone to colonize any white man country, no black man has ever forcefully taking share of any white man's resources, no black man has ever lunched a war on the white man while they were living peacefully, Even till today no black man is fighting for anything that belongs to the white man, till today no black man is claiming right over any white man's property, till today no black has ever threatened to nuke any white man's country like the white man has nuked the black man countries severally, why? It is understandable that the white man is afraid of the black man so they want to close the entire black race first before the black race will close their entire white race, but I assure you that the entire black race had no such plans before and has no such plans now, The black is man literally the gentle lion, perhaps a ferocious tiger, I bet you don't want to dare a black man, A black man is a peaceful man that loves the creation of God with his whole heart, A black man is a wise man and a courageous man who can do anything to protect his own, we are peaceful people by nature, we are friendly, we are cheerful, we are kind but you don't want to mess with us, A black man is driven by his love for his people but a white man is driven by his own anxieties, the white man is always afraid of betrayal even when they are betraying you, they have betrayed us enough, they have taken our rights for long, we can't continue like this, we need to bridge whatever agreement held by the so called colonial masters,I;e "reformed slave masters" for the decolonization of Africa, It is just a means of stealing from Africa, it is just a means of taking our rights and our lives, the good lives that we were supposed to be living they are not stealing it from us and their children are enjoying it while our own African children are regretting why they are Africans, because some people encroached into our lane, someone crossed to our boundaries, because some people are stealing something that was supposed to be peacefully given to us, Colonialism was not God's order, God did not sign it, God did not approve it that is why they had to do it with force