Chapter 60 You Are A Valuable Assets

Being physically challenged in any form is the worst things that can happen to human beings, but being mentally enslaved is a disease that can only be cured with the truths, it's not an excuse to live an unfulfilled life, some people who are physically challenged in one way or the other has find a way or to live their lives fulfilled, Unlike mental Slavery when you believe that you don't deserve much better just as the white people, when you believe that black man was created to be under the white man, that is mental madness, mental slavery is worse than being physically challenged, A physically challenged person who knows he deserves good things just like every other person is better than a complete mentally enslaved person who believes he doesn't deserve good things just like every other person does, why being grounded by the lies that was forced upon us, all you need to do is to stop trying to change things that you can't change and start living the life that you have seen and you can live, our life style as Africans can not change into their life style as White people, do whatever thing you can do to make yourself happy and feel okay,free yourself from mental slavery, As long as you are still breathing air freely you are a Winner, you can win more, just try first, many people have tried and it worked for them, many tried but it didn't work out for them, either you keep trying and hoping that one day it works out for you or you can stop trying because it's not working out now, one day it will, "Every part of our body is a blessing, infact, everything in our body is valuable" you can use anything in your body to make earnings, people earn from speaking, people earn from writhing, people earn from teaching others, people earn from even listening to others plights, some people earn from dancing, singing, Reading, drawing, swimming, digging, fighting and many more, use whatever you have to invest in this struggle now, it is why it was given to you, whatever you can do it's an advantage, do it, anything you can do it's a means for you to achieve whatever you want to achieve in life, don't fold your hands doing nothing while most people without hands are using their mouth and legs to draw and make earns, while some daft people could draw and make earns, while some blind people sing and make earns what about you that is complete, what are you doing for the struggles? you are physically complete, I wonder what could be holding you back from going after your dreams, physically you can but mentally you believe that you can't, they told you black man is an animal, they forcefully stole our lives from us and made everything to look like we are nothing compared to them but only the wise ones sees the pure truth that is facing everyone, that we are better than this people that is why they are stealing from us, if we are not better than them they wouldn't have needed us to work for them as Slaves and they wouldn't be stealing nothing if we didn't have something more Bigger than what they have, they made us mad, they made us to live like indeed we are second class citizens, they forcefully destroyed our lives, imagine not knowing how to read or write or speak in your own dialect, isn't that madness? Not knowing your forefathers ways, you would understand the kind of things you can achieve if you can do all that, it is only when you have dislocation or break any joint in your body that you will realize the importance of being complete physically and mentally, it is an opportunity for you to do something extraordinary for your people while you still have the resources and the strength, It is a blessing to go out and return home at night in one piece, it is infact the highest blessings of the days, first is to wake up from the bed and you go out to continue your daily struggles then at the end of the day you return home safe and complete, it is the greatest blessings that most people are ignorant of, people die every day, a lot of evil happens to many people on a daily basis, but none of them has befallen you for years, yet you don't care, you are better than anyone God has made it so, it's an opportunity for you to try something new, Africa is in serious struggle since What are you complete human beings doing to assist? Don't say you don't have anything to contribute, Being complete makes a viable asset to the struggles of Africa, you have money it makes a unique asset to the fight against the injustice in Africa, The world is aware that Africa is going through a deep mess and they are just laughing at us and expecting us to wake up one day from this mental Slavery and fight for what belongs to us, God didn't put them in charge of lives, goats can not lead the lions, they have changed that narrative to goat leading lions, knowing that some kings children are mentally derailed sometimes, Meanwhile you are in your poor fathers home safe and sound and complete but you problem is that you don't have money,