Chapter 9: Daily life in the McGonagall house

At five o'clock in the morning, while it was still light outside, Professor Minerva McGonagall woke up according to her own habits, rolled over and sat up from the bed, grabbed her wand, which was on the headboard, and with a wave of the wand, the emerald green robe and black peaked cap hanging from the hanger flew over her body automatically.

Putting away her wand and putting on her square glasses, Professor McGonagall washed herself at the sink before opening the door to her locked room.

It couldn't be helped. Before Fish's routine was adjusted, the little boy always ran around at night and Professor McGonagall had to make sure she got enough sleep for her work the next day.

Professor McGonagall went down the wooden staircase on the first floor, which creaked as she walked because it was a bit old.

By this time, the Hogwarts house elves had prepared a hearty breakfast and placed it neatly on the first floor dining room table.

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall," Comey greeted Professor McGonagall in a high-pitched voice as she placed the messy items back in their original place.

"Hello, Comey," Professor McGonagall nodded to the house elf, then looked at the furniture lying around her and sighed helplessly.

No doubt little Fish had been naughty again last night.

She and Fish had moved into their old house some time ago, but not much progress had been made in Fish's education.

The boy still liked to run around in his cat form, and even his routine was still mainly waking up at night.

Of course, this was also related to Professor McGonagall being so busy with her work that she didn't have much time to teach him.

'I'll have to wait until after the vacations to teach him properly,' Professor McGonagall sighed helplessly again, thinking to herself.

The end of the term was still half a year away, and even though there was Christmas and Easter vacations in between, as dean of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall had to stay at school and manage the students who decided to stay, and even if she had time to visit Hogsmeade from time to time, she wouldn't be staying long.

"It's time for me to go to school, don't let Fish run," Professor McGonagall wiped her mouth with her handkerchief as she finished her breakfast and said to Comey.

Although it would be unfair to keep Fish locked up in the house, the way he was acting, Professor McGonagall wouldn't dare let him out....

That would be a disaster.

Not to mention that Hogsmeade is home to a post office with over two hundred owls, and although Fish has now developed a habit of eating cooked food, who knows if he'll ever go out owling again on a whim.

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall, Master Fish is a good boy most of the time!", Comey, the house elf, defended in defense of Fish, who, aside from his animal affinity, was basically telling the truth.

During the day, Fish spent most of his time sleeping, waking occasionally to eat and entertain himself with something to get his energy out, and had no intention of going outside.

Most cats are homebodies by nature, even strays like Fish, who have been given a place to live, have lost their desire to roam.

Fish, who used to run around, was purely because no one could catch him, and until he learned the benefits of having a home, it was natural for a wary kitty to resist and run away when someone tried to catch him.

"Meow ~~~~~"

Around nine o'clock in the morning, Fish, who was lying on the pillow in a strange sleeping position, opened his eyes groggily.

As soon as he twisted his body and got up from the pillow, Fish stretched his hips and stretched his waist. After stomping on the pillow several times with his four little paws, he simply squatted down and began the routine steps of licking his paw and washing his face.

After doing all of this, Fish jumped off the bed and rushed out of the room, quickly landing on the stair railing in a couple of hops, and then running into the dining room without stopping.

As soon as he entered the dining room, Fish jumped onto a chair at the table, as his body rapidly expanded and took on a human form.

"Meow!" (Comey!). The humanoid Fish landed lightly on the chair, tapped the empty table with one hand and shouted the name of the house elf.

And Comey quickly brought the stored breakfast to the table.

"Meow!", Fish cheered, reached out to grab one of the fried fish on the table and popped it into his mouth with gusto.

If Professor McGonagall has made any progress during this time, it is that Fish has finally gotten used to eating in human form.

It is true that human teeth are better at chewing food than cat teeth, and Fish, who is very persistent when it comes to eating, quickly accepted this way of eating, although he now only adopts the human form when he eats.


Fish is still naked.

Professor McGonagall had given him a suit, but Fish had taken it off because it was uncomfortable.

After all, he had always been naked and didn't like wearing anything on him.

Comey stared at Fish naked for a few moments, then went quietly to the corner and began banging her head against the wall.

After gobbling down his breakfast, Fish began licking his greasy hands, and after a few licks that didn't look too comfortable, he opened his squinted eyes to look at the white "paws" in front of him.

"Meow?", With a grimace of disgust, Fish returned to his feline form and continued licking his paws.

After licking his paws, Fish jumped out of the chair satisfied with his long tail and began his daily patrol of the territory.

That is, he paced up and down the house.

During his rounds, Fish found some good-looking stool legs or wooden cabinets to sharpen his claws on, adding some new claw marks to them.

Next, he crept back up to Comey, but even as he was slapped, Comey stood there dumbfounded and uninterested, and after a few moments of excitement, Fish gave up and went back to pushing bottles and jars off the table onto the floor.

Fish's excitement grew as he saw Comey trying to clean up the mess.

"Master Fish! Stop! Don't drop it! Professor McGonagall will be mad when she comes back," Hearing Comey's shouts, Fish, who had had enough, wagged his tail and let the poor house elf go.

After wandering around the house, Fish went to the balcony, found an empty flower pot and dove into it to take a nap.

Even though it was winter now, he was occasionally able to get a little sun on the balcony, and the cold wind outside is nothing to Fish.

And the planter is the perfect size for Fish and is one of his favorite places to sleep, as well as his pillow.

Usually cats sleep for long, fragmented periods of time, but most of their sleep is really light and they wake up easily.

In Fish's case, however, he doesn't need as much sleep as the rest of his kind, so it's now more of a habit and a pastime for him.

After staying in the pot for a while, Fish jumped out of it and went back to wandering around the villa.

Looking here, scratching there, occasionally nibbling on the leg of a stool or something to sharpen his teeth, swooping down to slap Comey when he wasn't looking, and then quickly slinking away again....

After venting his energy in the aforementioned manner, Fish went back to sleep in the planter.

This repeats over and over again, except for a couple of meows when he is hungry, and why Comey presented him with food, is basically how Fish spends his days.

A cat's life is so simple and boring.

But Fish enjoyed it.

"Click," At midnight, the door to the house opened from outside.

Fish, who had been napping by the kitchen, instantly straightened up and ran to Professor McGonagall, who had just returned from Hogwarts.


Fish leapt into Professor McGonagall's arms, his front paws on his neck, and stood up, licking her face with his tongue.

"There, there, little one," Professor McGonagall let out a giggle of delight as she avoided Fish's scratchy little tongue after a long day.

She lifted Fish by the armpits and placed a kiss on the kitten's head.

"Come on, let's go to dinner," Feeling healed, Professor McGonagall smiled as she led Fish into the dining room.

And on cue, Comey prepared dinner.

The next minute, Professor McGonagall's good mood was gone, "Fish! Why are you taking your clothes off again? Get dressed."

"Meow~ (??ω??)." Fish meowed in confusion.

"Don't pretend you don't understand what I'm saying!" scolded Professor McGonagall.

"Meow~"(??ω??). Meowed Fish again, still looking confused.

"No dinner if you don't get dressed!" said Professor McGonagall with a stern face.

"Meow!" (=ΦдΦдΦ=). Fish meowed, running away.

"Come back here! Where do you think you're going with that food in your mouth?" said Professor McGonagall.

And then there was a chase through the house, a chorus of cat meows, Professor McGonagall's grunts, and the faint thump of a house elf's head against the wall.

It was a lively day at McGonagall House, as always.