Chapter 11: Being cute is a necessary survival skill for cats.


Fish pouted helplessly as he watched Minerva refuse to budge.

The animals' affinity was getting worse and worse, and now even Comey wasn't as obedient as he used to be, jumping up from time to time to say no to this and no to that.

But Fish never worried about the house elf, who was too scared to do anything but bang his head against the wall.

But the big cat, Minerva, was different, for he couldn't beat her, and now it was no use for him to act cute like he used to, yes Fish wanted to eat treats, he could only be obedient.

Angrily, he put the toothbrush back in his mouth and fiddled with it like Minerva.

But as the bubbles in his mouth grew, Fish suddenly found the game interesting.

"Puff... Puff..."

Watching Fish happily spit a bunch of bubbles out of his mouth, Professor McGonagall thought for a moment, but didn't interfere.

It's not easy for this little guy to brush his teeth obediently, and this little problem can be slowly corrected in the future.

When Fish had had enough, Professor McGonagall began to teach him how to rinse his mouth again.

Fish gargled and then swallowed the fresh water from the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Didn't I say spit it out?!", Professor McGonagall immediately reprimanded.

"Meow~," Fish meowed, pitifully.

"I told you it was useless to act pathetic!", Professor McGonagall said.

So Fish grabbed a glass of water from the sink, took a mouthful, quickly spat it out, and looked at Professor McGonagall with his big green eyes, "Meow!"

Professor McGonagall was both amused and annoyed to see that little creature acting like a pious child again, but she kept a cold face and stared into Fish's eyes.

Fish turned his head away from Professor McGonagall's gaze, his large, quirky eyes blinking rapidly, glancing at his from time to time.


Fish's eyes slowly returned to the bee's candy on the ceiling.

"Next up is the face wash."

Professor McGonagall grabbed a counting towel from the coat rack, and blocked Fish's view.

"Meow?" taking the towel from Minerva, Fish cocked his head to the side and looked confused at the black and white striped towel in his hand.

Of course he knew what the word wash meant, it was an activity he did every day, but....

Why did she have to use this strange cloth to wash his face?

Fish blinked and suddenly realized when he saw his hairless hands.

Humans' paws don't have hair, so they have to use these fluffy cloths instead.

Feeling he had discovered the truth, Fish neatly wrapped the towel around his left hand and stuck out his tongue to lick it.

"No, that's not how you use a towel," Professor McGonagall held Fish's head, preventing him from continuing.

"Watch this...," removing her glasses from the bridge of her nose, Professor McGonagall grabbed another towel and showed Fish how to wash her face.

Fish was very happy to wash his face, and was still waiting to eat the candy, so he didn't make any more noise, and did the same as Professor McGonagall.

"Very good," Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, before letting the bee candy fall into Fish's hand.

"Meow!", Fish squinted happily, popping the candy into his mouth as quickly as he could.

"Come on, it's time we went to breakfast."

Professor McGonagall took Fish's hand and led him into the dining room.

Fish was always very active at mealtime and, after eating the candy, naturally followed Minerva to the table obediently.

Today's breakfast was as generous as ever, and as always, Comey, the house elf, had prepared a generous portion of meat for Fish.

"Meow!", Fish, who couldn't resist the meat, reached out to grab the sausage in front of him, but was stopped by Minerva.

"Meow?", Fish meowed in confusion.

"Starting today, you will learn to eat with cutlery," Professor McGonagall said seriously as she slipped a silver knife and fork into Fish's hands.

"Meow?", Fish looked at the two strange tools in his hands.

He knew the function of the knife and fork, he had seen them used more than once by humans to divide food.

After staring at the knife and fork in his hands for a moment, Fish stuck out his tongue and licked it, as was his habit.

It was cold and tasteless.


"Clang Clang!"

Tossing the knife and fork aside, Fish again extended his little hand toward the sausage.

He doesn't want to use such a troublesome thing!

It's more convenient to just use his claws!

Professor McGonagall sighed, anticipating Fish's reaction, and waved her wand.

"Meow!", Fish was about to catch the sausage when it slipped out of his fingers and floated into the air, just like the bee candy from earlier.

And not only the sausage, but all the other food flew away, floating above the table.

You could see it, but you couldn't eat it.

"Meow!", Fish's big green eyes instantly looked at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall said nothing, but pointed to the knife and fork Fish had tossed aside.

"Meow!", Fish lowered his head slightly, kept his mouth shut, and raised his eyes to look at Professor McGonagall with pity.

Fish's pupils were now dilated to the maximum, almost filling the green of his eyes, leaving only a small green ring at the edge.

If he were in his cat form, his ears would flop to the sides.

The dilated pupils and droopy ears were the best solution Fish could come up with after countless attempts at feigning pity, which, combined with animal affinity, worked wonders with humans.

However, as stated earlier, Professor McGonagall had become very resistant to Fish's cute ways over the past six months.

So, although Professor McGonagall's heart fluttered, she kept her expression serious and fingered the knife and fork on the table.

"Meow...," Fish grimaced helplessly at the futility of pretending to be pitiful and retrieved the knife and fork he had tossed aside.

Smiling, Professor McGonagall reached out and rubbed Fish's head, but Fish angrily pushed her hand away.

"Meow!" a furious Fish glared at Professor McGonagall, then waved the knife and fork at the food still floating in the air.

She had grabbed the knife and fork, why didn't she just put the food down?!

But Fish's tender look made Professor McGonagall reach over and squeeze her little cheek.

"Meow!", Fish snapped his head unceremoniously and bit Professor McGonagall's palm.

Of course, he did so without force; as angry as he was, Minerva, the only "human" Fish currently recognized, had no intention of biting him.

"Fish! Let go!", Professor McGonagall was no match for Fish's reflexes and speed, and was surprised to be bitten, but Fish only gave his a small bite and let go of his mouth as soon as she made a noise.

"Don't you ever bite anyone again, do you hear me?", Professor McGonagall lectured Fish with a nasty pat on the head, before letting the food fall back onto the table.

Too busy eating to pay attention to Professor McGonagall's intentions, Fish stuck his fork into the sausage as it flew towards him.

Fish, who had never used a fork before, caught the relatively slippery sausage and, naturally, it slid off his fork.

"Meow!", Fish, who had failed to get the sausage to stick to his fork, tried, but was soon followed by a warning cough from Professor McGonagall.

"Meow~~," An unhappy Fish grumbled at Professor McGonagall, then tossed aside the knife in his right hand and, with both hands clasped together, plunged the fork into the sausage.


This time, Fish managed to stab the sausage, but the plate it was served on also broke in half.

Fish gleefully nibbled the sausage on his fork, not caring about the cracked plate.

He usually breaks them anyway.