Chapter 13: What bad intentions can a kitten have?

Although Fish had never actually seen what Honeydukes looked like, he knew from Minerva's previous deceptions that all the delicious snacks were brought from a place called Honeydukes.

Fish, who had spent a lot of time wandering the human world, knew the concept of a store.... It was a place where you could trade bits of paper and metal for all sorts of things.

So when Minerva offered to take him to the legendary Honeydukes, Fish couldn't resist.

He quickly jumped off the beam, transformed into his human form in mid-air and landed firmly in front of Professor McGonagall.

"Oh, by Merlin's beard!", Professor McGonagall was taken aback by Fish's action, and rushed to catch him and check his situation from top to bottom.

After discovering that Fish was uninjured, Professor McGonagall sighed in relief, then released Fish and scolded him sternly, "Don't make such a dangerous move in the future!"

"Meow?", Fish cocked his head in confusion, jumping from that height was not dangerous at all.

But this wasn't important to Fish, it was important to get to Honeydukes.

"Where are the changing clothes?", Fish took off the robe he was wearing, he was naked and gave Professor McGonagall's robe a tug.

"Didn't I tell you no nudity?", Professor McGonagall slapped Fish's little head before calling Comey to bring the clothes she had prepared.

Under Professor McGonagall's careful guidance, Fish was dressed in a full set of clothes and finally put on the previous robe.

"Why do you have to wear so many strange things, meow," Fish grumbled as he finished dressing, even though Professor McGonagall had prepared a relatively loose-fitting set of clothes for his, he still felt very uncomfortable.

The shoes and socks on his feet, in particular, felt uncomfortable.

Could it be what humans who wore those things called shoes to make the sound of their footsteps obvious?

"Come on, Fish, it's time to go to Honeydukes," Professor McGonagall's call interrupted Fish's attempts to minimize the sound of his footsteps, and Fish immediately ignored the sound of his footsteps and scurried to Professor McGonagall's side, then tilted his little face to look at Professor McGonagall with great anticipation.

Smiling, the teacher fried Fish's head with one hand, then took one of Fish's hands and walked out.

It was the first time Fish had walked through Hogsmeade, and ever since he walked out the door, Fish had turned his little head tirelessly, curious about everything around him.

It was the first time Fish had entered society in human form, and it was a completely different experience from his usual feline perspective.

Although the wizard society before him was not the same as the human society Fish had known, to a cat there was little difference between the two, and it was all new to Fish anyway.

It was summer vacation at Hogwarts at the moment, and there were no students in Hogsmeade, but there were still residents of the town, and a large number of wizards coming to spend their time there, including some professors who had come from Hogwarts to relax.

It wasn't widely publicized that Professor McGonagall had adopted an animagus from birth, but most of the teachers and residents of the village had heard about it to some extent.

So when they saw Professor McGonagall walking with a child they had never seen before, they all smiled politely at Fish.

"Good morning, Minerva, is that the boy?"

"What a charming little fellow, Professor McGonagall, is he the animagus from birth?"

"Ha ha, no wonder you adopted him, Minerva, the little guy is as cute as a kitten!"

The words kept coming from various wizards, Professor McGonagall was responding kindly to all of them, but Fish didn't respond at all to the friendly words, he just found them loud.

Professor McGonagall had no intention of teaching Fish manners so quickly, as she greeted her acquaintances, she led the way to the door of Honeydukes.

However, Fish was not focused on the candy store he had been thinking about, his large green eyes were now almost completely filled with black pupils and he stared across the street at a house without blinking.

It was the Hogsmeade village post office and housed at least two hundred owls.

The owls were placed on color-coded shelves for the wizards of Hogsmeade to choose from, and Fish could see the owls, large and small, through the windows of the post office.

"Fish...," Minerva's long, drawn-out call reached his ears, and Fish, unconsciously licking his lips, reluctantly looked away.

"Remember what I told you before?" said Professor McGonagall as she looked at Fish.

"Owls are friends, not food...," Fish replied reluctantly, pouting.

Professor McGonagall didn't care how reluctant Fish was, she just knew that if she hadn't kept an eye on him, the owls in the post office would have fallen prey to this boy.

To keep the little man from thinking about the post office owls any longer, Professor McGonagall dragged him by the arm into Honeydukes.

"Welcome, Minerva."

Mrs. Flume, the owner of Honeydukes, who looked to be the same age as Professor McGonagall, greeted her.

Professor McGonagall had been a regular visitor to Honeydukes for some time and, with their similar age, Mrs. Flume was surprised to find that she and Professor McGonagall, who was said to be so serious and old-fashioned, got along quite well.

"This young gentleman is Fish, isn't he? A little treat for your first meeting," Mrs. Flume took a bag of pear flavored hard candy from a nearby shelf and placed it in Fish's hand.

Fish was so dazzled by the variety of candy in the store that he didn't notice until Mrs. Flume put the pear candy in his hand.

"Meow! Minerva! This is all for me!" said Fish excitedly.

"How can it be!", Professor McGonagall laughed and said, "You can choose three treats to take home today, and when you're good, I'll bring you some new ones..... Well, the pear hard candy in your hand doesn't count."

Fish looked at the single bag of hard pear candy in his hand, and then at the dazzling array of candy around him....

With one swift movement freed from Professor McGonagall's grasp, Fish spread his arms wide and grabbed a large handful of candy from a nearby shelf, ducked his head and ran for the door.