Chapter 15: School starts!

"And how old do I have to be to know, meow? when can I drink?", Undeterred by Professor McGonagall's perfunctory answer, Fish continued to ask relentlessly.

"Well... sort of...," Not knowing how to answer this question, Professor McGonagall could only answer Fish's question vaguely.

"Oh... Will I grow a butt here when I grow up?", Fish pointed to his chest again.

The tavern crowd laughed even harder as Professor McGonagall replied stiffly, "It's only for girls, you won't get one when you grow up..."

"Meow?", Fish stared at Professor McGonagall's chest for half a second, "But don't you have a bottom, Minerva?".

It was true that Professor McGonagall's "bottom" wasn't that obvious due to her ample wizarding robes and her age, but even if it wasn't, not many women would like to hear that from Fish.

"Shut up! That's the end of the conversation," But Professor McGonagall couldn't be bothered with Fish's situation, so she cut off the conversation with a black face.

Just then, Mrs. Rosmerta brought the butterbeer she wanted, and Professor McGonagall quickly took the glass and relied on drinking to disguise her embarrassment.

"Here, here's your cherry juice," Mrs. Rosmerta placed a glass of cherry juice in front of Fish.

Although she was embarrassed by Fish's statement, Mrs. Rosmerta was not angry with him.

It was nothing more than a thoughtless remark from a boy who had no idea what he was talking about, and in Lady Rosmerta's opinion, it was much more pleasant than the heavy jokes of the men who lusted after her body.

Distracted by the cherry juice, Fish stopped teasing Professor McGonagall and stuck out his tongue, taking a careful sip of the crimson liquid in the glass.

It was sweet and tasted good.

Fish's eyes narrowed with satisfaction as his little tongue moved quickly, sending the liquid from the cup into his mouth.

After habitually drinking some of the cherry juice with his tongue, Fish switched to the way humans drink, and when he lifted his head, he gulped down all of the juice.

That said, the human form is much more convenient than the cat form when it comes to eating.

Feeling a bit drowsy after finishing his glass of cherry juice, Fish transformed into a young silver tabby cat and jumped onto Professor McGonagall's lap to the amazement of the group of wizards.

Probably fearing that Fish would ask his some embarrassing question, Professor McGonagall did not force Fish to remain human and let him rest on her lap.

"I've kept you waiting, Minerva," As he slept, Fish suddenly heard a voice he hated and quickly got up from Professor McGonagall's lap.

"Ha-!", Jumping up on the table, Fish made an intimidating gesture arching his back at the white-bearded old man named Dumbledore.

"Oh ho ho ho, so Fish is here," Dumbledore ignored Fish's hostility and bowed to greet him with a smile.

"Meow!", Seeing Dumbledore's old face approaching, Fish, jumped up irritably and smacked him on the nose, which was slightly crooked.


Dumbledore had intended to let Fish vent his anger first, and then approach him.

So instead of dodging Fish's claws, Dumbledore stepped forward, knowing that Fish was stronger than a normal cat, he had added protection with his magic.

When he thought about it, no matter how strong the kitten was, his magic could hold.

However, it turned out that Dumbledore was wrong.

The vengeful Fish had added several spells to himself as soon as he appeared, the force of his slap far exceeded Dumbledore's estimation, and directly slapped the headmaster, causing his nose to bleed.

"Merlin's fancy pants! What have you done, Fish?!", The scene changed so quickly that it took a moment for Professor McGonagall to react, and he jumped to her feet, clutching her head and screaming.

"Meow!", Seeing Professor McGonagall's reaction, Fish knew immediately that he was probably in trouble, and let out a dry howl in his defense, before turning his head and running out the window.

At the time, Professor McGonagall was busy trying to help Dumbledore, who had fallen, and the other wizards were so shocked by what had just happened that no one reacted to stop Fish from running away.

So Fish managed to get through the window of the 'Three Broomsticks' and out of the bar.

"Wingardium leviosa!"

Unfortunately, getting out of the bar was the limit, and Professor McGonagall had foreseen a similar situation, so she had hexed the shirt Fish had put on.

On the premise that Fish had never learned anti-spell or defensive spells, Professor McGonagall could easily capture Fish who fled through the levitating spell. She dared Fish out of the house and, naturally, she was fully prepared.

"Meow!", Fish, who had only run a few steps, felt his body float in the air, and then flew backwards to the 'Three Broomsticks', uncontrollably.

Professor McGonagall reached out and grabbed the back of Fish's neck as he flew in front of her, lifting him up to her face and glaring at him fiercely.

"Fish, look what you've done!"


Fish, who was held in his hand, shrugged his four claws, his tail was stuck to his abdomen, his ears were drooped, and his big green eyes were looking innocently at the furious Professor McGonagall.

He wasn't pretending to be pitiful, although he knew he was probably in trouble, Fish didn't understand exactly why he was in trouble.

In Fish's mind, the old man with the white beard was the enemy, and it was only fair that he slapped him hard.

"Don't be angry, Minerva, he should be considered an enemy to this little guy," After stopping the bleeding from his nose, Dumbledore approached again, but this time he was much more careful, keeping his distance from Fish.

At Dumbledore's reminder, Professor McGonagall remembered what Fish had been through before he was adopted, so it made sense for her to take a swipe at Dumbledore.

"Listen, Fish, Dumbledore is not the enemy, he's your future Headmaster," Professor McGonagall put Fish back on the table and said earnestly.

"Meow!", Fish looked at Dumbledore, only to see that the old man was looking down at himself with a smile on his face... just like when he had chased him.

"Ha-!", Arching his back, puffing up his hair, bullying, all at once.

The old man was not a good man!

Professor McGonagall tried for a while, but she couldn't break Fish's hostility toward Dumbledore.

She had no choice but to take Fish in her arms and pat him on the back, reassuring him while she talked to Dumbledore about Hogwarts.

The meeting was mainly about teacher selection for next term's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and after all these years, Dumbledore had very few people left, so today he had gone to see Professor McGonagall to see if she could recommend anyone.

Embraced by Professor McGonagall, Fish didn't understand what they were talking about, but it was becoming increasingly clear to him that Minerva seemed to be friends with the mean old man.

No wonder she was so angry.


When you hit the old bad guy in the future, don't let Minerva see it.

When Fish understood the logic, he stopped looking at Dumbledore and fell asleep in Professor McGonagall's arms.


Since taking Fish out of the house, Professor McGonagall had taken him on a tour of Hogsmeade village.

The wizards of Hogsmeade knew Fish McGonagall as a born animagus, and the Daily Prophet even devoted a small section to the existence of this special young wizard to the entire British magical community.

As time went on, Fish was able to communicate with people under the tutelage of Professor McGonagall.

However, Fish was not very interested in becoming human or interacting with other humans, preferring mostly to stay at home, find a good place to sleep and sleep through the night.

Unfortunately, Minerva has been so idle lately that she has been staying home, surprising Fish and trying to get him to learn all sorts of silly things, and not allowing him to turn back into a cat and lick his fur.

It's just annoying.

But luckily... Hogwarts is back in business!

I'm free again!

After finding that Minerva wasn't home in the morning, an excited Fish shed his clothes without a word, then transformed into a cat and scampered around the house.

Poor Comey, the house elf, had to chase after him as he cleaned up the bottles and jars that Fish had deliberately knocked over.

After knocking over everything he could, Fish went to his closet and tore all the clothes Minerva had laid out for him into rags.

Finally, no more of this hassle!

After destroying all his clothes, Fish went to sleep in the closet, resting on the remains of his clothes.


In the evening, Professor McGonagall returned home from the Hogwarts commencement ceremony.

When she opened the door with a smile on her face, she was greeted by the sight of the entire house in disarray and a house elf who was exhausted from her magic.

As for the culprit, Fish, he had already found a place to hide when he noticed Professor McGonagall's return.

Professor McGonagall's smile froze instantly.

She took a deep breath...

"Fish McGonagall!!!"