Chapter 19: The Trip to Hogsmeade Station

Harry Potter, who just turned eleven, had an unforgettable and fantastic birthday recently when he learned that both he and his parents were wizards on his eleventh birthday.

And that there was a wizarding school called Hogwarts that accepted young wizards like him to learn how to use magic - they even used owls to deliver letters of admission!

After his first contact with the wizarding world in Diagon Alley, Harry Potter had been looking forward to the opening day of the school, which had been completely unthinkable in the past.

He was no better off at school than he was at home due to his cousin Dally's deliberate isolation.

On the first day of September, Harry Potter finally arrived with great trepidation and anticipation and, with the help of the enthusiastic Weasley family, magically made his way through the walls of the train station, to platform nine and three quarters and onto the train that would take him to Hogwarts.

On the train, he met several young wizards, both friendly and annoying, who were also new students.

Through the introduction of these young wizards, Harry finally understood a bit of things related to the magical world, although this understanding was very partial.

As the sky darkened, Harry's train was about to arrive at its destination.

Harry Potter, along with his new friend, Ron Weasley, whom he had just met, followed the crowd and exited the train as the train pulled into the station, onto a small, dark platform.

Through the dim light, Harry could barely make out the words "Hogsmeade Station" on a wooden sign next to it.

As the two wondered what to do next, Harry suddenly heard a familiar, friendly voice from the distance.

"First years! First years come this way!" shouted Hagrid, a lantern in his hand, his massive frame standing out in the crowd of young wizards, and all the first years heard his shout and began to move in his direction.

Harry and Ron were no exception.

"Is that a little wizard sitting on that big man's shoulder?", Ron rubbed his eyes and nudged Harry, unsure.

Through the dim light, Harry saw a figure about his size sitting on one of Hagrid's shoulders, who seemed to notice Harry's stare and suddenly turned his head to meet his and Ron's eyes.

Both were startled, for the other's eyes were cat-like and reflected a greenish glow in the dark atmosphere.

The little wizard on Hagrid's shoulder was, of course, Fish.

Because of his performance in Diagon Alley, Professor McGonagall was unsure about putting him on the Hogwarts Express that she cancelled her plans to put him through the entire Hogwarts admissions process.

However, the route to Hogwarts Castle for new students had been established by the Four Founders when the school was founded, so, after some thought, Professor McGonagall handed Fish over to Hagrid to follow the other new students from the back of the line to Hogwarts.

During her years in Professor McGonagall's care, occasional wizards occasionally visited the house, among them Rubeus Hagrid, a large man whom Fish always remembered well because of his hairy body.

And the also hairy and evil Dumbledore, after giving Fish a few looks, was able to get along.

"Harry, come here, how are you?", Hagrid followed Fish's gaze and saw Harry not far away, he smiled and waved at Harry.

Harry raised his hand and waved twice, then bowed to Hagrid with Ron.

As they got closer, they could see the little wizard on Hagrid's shoulder.

Silver-gray hair, the same green eyes as Harry's and a small, round face, at first glance, aroused goodwill.

The little wizard was wrestling with a tough looking piece of pancake, and his adorable appearance drew murmurs from the little witches around him, and even the boys couldn't help but stare at him.

"Come on, follow me, any other first years? Watch your feet! First years, follow me!", Hagrid scanned the platform for other young wizards, and headed down a steep, narrow path with his lantern.

The path was steep and slippery, and Hagrid's lantern had limited illumination, so many stumbled, and no one had time to speak, save for the occasional sobs from Neville, who had lost his toad, and the sound of Fish nibbling on the hard pancake.

"Turn this corner and you'll soon see Hogwarts for the first time," Hagrid, who had been leading the way up the steep path for a while, suddenly turned to the wizards and shouted.

All the young wizards breathed a sigh of relief and let out a loud cheer in unison.

At the end of the road, a black lake appeared before the little wizards, and on the opposite shore of the lake, on the upper slope, stood an imposing castle.

"No more than four people in each boat!" shouted Hagrid, pointing to a group of boats moored on the shore, and the young wizards, hearing this, chose the same boat as their familiar companions.

"Are you all aboard?" Hagrid confirmed, as he guided Fish into the front boat, "Well, then.... Let's get going!"

Most of the young wizards were lost in the view, silently gazing at the towering castle in the distance, except Fish, who was on his back, resting his chin on the edge of the boat, staring unblinkingly at the black surface of the lake.

"Are there many fish in this lake, big man? How do they know?", Fish turned to Hagrid after watching the black lake for a while.

He could already smell his prey.

Although Fish was used to cooked food by now, he hadn't lost his hunting instinct, and the little things swimming under the quiet lake made Fish a little excited.

Unlike other cats, Fish was not afraid of water and even enjoyed swimming.

"Don't do anything stupid!", Hagrid, who knew how unpredictable the little guy was, held him down.

If he hadn't been held, the little wizard would have jumped into the lake to fish.

Hagrid had promised Professor McGonagall that he would keep an eye on Fish.

"When the opening ceremony is over, Hogwarts will provide you with dinner. There is plenty of delicious food there, all prepared by the house elves at Hogwarts. You don't need to fish yourself," Hagrid said.

Good thing Hagrid had a good relationship with Fish and knew how to appease the little guy.

"All right then...," With a lingering glance at the fish swimming under the lake, Fish licked his lips, then thought about Comey's cooking and finally gave up the idea of going into the water to fish.