Chapter 27: Night Tour

Minerva didn't come after me?

After running for a while, Fish noticed that Professor McGonagall wasn't chasing him or trying to catch him, and he looked back curiously to see that no one was chasing him, and cocked his head in confusion.

As for the 'wild mark' on Professor McGonagall's body, they had already been removed by the troublesome Fish, otherwise he would not have been discovered by Professor McGonagall.


Is this the end?

Indeed, Professor McGonagall wanted to bring the boy back, but for one thing, this place was not like the auditorium or the house, and trying to catch the elusive Fish would have made a lot of noise, which was unacceptable to Professor McGonagall.

Secondly, Fish would sneak out every night when he was at home, and Professor McGonagall had tried for three vacations to break him of that habit, but at the moment she could not get him to change his habit.

More importantly, Professor McGonagall really needs to rest, unlike the headmistress who has nothing to do all day, she still has to teach a Transfiguration class tomorrow.

Fish didn't know that, and the fact that Minerva wasn't coming for him meant he could keep hanging around.

Of course, to be on the safe side, he decided not to go back for the time being, but to go up the stairs that moved on their own and let them take him somewhere else.

"Whaaaaa!", After a few more moments of wandering, a small ghost suddenly emerged on a nearby wall and jumped in front of Fish, shouting.


Startled, Fish bounced upward, and when he landed, his fur bristled, his back arched, his ears ducked, and he stared at the ghost, opening his mouth and baring his sharp teeth, "Ha...!"

"Tch, it's another cat...," Peeves, who jumped suddenly, startled Fish, only to realize that the cat was not Mrs. Norris, whom he intended to scare, so he tried to crawl into the wall and get out of here with a bored look on his face.

Then his eyes caught a gray shadow swooping in from the right, passing unobstructed through the center of his head and landing on his left side.

Although this caused Peeves no harm, it also startled him.

After it went through Peeves' head, Fish remembered that the self-proclaimed ghost was untouchable, but he couldn't lose his momentum and kept his ears down, baring his sharp teeth at Peeves, "Ha...!"

The provoked Peeves didn't just walk away, but floated off into the sky, his whole body puffed up and his face twisted into a grimace, "How dare you provoke the great Lord Peeves! You little puss! I'll eat you!"

If it were a normal cat, he would have run away with his tail between his legs, but in Fish's case, he roared defiantly and his little body swelled to the maximum size it could be: half a meter long.

Peeves froze, then pointed at Fish and shouted, "I know you! You're not a cat! You're a new student this year!"

Although he hadn't been able to attend the Hogwarts Welcome Dinner, Peeves had heard of his.


Who said he wasn't a cat?

An enraged Fish didn't hesitate to jump up and take another swipe at Peeves, who, unsurprisingly, kept missing.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! You're finished!" Uncaring for Fish, Peeper laughed and flew upward a bit, all the while yelling at the top of his lungs, "Students don't sleep! At the library door."

"Meow?", At that moment, Fish pulled back and sat down on the floor, his round green eyes looked up at Peeves who was shouting above him.

He wondered what he was up to.

After shouting a couple of times, Peeves found that the student was not running away in panic as he expected, but staring at him as if he was watching a show.

"Why don't you run away?!", The irritated Peeves asked fiercely.

"Meow?", Fish didn't understand what Peeves was referring to, he hadn't lost even if he couldn't hit Peeves, so why would he run away?

Peeves, who didn't understand cat language, watched Fish who was still keeping calm, but he himself didn't seem calm, pulling his hair and shouting in an exaggerated voice, "Aren't you afraid I'll attract Filch and subtract house points from you?!"


Fish calmly scratched his chin with his hind legs, ignoring Peeves' shouts.

Who was Filch? why did he care about a point deduction for a kitten?

"Aaargh!" Peeves flew into the air angrily, "I can't believe you're not afraid!".

After sulking for a while, Peeves continued to shout, "Students don't sleep! Students don't sleep! At the library door!"

Fish watched Peeves yell for a while, and finally got bored, got up, and turned to leave.

Thinking Fish had finally gotten scared, Peeves followed him and yelled even louder.

Fish was so disgusted by their noise that he picked up his pace, which further compounded Peeves' misunderstanding and kept shouting and pushing any armor he saw nearby, trying to make more noise.

To his surprise, Fish saw his actions and joined in, pushing all the armor he saw along the way to the ground, causing a series of metallic clanking noises down the hallway.

Peeves: "???"

Are all new kids this arrogant these days?

After a while of goofing around, Filch finally heard the commotion and approached with an oil lamp and, at his side, he was followed by a friend Filch had just met, Mrs. Norris.

"Meow!", Fish took the initiative to say hello.

"Meow?", Mrs. Norris responded with some uncertainty at the sight of Fish's suddenly larger form.

Fish shook out his fur and slowly returned to his original size.


A startled Mrs. Norris backed up two steps, but seeing Fish squatting on the spot and licking his paws, she approached cautiously.

"Fish McGonagall?", Filch, who had been at dinner, naturally recognized Fish.

"Yes! He's the first year he can turn into a cat. Arrest him and lock him up," Peeves urged with a look of excitement.

But Filch didn't run to grab Fish as he usually did with the other students.

Aside from the animal affinity effect and knowledge of Fish's particular expertise, it was also because he seemed to be on good terms with Lady Norris.

"My little girl, do you know him?" asked Filch as he knelt down and scratched Lady Norris' chin.

"Meow!", Lady Norris rubbed against Filch's palm, as if begging for Fish's life.

Although Filch didn't understand cats, he could probably guess what Lady Norris was referring to, and he had no intention of locking Fish up in the first place.

So he turned to Fish and said, "I know you're in a special situation, so I'm not going to lock you up, but I have to tell the other teachers what happened tonight"

What do I care if you do?

Fish cocked his head to one side, thinking that big-eyed human was as disconcerting as the noisy ghost.

Peeves, on the other hand, had nearly scalped him in surprise, "Filch! Are you mad?!"

Peeves clutched his head in disbelief and shouted as he flew off, "Someone! Filch has gone mad!"

Filch looked at the distant Peeves, ignoring his, and continued with a kind expression the other students had never seen before, "Go back to your dormitory after a while, you have classes tomorrow."

With that, he got up, picked up the oil lamp and left with a heavy step, Mrs. Norris nodded to Fish and followed his.

"Meow?", Fish crouched in his seat, cocking his head in confusion.