Chapter 33: Unhappy Kitten

Professor McGonagall took Fish back to her office and started lecturing him, no matter how pitiful Fish was, she didn't seem to want to stop.

This time, Professor McGonagall was really scared for Fish, what if he fell?

Although she knew Fish would be fine even if he fell from a great height, the height he was flying at with a flying broom was not the same! Not to mention the fact that he was flying so fast!

A frightened and frightened Professor McGonagall spent the rest of the afternoon lecturing Fish, even forcing him to eat dinner in her office, as she continued to berate him.

At first, Fish tried to approach Minerva and rub up against her, but this time his cuddling did not work and Minerva's anger did not diminish, but increased.

Now Fish knew that Minerva was really angry, so he lowered his head and let her scold him without saying a word.


Finally, when Professor McGonagall's lecture was over, he shuffled back to the Gryffindor common room.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, a group of young wizards gathered around him immediately.

"Fish! You were amazing!"

They had already heard from Mrs. Hooch that Fish had subdued the broom in the afternoon and had controlled it for the rest of the day.

Later in the lesson, Harry Potter had also demonstrated a great talent for flying, but it was nothing compared to what Fish had done earlier.

"Yes, yes, even Mrs. Hooch can't keep up with you! You should know she was on the national team," Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, was excited, he had been waiting in the common room for Fish to return after hearing about his performance, as he seemed to see Gryffindor's hopes of winning the House Cup.

"If you learn the rules of Quidditch this year, you can be on our team for next year, and by next year, no, maybe next year we'll have won the Houses Cup!", An excited Wood paces back and forth in front of Fish, chatting about his vision.

When did I say he was in?

Fish shot a puzzled look at the talking Wood, walked over to an armchair and sat back down, then rested his chin on the back of the chair with a disgruntled expression.


The girls, who were already unhappy with the way the boys were surrounding Fish, burst out at the sight of Fish's pitiful appearance and hurried out of the way of the chattering Wood, and the Weasley twins, who were excited by the sight of him, and resumed Fish's surroundings.

"Fish, I've got your favorite bee candy."

"I have snacks from the Muggle world, which I had my uncle get from Muggles."

"Do you like this ball of yarn?"

The girls pulled out snacks and toys, trying to make Fish happy.

Fish took a look at what they had in their hands and was mildly impressed, but his mood immediately dropped as he thought about how angry Minerva had been today.

True, he was mischievous and a little stubborn, but he wasn't really vicious, and he was a little uneasy that Mileva's attitude today wasn't the same as when she had been angry in the past.

There are times when ordinary cats are in a bad mood and don't want to move, and they are not always tempted by food.

This reaction made the witches even more nervous, and even the boys were worried that something had happened to him.

"Should we take Fish to Madam Pomfrey? Maybe she accidentally hurt herself on the previous flight."

"Fish, if you're not well, tell us about it."

Some of the little witches even burst into tears.

"Minerva is angry, and very angry, meow...", Fish continued to lean his head on the back of the chair, pouted and said worriedly.

The witches were relieved to hear what that was, and proceeded to bring out snacks and toys, whispering softly to cheer Fish up.

"Professor McGonagall is only worried about you getting hurt, that's why she's so angry."

"Yeah, yeah, my mom used to get really mad at me too when I did something dangerous when I was little."

"Everything will be fine when Professor McGonagall's anger calms down."

With the little witches reassuring his, Fish's mood recovered a little.

"So, when Minerva's anger subsides, will you let me play with my broom again?", When his mood was restored, Fish remembered something else: Minerva had just said that she would never touch a flying broom again without his permission.

Now Oliver Wood didn't quit, he had just found a Quidditch talent, how could Professor McGonagall come and tease him?

Is he still the head of Gryffindor?

"I'm going to get Professor McGonagall!", Wood slammed his fist on the table, turned and walked out of the dormitory, followed by Fred and George, who were not far behind.

Angelina, Spinnet and Katie looked at them and then at Fish, surrounded by girls, and after a moment's hesitation, joined Wood's group.

This meant that the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team went to talk to Professor McGonagall.

Except for the seeker.

Because the Gryffindor seeker, Charlie Weasley, graduated last year, they hadn't had time to find a new one.

When Wood approached Professor McGonagall with his team and explained his intentions, Professor McGonagall sighed.

As a Quidditch enthusiast, it was impossible for Professor McGonagall not to see Fish's talent for flying.

She was even sure that, in addition to her talent for flying, Fish had a talent for finding and hitting the ball, which was one of her hobbies.

But that was only if he played by obeying the rules of Quidditch.

With his current disregard for school rules, how could he be expected to follow them?

He feared that when the time came, Fish would leave the game straight off the broom or he would be penalized, so it was impossible to trust him to win the game.

So, Professor McGonagall didn't want to let Fish touch a flying broom again until he was well-behaved, and went to talk to Mrs. Hooch about it.

Once Professor McGonagall had made her concerns clear to Wood and the others, Wood could not force the issue, however reluctantly, as Professor McGonagall had made a valid point and it would be unreasonable for her to go any further.

As Wood lowered his head in defeat, Professor McGonagall thought better of it and added, "Besides, Fish probably isn't interested in making the quidditch team, so it's only fair that a new player be chosen for the team as soon as possible."

"How can that be?" Wood, who was full of Quidditch, retorted, "How can anyone resist the allure of Quidditch?!"

However, Professor McGonagall merely looked at him with a helpless expression.

Behind Wood, George tugged at his robes and said, "There are plenty of students from Muggle families who aren't interested in Quidditch, and don't forget that Fish still considers himself a cat, it's only natural that he doesn't like it."

Only after George's reminder did Wood remember how special Fish was and let out a long sigh, extinguishing his last hope.