Chapter 44: Dancing Plant

After playing with his new friend for a while, Fish wanted to leave again, after all, cats tend to communicate more casually and rarely stay together for long periods of time.

Daphne and the girls resisted his departure, but did not have the temerity to force Fish to stay.

As Fish exited the stone doors of Slytherin, he ran into his Head of House, Professor Severus Snape.

Seeing Fish emerge from his house dormitory, Professor Snape couldn't help but frown.

By now, he knew that he had shown Fish mercy, not because he had green eyes like Lily, but because he had a similar ability to a Veela.

This was not acceptable to Snape, who was a master of Occlumency, and not even Dumbledore and Voldemort could influence him mentally.

However, no matter how much Professor Snape delved into his Occlumency, he still couldn't help but have a good impression when confronted with Fish, which was no doubt a silent mockery for a master of Occlumency.

He had no choice but to ignore Fish in class, but when he didn't turn in his work, Snape could subtract points from Gryffindor without fear of confronting him.

Now that he had run into Fish, who was coming out of the Slytherin dormitory, the two thoughts of "five Gryffindor points" and "Fish is so cute, let's forget it" popped into Snape's head at the same time, leaving him torn.

But just as Snape was in the middle of a battle, Fish was the first to greet him.

Because Minerva had said to be polite to those professors!

"Hello, Professor Greasehead!"(●ΦωΦ●)?

"...", Professor Snape's face twitched twice, his lips tightly pressed together.

There was a long silence before a cold snort came from his hawkish nose.

Oh, well, the boy's eyes look just like Lily's.....

Well, not really, after all, Lily's eyes can't turn into needles like a cat's, or fill the whole eyeball.

... Just treat it as a favor to Professor McGonagall!

After a violent mental struggle, Snape decided not to mess with Fish, but he still had to have the right attitude, "You have to show some courtesy to a professor, Fish McGonagall."

"Meow?" Fish cocked his head, "I'm polite enough to greet you, meow."

Professor Snape closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, sensing that any further conversation with Fish would only make his head hurt more, he nodded nonchalantly, shook out the black robe and turned back to his office.

Fish said, "Goodbye Professor Greasehead meow~"(●ΦωΦ●)?

And then Professor Snape walked even faster.

"How rude, meow!", Fish wrinkled his nose when he didn't get a response and headed for the kitchen out of habit.

"Fish! Are you going to take food from the kitchen again?"

The new Hufflepuff student, Justin Finch, happened to see Fish's figure and greeted him hurriedly.

Since the dormitories were right next to the Hogwarts kitchens, most of the students Fish encountered in the kitchens were from Hufflepuff, so besides Gryffindor, Fish knew the Hufflepuff students best.

"It's Curly Hair!" Fish waved at Justin when he saw the curly-haired one, then replied, "No meow, I just got my fill at Green Snake Academy."

"You actually went into the Slytherin dorm?" said Justin in surprise.

The location of the Slytherin dormitory had always been the most mysterious, people from the other three houses basically only knew that it was located in the basement of Hogwarts,

Only Slytherin students would know where the entrance was.

It is said that the Slytherin common room hasn't been accessible to outsiders for seven hundred years, not to mention that Fish is a Gryffindor....

Justin guessed that Fish was probably the first Gryffindor to be invited into the Slytherin dormitory since the establishment of Hogwarts.

In fact, according to the Hufflepuff seniors, the Hufflepuff dormitories hadn't been seen in over a thousand years, and although the Gryffindor dormitories were also hidden, the Gryffindor students weren't too concerned, so many others from the Houses knew the exact location and had even been invited in by the young lions.

Only the arrogant Ravenclaw did not hide his quarters, but almost no one but Ravenclaw could answer the question posed by the bronze eagle-shaped door.

Fish licked his lips and replied cheerfully, "Yes, I was invited by Grand Cerebro, and they treated me to a delicious cod, meow." (?>?

"Uh... well...," Justin froze and, on second thought, decided that, if it was Fish, it didn't seem too hard to accept.

And then, for some reason, confrontational or not, Justin made a creepy invitation to Fish, "So, do you want to come see us in the Hufflepuff dorm?"

"Meow? Yeah," Fish's eyes lit up, the different view of the Slytherin dorms had been new to him, and after Justin reminded him, Fish had been curious about the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw dorms as well.

"Well, come with me," Justin, who had been successful in the invitation, was also very excited, waved Fish over and led him down the hall on the right side of the kitchen.

The two came to a stack of vats in the right corner of the hallway, and Justin tapped the bottom of the second vat in the middle of the second row, and the lid opened to reveal a hidden passageway.

As they walked down the passageway, Justin made a point of introducing Fish, "Hufflepuff is the only house at Hogwarts that has magic that repels infiltrators, so if you hit the wrong lid, or hit the wrong beat, you'll get soaked in vinegar."

"Vinegar?" Fish crinkled his face unconsciously, "That sour water? I hate that, meow."

As for Justin's comment about the proper way in...Fish didn't care.

He didn't even bother to remember the Gryffindor password, how could he remember how to get into other dorms?

Anyway, Fish had found another way to open the door: let Comey or other house elves into the dormitory and tell Scarhead to come out and open the door for him.

Or he could just lie outside in a conspicuous place and sleep, and then it wouldn't be long before the mean old man or Minerva would show up and send him into the bedroom, and he could pretend to be asleep.

Fish is so smart! (● ̄ω ̄●)

Entering the Hufflepuff common room, Fish turned a deaf ear to the shouts of the young wizards around him and surveyed the furnishings.

The Hufflepuff common room was a different kind of room, also in the basement, but with bright sunlight streaming in through the circular windows above.

In addition, the room was decorated with a variety of plants that Professor Pomona Sprout brings in from time to time taking advantage of her authority.

For a druid, this environment surrounded by plants made Fish feel very comfortable.

"Meow!" ?●ω●?

Fish eagerly stepped forward, shifting into his cat form in midair, and leapt onto the windowsill in three steps, next to a plant with long, thin leaves.

Apparently disturbed by Fish, the plant suddenly began to twist and turn, and the rustling of the cascading leaves produced a pleasant sound.

"It's a dancing plant," said one of the Hufflepuff girls as she approached Fish, "it was one of the main ingredients in the original Potion of Joy formula, but when a better formula was discovered, it became an ornamental plant."

Fish touched the tip of his nose to the herb dancing in front of him and understood its effects.

In fact, aside from the reason the little witch had given, there was also the slight side effect that an excess of it could make one dance intermittently, regardless of time or place.

Fish stuck out his little tongue and licked the dancing blades of the dancing grass, not intending to eat it.

Normal cats have to nibble on grasses and leaves from time to time to cleanse their bellies of hairballs, but Fish did not.

Since he had swallowed the light pellets, he no longer had to use the plant fibers to clean his belly of hairballs.

He ran to the dancing grass because his druidic instincts told him it would do him good to come here, and because there was plenty of sunlight on the windowsill, allowing him to get a good night's sleep.

Fish found a comfortable spot on the windowsill and curled into a ball, falling asleep under the rustling blades of grass and the warmth of the sun.