Chapter 51: Brave cats, unafraid of difficulties (Edited)

What to do if your child does not obey you?

A spanking, of course.

It wasn't the first time Fish had been angry, and Professor McGonagall had been sad and angry at first, but she'd gotten used to it by now.

She knew that when Fish was done making a fuss, he would soon come back to her as if nothing had happened, so there was no point in getting angry with him now.

And Fish knew that if Minerva made a move towards him, she was angry, but not quite, and that when she was really angry, she wouldn't make a move, but would talk and lecture as she had done before, or just stare at him without saying anything.

This was the reason why Fish dared to provoke Professor McGonagall from time to time - Minerva wouldn't get too angry about it.

However, this time the situation was a bit different, as Professor McGonagall wanted to make sure Fish was punished properly, so she didn't use any other spells, but on what she was best at, Transfiguration, which turned the trophies around her into cats of all sizes and pounced on Fish.

But Fish already had a plan after so many losses.

He had always lost before because he couldn't kill the fake cats.... Since they couldn't be killed, they could be trapped!

[Animal stasis]

Fish's pupils fluttered as he directed his newly awakened spell at the cat running in front of him.

However, it didn't respond.

Damn it, they really were fake cats!

Fish didn't hold out much hope for this spell, but besides the fact that he knew the cats were fake, his animal immobilization spell was also very limited, the bigger the target, the shorter the immobilization time.

The bigger the target, the shorter the immobilization. A big guy like Luvi would be useless.

But I have other tricks up my sleeve.

Fish pounced on the nearest fake cats and swatted them away, then jumped back, raised his left paw and hit the ground in front of him.

[Soft stone spell]

This spell turned hard stone into sticky mud, or rather, it turned stone into something called cement, which Fish had seen in Muggle society.

When the spell took effect, the ground in front of Fish softened, and the cats that pounced on him sank their paws, and the harder they struggled, the deeper they sank.

After a while, a group of cats with most of their bodies sunk into the ground appeared in front of Fish.

"Is this Transfiguration...?" Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, this type of Transfiguration that only changed the nature of the matter, but not the form, was not very advanced, probably at the level of a third or fourth year Hogwarts student.

But now Fish was casting spells without a wand and without sound, and Professor McGonagall wasn't too surprised that he was using spells in his animagus form.

After all, Fish was known to change size and color, and if researched, the ability to walk freely along walls and ceilings was clearly a spell of some sort.

Despite the fact that Fish had demonstrated a remarkable talent for magic since starting school, Professor McGonagall was surprised to see that Fish could do this.

But surprises are surprises and there are lessons to be learned.

With another wave of her wand, Professor McGonagall turned the remaining cats that weren't trapped into birds of prey and continued to pounce on Fish.

Fish meowed, "Meow!" (Minerva, you're bad!).

Although he had a lot of experience hunting birds, Fish had a hard time with these fake birds that couldn't die.

He screamed loudly and fought with the flock of birds.

Professor McGonagall completely ignored Fish's accusations as Fish tangled with the birds, released each of the cats trapped on the ground and turned them into birds to join Fish's siege.


Although he didn't feel much pain due to the druid spell: tree skin, Fish was distressed!

If the opponent wasn't the kind of fake animal that couldn't be beaten to death, no matter how big the number, Fish wouldn't be afraid, but Minerva was good at this kind of fight with a bunch of fake animals.

'If only I could get some helpers to help me fight too,' The thought suddenly crossed Fish's mind.


[Ally Summon: Summon an allied creature to fight for you].

When Fish activated this spell, all the animals he knew (including humans) quickly flashed through his mind.

Without hesitation, he chose one of the biggest friends he had met the night before.

Meowed Fish: "Meow!" (Luvi!)


The spell failed.

There were size and distance restrictions on the ally summoning spell.

Although Luvi was close to Fish, at the other end of the same floor, Fish's summon spell had just awakened and was still too low level to summon a creature as large and fierce as Luvi.

With his current spell level, he could probably summon Austin or Tina.

But Fish didn't care about that, he just knew the damn spell was useless.

"Meow meow meow meow meow!" Fish cursed as he shooed away all the birds that were bothering the cat with his claws.

'I can't go on like this, and if I go on like this, Minerva will catch me like before,' As Fish thought this, his eyes started to drift towards the door and the window... and he started to feel like retreating.

Although cats are never slaves, but when it's time to be a coward, he must be a coward and when he has figured out how to deal with these fake animals, then he can challenge Minerva.

Just as Fish was about to use the fog spell to blind Minerva and find a way out, there was a sudden rattling of chains at the door.

The chains that Professor McGonagall had created retracted into the wall, revealing Dumbledore standing in front of the door.

"Good evening, Minerva." Dumbledore greeted Professor McGonagall cheerfully, ignoring the chaos in the trophy display room, "It's very lively in here."

"Dumbledore..." Professor McGonagall nodded awkwardly and replied, "I'll restore this place to its original state later."

"Don't bother," Dumbledore pulled out his wand and waved it a couple of times, and in the blink of an eye the trophy room was back to its original state, including the flock of birds that had surrounded Fish, which had been returned to their original trophies in the glass case.

"Comey, the rest is up to you", Dumbledore said to the house elf who had been banging his head against the wall since the fight had started.

"I'll take care of it! Mr. Dumbledore!", Comey wiped a handful of blood from his forehead, beating his chest as he cheerfully took on the task that had fallen to Fish.

"But Dumbledore, this is supposed to be Fish's job," Professor McGonagall frowned, criticizing Dumbledore's decision.

"You are too impatient, Minerva." Dumbledore said in a soft tone, gesturing to Fish who was happily licking his fur as the birds disappeared. "Fish is a very individual child, we should teach him by subtle means, not force him to do things he can't understand at the moment."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and lowered her head thoughtfully.

"Fish," Dumbledore approached the kitten, "would you like to take a look around my office?"


Fish, who had no interest in this, scratched his chin, ignoring Dumbledore completely.

"I have a phoenix in my office. Maybe you can make friends. By the way, the Sorting Hat is there too," Dumbledore took no offense and continued with his invitation.

"Meow!" ?(=?ω?=)?

Fish jumped onto Dumbledore's robes, crawling down them to the robe pockets and diving into them.

Although he didn't know what a phoenix was, Fish remembered the Sorting Hat he was talking about, and as he wandered around Hogwarts, he occasionally thought about the hat.

Every now and then, Fish would try to find it and sneak away.