Chapter 60: Flying balls are irresistible to cats (Edited)

Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, had been very active lately.

Having been delighted to find a flying prodigy who was also a school favorite, Wood had immediately thought about it when he heard about Fish.

If he could get Fish on the Home team, it would not only improve the team's work, but also the support of the majority of the crowd during the game, which is of great benefit to the morale of the entire team.

But before Wood could lure Fish to the team, he was brutally rejected by his own dean.

No matter, Wood understands that Fish's situation is unique.

Anyway, he had later relied on the trials to find a good Seeker, the legendary "boy who survived," a weaker version of Fish, and compared to the mischievous Fish. Harry was good at communicating with others, the only drawback being that he didn't know much about the rules of Quidditch and would need some coaching.

The result?

The Seeker, Harry, who had just gotten his broom, before he could start training, ran off with Ron, a substitute, to fight Slytherin students and was confined for three days.

His team was already short on time due to understaffing Now it was really happening!

If it wasn't for the fact that the Quidditch season was still almost two months away, Wood would have suspected that Harry and the others had been set up by the Slytherins.

For Gryffindor's first match was against Slytherin, and Slytherin had a history of pulling such tricks.

But fortunately, with Harry and Ron out of their confinement, their team was finally in order.

Wood vigorously wiped his face as he motioned for the team to assemble and circle the quidditch pitch.

"We're behind in our training for various reasons, but we Gryffindors aren't going to let this little setback get us down!", Before training began, Wood cheered the team on as in years past, shouting with a raised fist, "This year's champions will be the Gryffindors!".


The Gryffindor players also raised their fists in the air and chanted in response.

"So... all in the air!"

At Wood's command, the Gryffindor Quidditch players mounted their brooms and rose into the air to spread out in formation for the start of the day's training.

"Meow?" (=ΦωΦ=)?

Fish, in his cat form, was lying on the windowsill of the tower window, looking up at the sky in the evening breeze, when, sure enough, he saw some flying brooms in the distance, and next to them, he saw a few balls flying.

There was only one quidditch pitch at Hogwarts, so the four houses tended to have staggered training schedules, and while the other three houses' teams were training, Fish was either following Gryffindor classes or wandering around the castle.

So this was the first time Fish had seen a Quidditch team training.

He was intrigued.

Although Fish had reconciled with Minerva, he wasn't going to fight her, and his interest in flying brooms was now much less, if he had just seen a group of people riding them, Fish would have just looked at them from afar at best.

But who's to say there were a few balls running around?

No kitty could resist a flying ball.

Not to mention there were more than one!

Fish just watched from afar, his little paws already wagging and his tail wagging restlessly behind him.

Rising from the window sill, Fish calculated the distance and found that it would take him quite a while to run there, but he could float with his Glide Spell,

But then, he would have landed directly on the ground and would not have been able to reach the balls in the sky.

So Fish thought better of it, jumped off the window sill and ran to the owl hut.

After reconciling with Minerva, Minerva finally relented and allowed Fish to ride the owl, but only if he didn't fly too far away from Hogwarts and wasn't allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest.

Fish was a good boy, so he agreed.

As long as Minerva didn't catch him, he was a good cat.

When he arrived at the owl hut, Austin was delivering a message, so Fish went straight to Hedwig, the snowy Scar-headed owl.

Hedwig wouldn't refuse Fish's request, since Harry rarely needed him to deliver letters anyway, and as a mastered owl, he couldn't deliver letters for anyone else like the public owls at Hogwarts, so Hedwig had no business doing so.

Fish, of course, didn't treat his friend badly, and fed Hedwig a few pieces of dried meat and nuts from the bag the mean old man had given him as payment for the flight.

Only when Hedwig swallowed all the bounty Fish had given her did Fish return to his original appearance and squat on Hedwig's back.

Hedwig flapped her wings and flew out the window with Fish in tow.

"Meow~!" (There), Fish, on Hedwig's back, stretched out his paws and pointed to where Wood was training, and with a slight twist of her wings, Hedwig made a beautiful arc through the air, heading for the quidditch pitch.

Harry, who was searching the night sky for the Snitch riding his Nimbus 2000, suddenly became aware of a familiar white figure approaching in the corner of his eye.

He stopped his broom and looked to the side, where a snowy white owl was flying towards him.

"Hedwig?", Harry was stunned for a moment, even though he couldn't see very well at night, and he wasn't the only one in the school with a snowy owl, he was somehow sure that the white bird in the distance was his Hedwig.

"Harry! What are you looking at?" cried Wood at the top of his lungs as he noticed Harry's sudden halt.

Fred flew to Harry's side to protect him, that standing still in midair was the easiest way to attract a Bludger.

"Sorry, Wood." Harry, aware that he had delayed his training, apologized and then pointed to Hedwig in the distance, "Looks like my owl has flown to see me."

"Did you buy anything important?", Wood blew the whistle hanging from his collar, everyone stopped their training at the sound, George and Fred worked together to put the Bludger back in the box, while he himself flew over to Harry and asked him with a frown.

"No...," Harry looked puzzled, he didn't know why Hedwig had suddenly come to see him.

By now, Hedwig was very close and everyone had noticed that she seemed to be carrying something on her back.

Before anyone could get a closer look, Fish jumped off Hedwig's back, transformed into his human form and floated with him gliding spell.

Fish, gliding through the air, shouted to Harry and the others with glowing eyes: "Where are the balls? Take them out and let me play with them." (●?ω?●)?