Chapter 4

The brightly lit restaurant was at a standstill over Eric's questioning, as the rainstorm outside the window grew heavier and a lightning bolt suddenly slid through the clouds.

"Say something, Evelyn," Grace smiled falsely, her eyes were cold.

Evelyn felt a pang of fear, whether it was her cold-blooded and heartless family or the Beta in front of her, she couldn't provoke them, the only thing she could do was to submit.

"Sir, I am in good health," Evelyn hung her head timidly, her voice was weak, "please don't make things difficult for my mother and father, I, I will be an excellent maid."

After saying this humiliating words, her tears were welling up in her eyes, but she could only hold her breath.

Blood Thirsty pack's beta looked at her with some inquiry in his amber eyes, he was not hostile to Evelyn.

"It's not your fault, miss." Eric lightened his tone as much as possible, not wanting to frighten the canary-like girl in front of him, "You don't need to be frightened."

Evelyn looked up with some surprise, thinking she had heard wrong. She was used to being treated like a punching bag at home, and it had been a long time since anyone had treated her so gently and politely.

"Is your name Ashley?" asked Eric softly.

Evelyn was stunned, blinking in surprise. Just before she opened her mouth to answer, her stepmother Grace exaggeratedly took her arm and held Evelyn hostage in a feigned affectionate manner.

"Yes, she's Ashley, the prettiest girl we have here."

Evelyn understood at once! It turned out that the brutal Alpha had asked her father to send Ashley to him as a slave, and they had asked her to take Ashley's place ......

Evelyn welled up with tears and looked at her father in disbelief. Tyrone's cold face had no expression, but he glanced at her faintly, as if he was warning her.

Ashley looked at her in panic, unable to hide the trembling in her voice: "Ashley, my good sister, you are father's favorite daughter, you must not let him down."

Evelyn thought with despair that Ashley had enjoyed her father's favor and was being made to pay for it instead.

Evelyn was completely disappointed in them. From now on, she treated herself as if she had never had such a cruel family. It might be better for her to leave than to stay with the current pack.

"Yes, Beta Eric, I am Ashley."

Instead of choosing to reveal them to Eric, Evelyn wiped away her tears, lifted the hem of her skirt, and gave a salute toward the guests from Blood Thirsty pack. At one time, she had been well educated and knew how to behave gracefully, and although it had been many years since she had appeared in a sociable setting, her every move was a little rusty, but she had lost none of her charming demeanor.

Her neck is long and slender, and when she bows slowly, she looks like an elegant white swan. The skin on the back of the neck and shoulders is white and smooth, shining with a delicate luster. Eric looked at her in silence, leaving all worries behind.

The young girl in front of him had many scars, he suspected her identity, perhaps she was not Tyrone's daughter at all. But it didn't matter now, she was very beautiful and the Alpha would like her.

Eric put away his ogling gaze and said to Tyrone, "Then let's get ready to go."

Tyrone finally gave a relieved smile because he was about to get that huge sum of money from the sale of his daughter and still be free from the war with Blood Thirsty pack for a while. He shook Eric's hand, said a few polite words of hospitality, and invited them to stay for dinner. But Eric didn't want to stay on and insisted on taking Evelyn away for the night.

"Well, then," Tyrone said with mock regret, "Carl, go prepare the car and send your sister away."

Carl gave Evelyn a greedy look and walked out of the house holding a black umbrella. Eric gave a wink to his men and the tall men in black uniforms followed them out in silence. in the blink of an eye, there was a harsh scream from the courtyard followed by the muffled sound of punches and kicks.

Eric sniffed the air and fixed both eyes on Evelyn: "You smell like him."

Evelyn was frightened by his stern stare, her face paled and she took two steps back. Grace, who was in shock, seemed to understand something and darted to the door, hissing, "No!"

"Help me! Mother!" The sound of rain was interspersed with Carl's intermittent cries for help, "Stop, please stop beating me ......"

"Brother!" Ashley yelled as she slumped against the door, her eyes wide.

"This is just a little lesson," Eric said calmly, "If anyone dares to touch anything owned by Alpha Damon, this is what happens."

Evelyn's eyes widened in fear. She stood still, unable to move, unaware of the situation outside the house, but her stepbrother Carl's slaughterhouse-like screams kept echoing in her ears like a cold, glowing dagger.

"No, please stop!" Grace's calm demeanor disappeared and she fell to her knees like a dog at Eric's feet, begging wretchedly, "Please, he's already spitting blood, don't hit him anymore!"

Evelyn was surprised to note that Grace was actually crying, tears dripping like a stream all over her face and messing up her otherwise delicate makeup.

"Break both of his legs." Eric commanded coldly.

Tyrone held back his anger: "You are in our territory, this is too ......"

"The defeated have no right to protest." Eric growled lowly, a cruel and fierce light under his eyes, "Or do you want to start a war?"

Chills ran down Evelyn's back. Was this Blood Thirsty pack's beta? So vicious, then how brutal should their Alpha Damon be? It was simply unimaginable.

Carl screamed a few times in the heavy rain and gradually even his voice became faint. Grace and Ashley covered their faces and cried as if he was already dead.

"Bring it in." Eric finally spoke.

The men in black soon carried a half-dead body into the dining room. Evelyn couldn't help but check Carl's condition, he was covered in blood and both legs were broken and grotesquely twisted.

"Now it's time for us to leave, miss." Eric bowed his head and looked at Evelyn.

Evelyn winced, not daring to slacken at all on what he said.

"Y...yes!" She said quickly, showing her obedience.

"Take our car and leave, you don't need anyone to send you." Eric walked neatly to the door and pushed it open for her, "Please don't be afraid."

She swallowed hard and walked up to him with her suitcase. Two men in black stepped out from the side, each holding up a huge umbrella over her head.

Evelyn felt terrified. The men beside her had almost killed her stepbrother, and there still seemed to be a lingering smell of blood on their bodies. She gathered her courage and took two steps toward the rain, and they were so attentive that not a single drop of rain drifted onto him.

Soon she was walking to the parking lot under their escort. Grace's cries came from far away, muffled by the sound of the downpour. A man in black opened the backseat door, and Evelyn turned back one last time to look at the house she had lived in for over a decade.

She was finally leaving this purgatory-like place, but it didn't feel easy at all. Because what she was about to face was another abyss.

Evelyn got into the back seat, Eric followed closely to the passenger side. One of his men was driving, and the high beams broke up the darkness of the rain as several black cars drove into the road like swimming fish.

Eric's cold voice came from the front: "In about two hours, we'll reach the edge of Blood Thirsty pack, and Alpha will meet you there."

Evelyn kneaded her skirt on her knees and shuddered, "I understand, sir."

Eric looked at her through the rearview mirror: "Get ready, miss."

Carl had said that Damon only wanted her to work as a maid. Why would a maid be worth an audience with an Alpha of a wolf pack? And what did she need to prepare for, as Eric had said?

Evelyn's palms were sweating and her heart was pounding. How could she face Damon later if she didn't know anything?

The worst thing is that she is filling in for Ashley at Blood Thirsty pack. If Damon found out, according to his cruel and ferocious nature, he would definitely kill her!

"You look pale," Eric said, "It's still early, you can rest in the car for a while, Ashley."

Evelyn looked at him warily and said, "Alpha Damon...... what does he need me to do later?"

"Do what?" Eric narrowed his eyes, "Tyrone didn't tell you anything?"

Evelyn lowered her head in confusion and defended, "No. It's really short notice."

Eric suddenly laughed out loud. Such a youthful reaction, a completely pure and flawless virgin.

"You're going to be his woman." Eric said cryptically, "See what I mean?"

Evelyn froze for two seconds, and then her cheeks turned red.

"As it happens, you're very nicely dressed today." Eric continued, "Rest a while, girl, you have a tough night ahead of you."

Evelyn timidly closed her eyes and shivered as her mind kept replaying what was about to happen.

Alpha Damon would take her virginity tonight.

When her mother was still alive, Evelyn had also fantasized about finding her beloved mate as an adult and falling happily and passionately in love with him. She had never imagined that her first sex would happen under these circumstances.

Nothing could be worse than this. To sleep with a man she didn't even know, a tyrant who wouldn't even take pity on her. She couldn't even be considered his mate.

Just like a whore. ......

Evelyn whimpered twice in pain.

The sedan shuttled very fast, leaving her hometown in the blink of an eye and arriving in a strange jungle. Several black cars sped down the foggy forest road, and about half an hour later, a huge mansion appeared at the end of the road, its sandstone facade wet with rain, glinting faintly in the darkness.

"Get out of the car, miss." Eric warned without emotion.

Two sedans pulled up to the left and right and someone opened the door for her. A cool breeze entered the car, and Evelyn couldn't help but shiver. The rain had stopped, and the entire forest was covered with gray clouds.

She walked into an open barred gate with many black-clad bodyguards standing on either side of it. A gorgeous woman in a red dress with high heels came up, looked at Evelyn, smiled at her and said, "Alpha Damon has been waiting for you for a long time, Ashley."

Evelyn nodded and carried her suitcase towards the brightly lit lobby of the mansion. Now she would have to get used to everyone calling her Ashley.