
As massive wolves step out of the woods, Earl Gilhoughley speaks up. "Son, you may be wantin' to put your niece on her feet." Earl states the obvious, demonstrating where one of her traits comes from.

Sloane Anthony slowly lowered Brianna to the ground, only releasing her when he knew she was steady on her feet. The low growl from the largest, blackest wolf he has ever seen startled him, though he understood the reason for it. "She's fine, Edward. They're all fine, now."

The black wolf leaps and transforms into a very naked Edward. He envelops Brianna in his embrace and buries his face in her neck. After a moment, he lifts his head, looks her in the eye and gruffly says, "I've missed you." At which point, Jeb screams in an inexplicable high-pitched tone and falls to his knees.

"I've got this," Chris nods to the rest. At the blank looks, he says, "I've served with werewolves before." Understanding looks surround him.

"Sorry, not sorry?" Edward squeezes Brianna to him, not letting her go.

"Will somebody PLEASE get this lad some clothes?" from Earl.

Natalie and Madison bring clothes and pass them out to the wolves that shed them. Leo hands his father a pair of sweatpants. After clothes have been reclaimed, the Gilhoughleys lead everyone back to the house. "Glory and Begorah!" Earl quietly proclaims. "Do I see my great-granddaughters before me?" Earl gives an awkward side hug to one, then the other. "We have some catching up to do."

"The family reunion can wait," Edward's eyes glow amber, his anger and his wolf barely in check. "We need answers."

"I'll put on some tea." Earl's ever-present smile faded. His children knew that their Da has a serious side. The open floor plan made it easy to speak from the kitchen. Sloane Michael is brought in from the truck, still shackled, and seated in the living room. Bringing the water to a boil in the sauce pot, Earl turns to his audience and starts.

"It started with a prophecy...."

"A prophecy of your doom, of my doom, of doom doom doom...."

A few unintelligible words and a wave of the hand and Sloane Michael is mouthing silent words.

"It started with Family Pride. Sometimes, too much leads to a world of trouble.

"The prophecy came in the year we know of as 1299. Druids, Mages, Fae, Dragons, Werewolves, Vampires and all magical creatures, including Demons, worked together to help humans to the best of our ability. Sometimes we, all of us, screwed up, but we'd always try." Earl was downcast.

Doug continued, "Fae Willow was helping a young priestess of natural magic to see the future. This priestess, named Astra, was said to be a direct descendant of Queen Maeve of Ireland, and is our paternal ancestor. When she gazed into her vision bowl, she started to cry. She cried harder and harder, until, at five minutes, she stopped. When Fae Willow asked what she had seen, Astra said that she was uncertain. She saw a wolf bite a kinswoman and changing the future of all magic-kind."

"Some say for the better, some say for the worse," interjected Earl. "After some research, my other boys found out more." Earl motioned Shaylan, Scully and William forward.

Scully continued, "Astra confessed in her magical diary that she had a childhood fear of dogs, which may have distorted her view. When she went back to recreate the vision, the kinswoman was a smart, strong and self-reliant woman who found her mate in a werewolf. She continued that her Druid skill lay dormant until 'her heart became whole with the binding of her soul.' Some pretty powerful stuff there."

William nodded at his husband and then continued, "Astra goes on to talk about her kinswoman as 'a monthful dreaming of a lifetime.' Astra had dreams for a month about how the woman's dormant magic 'flowed without the knowing of it,' and endeared many beings of all races and cultures to her, earning her allies wherever she went. These allies would stand with her and protect her from those who would do her harm." When William finished speaking, he was staring at Sloane Anthony. "Sorry," William turned his face away.

Sloane Anthony ignored the implied accusation ."So, Brianna, how do we go about teaching you Druidic magic? More importantly, who can train you?"

"I'll do it, and gladly!" Earl chimes in, handing out mugs of tea. As he points out the cream and sugar on the kitchen center island, he continues, "I'm the seventh of seven, just like her Da. Plus, it will give me time to spend time with my no-longer-missing granddaughter and her babes. I haven't taken a vacation in a dog's age!" Edward growls, as Brianna laughs. "Beg your pardon, lad."

"That's a great idea, Dad," Doug intercedes. "However, she may want to see the strength of the magic in each of us. He was the best potion maker of all of us. His herbal remedies enhanced Siobhan's healing magic. His root mud held flower beds and rocks that we have laid in place better than regular cement. His tonics and aromatherapy focused Sloane's scrying and Shalan's blessings. Remember his hangover cure?"

"Aye, that I do. His tea was epic in the mornings as well. Remember?" Earl deflated again. "Then it's decided. We will schedule with you who and when we may come to visit, according to your wishes and our previous obligations. With your permission, Edward? Brianna-love?"

"As for my part in your abduction, I am truly sorry," Sloane Anthony had to assure her that this will never happen again on his watch. "I thought that my uncle had more information on how you were to change magic-kind. The truth is, I now don't care. You are a part of my family, my blood, and I will protect you."

"We accept your apology and your protection as family." Brianna answers before Edward gets a word in and elbows him, gently, when he starts to growl. 'I know you love me and will protect me. I know that you are angry with him and will find him hard to trust. He is part of my family - the family that made me. How could I abandon that bond?' Brianna has so missed touching the mind of her beloved that her emotions flowed through her to him. He responded by squeezing her tighter.

"That's fine then." Earl claps his hands together. I humbly ask to be the first to teach you, since I've taught them all they know."

The room bursts into laughter. "Ya bunch of insolent whelps! Who else would have put up with you to train you? Who could train you better than me?"

"MOM!" a chorus of Gilhoughley children answered him.

"Well, fine then. At least they entrusted me with the recipe books." Earl mumbled, almost to himself.

"Recipe books?" Brianna uncurled herself from Edward's embrace to receive the old book. She opened it reverently in the middle and found her father's handwriting. Edward puts her hands on her hips, still needing to touch her and make sure that she is real. She is lost in the pages of recipes, but safely with him.

"We would like to coordinate with you soon. I think we should get home now. We have four hours of driving ahead of us. Edward needs to get Brianna and their unborn child back to the pack, to protected land.

"What about him?" Leo indicates the abandoned Sloane Michael, who, with all ties to family cut, is slipping further and further into some inner hell from the look on his face.

"He is paying for his sins against the family. Every. Last. One." Earl's face turns angry, but just for a moment. "Don't you be worrying about him. He'll be rehabilitated, or more likely dead from his experience. None can save him but himself.

"Go. Go back home and we'll be along with more answers. I'm sure there's more to this than this single frail attempt. He did not expect his family to come to Brianna's assistance. More's the pity. He should know that we accept the cards dealt to us by the Gods. It's how we play them that makes us winners or losers."