Chapter 14: Leaving for the Castle

We made it halfway and I was already huffing and puffing. It was morning already. It was like already 10:00 in the morning. "Hey easy Narvi. You're still a little weak." Said Zaira. "I'll be fine. Don't worry Zaira. Thanks for all of your help. Don't worry I will be there to protect him when the time comes. It is my duty after all right?" "Please be careful and stay safe, ok?" "Haha I'll be fine Zaira. I'll see you again. Find Ash and have him come see me. I have something important to tell him." "Ok will do." So she finished dropping me off at the gate. I thanked her and she left. "Hey guards. Can I go in?" "Prince Narvian! Everyone has been looking for you. Please go in!" I winced in pain. "Thanks."

I went in and yelled "Yo! Everyone I'm back! No need to search anymore!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran over to me. I saw my wife in the crowd. "Easy now everyone. I'm still weak." Then everyone stood back when they heard the king in the background. "Enough everyone! Let the man breathe!" "Thanks father. Sigh. Yeah, sorry about the worry. I couldn't tell anyone but I had some business to take care of with Ash. In the future I will be having to leave for a time as well." I was about to fall over when Arson caught me. "Sorry. I'll be fine. just still a little weak. A day of rest I will be good as new. Anyway when Ash gets here please let me know. I will be fine everyone I promise." Then my wife finally came over and hugged me. "Oh my gosh Narvi! I was so worried." "I'm ok really. With a day's rest I will be fine. You know me." "Yeah, but before you go to bed to rest go find the kids. You know you will have to see the doc, right?" "Yeah, he will just say the same thing though. How are you and the babies doing?" "The babies are fine. I'm just a little tired is all. Anyway, let me take you to the kids. Aiden hasn't said a word or acted like himself since you left." "Oh crap. That bad huh? Where is he?"

I followed my wife to the kids room with Ace and Aiden in their beds. "Kids. I'm back." "Daddy!" Said Ace running over and hugging me. I picked him up and hugged him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek then put him down. "Honey why don't you take little Ace outside. Let me have some time with Aiden." "Ok sure. Come on Ace. Daddy will help big brother." So, he followed Talia out.

"Aiden can you talk to daddy?" "No." "Daddy is sorry. He can't even tell mommy where he went. You two and mommy could have been in trouble. So, I had to go. Uncle Ash was with daddy." I saw little Aiden look at me. He had that tsundere look. "Come on kiddo. Give daddy a hug. What can daddy do so he can help you? Hmm. Ice cream?" I saw him raise his eyebrows. "Ice cream." "Ok but I will have to give some to your brother too." He looked grumpy but at least he was back to his old self. So, we went to tell Talia what was up. We went out to get ice-cream for the little boys.

When we got back from the kids and mommy eating ice-cream we went inside the castle and saw Ash waiting for me. "Ok Uh honey give the kids to their grandma and grandpa. Is that ok dad?" "Yes son. Come on kids." "Ok papa." Said Ace. Aiden just followed. "Daddy, ok?" "Yes, I'll be fine Aiden go on." Then he left with grandpa and my wife, and I went to see Ash.

"So, Ash. Let's go into the forest. Will you be ok Talia to walk?" "Yeah I'm not that pregnant yet." "Haha true."

"OK here we are. So, uh Ash. When I was in that state, I found out what I was to you. Uh Also the witch that put the spell on me also did to you. I am your protector. Uh also you have to go back to the Goldhart family. They are still ruling but a different castle. So, in order to protect you I have to live there and uh that is why you are here honey. She gave me a choice whether to live at the castle or stay at the cave." "Well probably the castle. I'll miss everyone at the cave but if this is what helps you then we can make it easy." "Ok another thing. It won't be easy to go back either. So, expect to have some trouble. I know you don't know where they are but I do. The witch did. She told me where it was. The only way to get in is with Goldhart magic." "Hmm I see. No wonder I can't find it. Well, I guess we should tell you Talia. I'm the prince. I'm the crown prince to be exact." "No way! Really?" "Yeah, he is. Right now, his father is still on the throne but they have been talking about the next one if you don't return soon." "Did they say who it was?" "No but I have a bad feeling." "Well looks like I have no other choice huh? Well, my son is now the crown prince almost the King. So I guess I need to find another Heir to the throne since they will be worrying about that." "Well, I can't because I have to be your protecter, but uh what about my sons? You can hang on until they are old enough right?" "Well, I guess so. I don't plan on having any more kids so then that would be the best option. If that's ok with you Talia." "Well, we still have time. Narvi and I will talk it over later. So, when do we leave?" "Well, the woman suggested in a week's time would be best." "Ok a week it is then. I have business to take care of till then so go spend time with those kiddos." "Ok Ash. Just don't get yourself killed, ok?" "Yeah, kid I know." I just rolled my eyes and left with Talia. So, we walked quietly back to the palace. I was thinking and my eyes turn green when I am thinking or something else going on.

"Are you ok Narvi?" I heard a voice but not understanding it. "Narvi are you ok babe?" No response. "Narvi!" "Sorry babe my eyes were green from thinking." "OK just be careful, ok?" "Yeah, I know."

We got to the castle and it was getting to dinner time. "I think I'll take my dinner in our room again. I have to think of a plan." "Ok honey. See you later then." So, I went up to my room and Talia went to dinner.

A little later, I was working on my plans when I heard knock on my door. "Who is it?" "It's Ash kid." "Come in." So, he walked in with dinner. "Hey thanks my stomach was talking. I haven't finished the plan but I have a start. I showed him the paper and he said. "Looks good kid. I hope you plan on leaving the kids here until we figure all this out. Or at least bring them to the cave." "Here is safer. Cave is too close to the castle." I said looking at the paper while eating. "Hmm. So, it's not far from the cave huh? No wonder she said you could stay there or at the castle." "Why don't you make some plans too so we can compare them later." "No, it's all good. I like your plan. I don't see why you didn't become king and let your brother. You would be a good king." "Nah it's too much work. Barely time with my kids as is." "Good point." "I'm done Ash. Thanks." "Sure kid. You need anything?" "No, I'm good. See ya tomorrow unless I need something later." "See ya kid."

Later that night Talia came in with the kids to tell me goodnight. I gave them each a kiss and hug. Then she took them to tuck them in and came back. "The kids were ok right?" "Oh yeah no trouble at all he said. But I'm mom, so you know boys will be boys type of thing." "Sorry to leave you alone with them. I know it can be a handful. Uh here's the thing Talia. I'll be leaving with Ash but I will be going alone with him. I don't want you and the boys to get hurt and the cave we stayed in before isn't safe. It's too close to where we are going. I will stop by first and let the others know we won't be staying there anymore but we will visit when things settle down. We won't be leaving for about another week so we can stay here for that time." I kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry Talia. I know you loved everyone at the cave but this has to happen for Ash's safety." "Sigh. I know. It's just the kids are going to miss their friends but they are still young. So, when they get older, they will understand more, I guess. Also, we need to talk about the boys being the Heir to the throne." "Ah that. Haha well right now it looks like Aiden is more qualified the way his attitude is but only time will tell as they get older." "Are you sure you want one of our babies to be crowned king? I mean you said it was a lot of work for yourself." "Sigh. Well, you are right about that Talia. That is why I am sure Ash didn't want to do it but now he has no choice. Also, Aiden likes the guy so there's that." "Haha he sure does like his uncle Ash. I don't know if he would be a good role model but at least he could learn a thing or two from him." "Yeah, I agree. So, honey what do you think? Should we make one of our kids King?" "Well let's see how the kids are as they get older and see where that goes. Then we will make our decision." "Yeah, good idea. I'll let Ash know tomorrow."

It was a week later and my wife was starting to show her pregnant belly. Just slightly. The doc said she was having a magic pregnancy so it's not a normal birth. We don't know when exactly she will have it so we need to hurry and get back.

I was already ready to go. I was saying goodbye to Talia my boys and my whole family. Dad brother mom sister-in-law. "Well bye everyone. I can't promise I won't get hurt. Well, I can't promise not to die either but I will promise to try not to die. You all know me too well that I will get hurt. Brother, please take care of my kids and unborn kids and wife." "Yeah, brother I know. I promise." "Oh, and Aerith (My sis in law) take care of that baby inside of you too. I know you will." Then I picked up both my boys. "Daddy bye bye?" said Ace. "Yeah, daddy is going bye bye. I will see you when I can ok little man? Remember to watch that tail, ok? It always gets in the way when I need to do things. You're lucky Ash. Your fox tails aren't as long as mine." "Yeah, well be careful of yours. I'll show you all my fox form if I don't die out there, ok?" "Oh, you won't I'll make sure of that Ash. Aiden are you mad at daddy?" "No go." "Oh, baby I have to go little man. You have to make sure your brother doesn't cause trouble for mommy, ok? When I am gone you are the man ok?" Then I saw a big smile on his face. "I boss! Yay!" Then everyone laughed. "Ok kiddos." Then I put them back down. I hugged my brother, father, mother, my whole family then we waved goodbye.

Once we were out of site my face expression changed. I just put on a face to let them think I was happy. I think my wife saw right through it and I know Ash did. "Kid what is it?" "Uh I just have a bad feeling on what is to come when we get there. I just hope my feeling is wrong. Uh also I need to stop at the cave before we get to the castle." "Yeah, I have too as well. I have some business with the boss." "Ok yeah I think I might as well. He's been wanting to talk to me about something. I've been putting it off."

It took us at least a day and a half to get to the cave. "Finally, here. I'm exhausted." I was about to fall when Ash caught me. "Sorry I need to train more to stay up longer." "We can rest here for the night. We don't have long to get there." "Yeah, let me get a few winks before I talk to anybody. Let everyone know I'll talk to them in a few hours. Wake me up in 2 hours." "Yeah, sure thing kid."

We went in and everyone that was there ran over to us. "Woah take it easy guys. Narvi needs rest. Let him through." So, I barely got to my room and collapsed on my bed.

Two hours later I felt someone touching me trying to wake me up but I couldn't open my eyes I was so tired. When I tried, I realized I felt hot. "Kid are you ok?" "Hmm. Argh." Ash touched Narvian's head and said. 'Shit. This kid has got a fever. That will delay our time a bit. Well, we will have to.' He said to himself. Then he ran to get a doc to check him out.

The doc was there in 10 min. "He hadn't got any sleep for a day and a half we walked here with only brief breaks but no sleep. Do you think it's only sleep that's causing this?" "Let me see him and I'll let you know." So, Ash watched as the doctor examined Narvian. "So, doc. What is the verdict?" "I'm afraid it's not sleep that is causing this. Its mental. His mind is keeping him this way for some reason. If he doesn't come out of it in a few days I'm afraid he will be in danger." "Shit. What could cause someone mentally to stay asleep?" "Lots of things, I guess. Depends on what or who could be causing it." "Thanks doc I'll keep you posted." "I'll come back in an hour to check on him." "OK thanks doc." Then he turned back to Narvian. "Hang in there kid. You can make it. You got those kids to look after. Heck, you said you would protect me and make sure I don't die remember that kid?" "Argh. Pant, pant." "Hang in there kid. Please you have to hang on."

(In Narvi's head)

"What is going on? Where am I?" "Narvian. Welcome back to your mind." There was someone who looked like him but wasn't him. "Who? Who are you?" "Don't worry about who I am. Just call me J for now. Do you know what has happened to you?" "No not really. I just know I didn't get sleep for a day and a half and I was tired. At least I thought it was." "That was part of it yes. The other part no so much. Stop thinking too much. It will really kill you. You will have to face what will happen when you get there. Remember you're going to have another set of twins to take care of. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to tell you that when you wake up go to the fountain. You will see what is to come." "What is wrong with me? How can I wake up?" "Well, its stress kid. Just relax and not think too much. I can only help this once. We may see each other in the future, maybe not. Just in case I will still be in this form. Nice tail by the way." "Thanks, I guess. Wait a minute. How is thinking so much causing me not to wake up?" "If we meet up, maybe I can tell you. Until then." He put his hand on my head and I saw a bright light. Then finally pitch dark.

(Back in reality)

"Hmm. Jeeze. Did he have to do that so hard? Ow." Then Ash came back in. "Kid you're awake!" "Yeah I am." I said still rubbing my head. "What's wrong?" "Don't worry about it and please don't mention it. Too creepy. Anyway, how long was I out?" only about 5 hours." "What? What time is it?" "Easy kid. It's not the next day yet. It's almost dinner time though." "Oh, that scared me. Anyway, uh I need to go to the fountain. Then meet up with boss. Did you get a chance to see him?" "Yeah, I did. Everything is settled on my end." "Ok help me up. I need to talk to boss then I'll head to the fountain." "Hang on a minute. Let me get the doc to check on you to be sure." "Come on Ash you know I heal fast." "Stay kid." "Fine hurry up." Then Ash went out and I guess the doc was already waiting it didn't take long for him to get there.

"Hey Narvi. How you feeling?" "I'll live. I heal fast. I'm fine." "Let's give you a checkup, shall we?" He did his normal checkup and nothing was wrong. "Told you there was nothing wrong." "Ok, Ok kid. Let's go then." He helped me up and I saw the boss.

I went in by myself since the boss wanted to see me alone. "How are you doing Narvian." "Boss all these years and you still call me by my real name. What can I do for you?"