Chapter 23: The King

"Ok. Hey kid. I have to go somewhere you and Silver should go somewhere. In my paper I got an invitation to another kingdom. I think I might have been there before maybe as a child. I don't know. I'll talk to my parents see what they say. Follow me."

I followed him to meet his parents. "Hey mom and dad." "Oh Ashtor. What can we help you with?" Said the former King. "Uh I got an invitation. Here. I think I have been here before." He gave it to his mother and she opened it. I heard her make a gasp. "Mom?" Then he saw his dad look at it as well and had wide eyes. "Yes you have been there before as a child." Said his father. "Don't worry about it. You should be fine. Do you remember the child you used to play with over there?" "Uh I vaguely remember. Is he still there?" "Uh well. Lets hope you remember. I'm surprised the signature on the paper doesn't ring a bell. He's the child you played with as a kid." "Oh so he is King now. Well this will be an interesting visit. How far is this Kingdom?" "Oh about 4 Days away from here. I will have a guide to follow you. I shall go get him." "Yes father."

We waited for about 15 minutes and we saw a shy Teenage boy. He looked like he could have been through a lot to be that way. "Everyone this is Lycan. He is 18 years old. A really good fighter maybe one of our best. Yet he is shy but he will get a job done he doesn't talk much." "Excuse me sir." I spoke up. "He looks like he could have gone through hell." "Yes he has. I'll have him tell you when he is ready what has happened. If you ask him a question he will answer it. As for a conversation, good luck." "Understand sir. I have worked with Kids like this before. I understand." "Ok well that's good to know. Well when do we leave?" Then Lycan spoke up. Tomorrow. Long days ahead of us." "OK well I guess we will wake up at dawn." Lycan nodded in agreement.

I went to find my wife to tell her the news. "Hey honey. I have to go away again. This most likely won't be the last time as I am Ash's protecter I have to go where he does." "I understand honey so where are you going?" "Well it will take 4 days to get there. I think it was called the Kingdom of Thorian." "Yes I have heard of them. So you leave at Dawn tomorrow?" "Yes and have the kids see us off. I want to introduce someone to you." "I want to see the kids now too. I want to tell them I will be leaving tomorrow." I will go get them.

About 10 minutes later the kids came running over. "Hey Kiddo's. How are you?" "Good Daddy." Said Kaia. "Good. Daddy has to leave tomorrow. This time you will see daddy off. I want you all to meet someone." "Daddy you need a rest." "I know Aiden. Maybe after this I'll have Attor guard him a couple of times when he goes off. I am always so exhausted." "That is a good idea Narvi." Said Talia. "That way you can spend more time with the kids." "Yeah I want to but right now…" "I know your busy. When you get back You can talk to Attor." "Yeah sorry Talia and Kiddos."

"Well I better get packing for 4 days. I'll try not to tear my clothes but no promises." "Sigh Yes I know. Just don't die out there ok?" "I'll try not to." Then I Headed to my room to pack.

As I was packing, I heard Silver speak. "Go ahead Silver. Whats up?" "That Kid Lycan is it? I have a feeling he might know you wife. I just have a feeling is all. Just don't be shocked. I also have a feeling he will come in handy as well. He may be more powerful than we think s o don't be shocked." "I'll do my best. I'll be fine don't worry." "Haha we will see Narvian." "Hey I told you to call me Nari. Silverado." "Ok fair enough you know to call me Silver. How did you know my name anyway?" "Attor did." "That wierdo. I'm going to get him for that." Then he helped me pack.

Finally Dawn was approaching. I took a shower and got dressed. I don't know when I would get one again so I enjoyed it. After my shower I got into my clothes I was going to wear for the day and grabbed my stuff and waited by the door.

In 10 minutes everyone that is coming showed up then later my wife and kids. "Hello Kiddo's and wife." "Hey Narvi." "Daddy!" "Hey kids. There is someone I want you to meet." "Lycan over here." Then He came over and when he saw Talia he was shocked. "Hello Lycan. Good to see you again." "Do you remember me?" "Yes. Hello Talia." "Will you want to hang out with me when you get back when you are free?" "Sure bring Narvi with you." "Ok good." "Oh and Lycan these are my kids. The boys are Aiden and Ace. The ones I am holding are Kaia and Gaia." "Nice to meet you all. Cute Kids." "Thank you Lycan." Said Talia. Then he nodded. I gave my Kids a group hug and squeezed them. "Ok Aiden you're the man of the house you take care of your brother and sisters ok?" "Ok Daddy." I patted his head then hugged Talia and gave her a kiss and the kids said Ewe like always and we all laughed. Then I had to be off.

"Well See you all whenever I can. I'll send word when I get there and when I will get back. Also what is going on. All of you take care." "You too Narvi." Said Attor. He was there and so was Storm. "Man I wish I can go too." "Oh kid. They are trying not to get in trouble they got an invitation to a castle ok?" "Yeah I know." They watched until the others were out of site.

While I was walking with the other's is said, "Hey when he rest for the first time we need to talk what are plans are to get there." "Yeah that's a good idea." Said Ash. Then finally after it felt like forever we rested. "Ok so Are we going to walk the last 1 or 2 days after we sleep the first 2?" said Ash. "Cough Cough Yeah that sounds like a good plan." I said. "Hey you ok Narvi?" said Ash. "I'll be fine. Cough Cough. Oh I never asked Lycan. What creature are you?" Then he looked around make sure no one else was there and turned to his form. "Woah you're a Jay. Sweet." Then he turned back. "That explains why you know Talia." Then he spoke. "I'm not only a Jay. I'm also a Pheonix. Hold on." Then he took a deep breath and turned. "Woah. You are a blue Pheonix. Cool!" "Mind if I pet you?" He nodded then I went over and pet him. It was like a normal bird which was weird. After I was done he turned back. "It's a myth we are made of fire. Its our design. It is true though that we are reborn in our ashes if we aren't killed. We die of old age then we are reborn in our ashes but if we are killed we are dead for good." "Interesting. Thanks for the fun facts Lycan." "Sure." Then Silver popped up. "I have an idea everyone. Since two of you guys can fly, why not fly the last two days. How far can you both fly?" Lycan spoke first. "I can fly for a day at the most." "Same here." Said Ash. "OK then we will sleep for the first 3 days and fly the last day." Said Silver. "Yeah good idea." Said Ash. Then we looked at Lycan and nodded in agreement. "Ok good. Lets rest for an hour and head out again." So we did just that and headed out.

Finally 3 days had passed and it was time to rest this once. We rested for an hour and waited for the others to turn and I rode on Ash. Lycan turned to his Jay form and waited until Ash was ready. Then finally he nodded and Lycan took flight and we followed. I really liked being in the air. I felt free. "Cough Cough. Damn! I wish this cough would go away." Lycan looked at Narvi since he heard his coughing. He saw Narvi's color looked a little drained. He knew they had to get there so he faced forward but not without worry.

They finally made it to the gate and turned human. Narvi got off of Ash and he turned human. "Ok now lets go." Said Ash. Then we walked up to the guards. "We got an invitation from the king." "Ah yes he has been expecting you all please go in." We walked through the gate and I felt a little dizzy. I held on to Ash for balance. He looked his way and saw I wasn't in good condition. "Nari. Are you OK?" "I don't think so. I might be sick after all. We might need to see a place doctor." "Ok lets meet the king first and then get one." Said Ash. Then we went in and greeting the King. We bowed. "Greetings your majesty." Said Ash. "Rise my friends. Good to see you after all these years Ash. I see your friend here is sick." "Yes we were hoping to see a palace doctor. This is my protector Prince Narvian Dragonblood." "Oh so this is him. Yes I'll send one right now. You can get him situated then we can talk." "Thank you, Your Majesty." Then we followed a butler to a room and they Laid me down. In a matter of minutes a doctor came in. "Hello Narvian. I am Doctor Tanning. What are your symptoms?" "Well I started with a cough then before coming here I felt hot. When I got here I was Dizzy that's when they decided to call you." "I see. Ok mind if I check up on you?" "Sure thanks Doc." The others stood back to give the doc room for my exam.

After the exam he told us what was wrong. "Ok he has been bitten by a poisonous animal. I have an antidote. Then he will need to rest for about 2 days he shall be fine. this antidote will make you tired so you will sleep." I nodded. "Can you send word to Talia I made it?" I asked Ash. "Yes I will kid. Get some rest." "Lycan stay with Narvi." "Yes sir." I had just gotten my shot when I saw Lycan sit down and I saw his worried face before I closed my eyes.

2 days later Narvi was still asleep. It was the day he was supposed to wake up. Ash and Lycan were waiting in worry. It was around dinner time when Narvi even had signs of waking. "Hmm. Pant…Pant…Cough Cough." Then I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hey you finally woke up. How are you feeling?" said Ash. "A little tired. I just need a shower to wake me up. I'll be fine." "All right we will out outside the door for you." "Ok I'll be right out." Once they left I took a deep breath and let it out. then I got into the shower.

While I was in the shower I was contemplating about the poison animal I would have got bitten by. I seem to remember something when I was little. "No way it couldn't be. Could they have found me? No that's impossible. I have to tell Ash and Lycan." I got out of the shower dried off and got dressed. Then I headed out.

"Hey guys I have something to tell you. I also think I need to tell the king so it's a good thing we are going to talk to him." "OK well lets head over." "Are you sure your ok Narvi?" said Lycan worried. "Yeah I'm fine Lycan. Thanks for worrying." I had the urge to pat him on the shoulder but I knew he wasn't ready yet.

"Hello your majesty." We bowed. "Rise all of you. Narvian good to see you are finally better. So would you all follow me please." So we followed him to his office and he told us to sit down. "If I may your majesty?" "Yes you may speak." "OK thanks. Uh as you probably heard from doctor Tanning I was bitten by a poisonous animal. I was contemplating on the feeling. Then I remembered when I was younger I was bit by the same animal. Its not a stray. I think the people who were after me back then have finally found me. I'm sorry but I think I might have brought some trouble to your kingdom. I'm so sorry your majesty." "Sigh. Its fine. I don't blame you kid. These things happen all the time. It just means we have some traitors among us we just have to be careful." "Thank you. Your majesty." "No problem Narvian." "Oh and I don't mean to be rude but I go by Narvi and I got used to being called Kid by your childhood friend here. So that's ok too." "Haha yeah well he would do that huh. Well now down to business Ash do you know why I have called you here?" "Well I know its not for a reunion so it must be something important." "Actually it sort of is. Uh Ash are you seeing anyone at the moment?" "No but do you remember the woman I was with back then? Uh she is Narvian's mother and I apparently had a son with her. He is now king of Aria. His name is Arson." "Ah I see. Maybe that is why it didn't work out between you two." "Maybe." "Ok well anyway I want to introduce you to someone. Bring her in." They brought in a beautiful woman with Icy purple hair. Pink eyes pale skin. "Hello My name is Violet." "I think I know where this is going. I never planned on getting married but I guess for your sake I will give it a try." "Hello Violet I'm Ash?" He lifted her hand and kissed it out of respect. "Why don't you two walk around in the garden. I'll talk to Narvi and Lycan here." "If you say so your majesty." "Ok smart ass have fun." "Haha." Then they left and he looked at me.

"So Narvi. Before I talk to you about something I want to introduce myself. My name is Rinzo. I went by Rin back then. So I have people call me King Rin instead of Rinzo."OK Good to know uh maybe after everything is done here you can tell me stories about Ash when he was younger." "Ah I would be happy too. Do I have plenty." Then we all laughed. "Ok now for the serious stuff. About these men. Can you describe them for me? Is there a mark or something on them that can identify who they might be?" "Well let me see. They kidnapped me when I was a baby and Arson came and found me and got caught himself. I was raised by them for 16 years. I know many of them have scars from fighting. I guess you can say they a gruffy men. They love fighting. So he would have sent his best ones which are only about 6 people. Also one of the 6 can seem charming and clean. He was the one that had the poisonous animal. It's a fluffy and cute animal but once it bites depending on who it is it could be deadly. It's the animal I am assuming I was bit by." "Hmm I see. If you saw them again would you recognize them?" "Yes I would also recognize the man who poisoned me as well." "OK lets go look for the gruffy ones first." Then we all got up and we followed the king.