Elite Bodyguard Company

"Jordan, you said I'm going to teach you a lesson, right?" Tristan asked. 

Jordan shrugged. "Yeah."

As soon as he said that, Tristan stepped forward and swing his fist at Jordan. This punch had been packed with so much force that anybody who would receive it would surely be headed to the emergency room. 

But Jordan just tilted his head and avoided it, letting the punch land on the wall behind him.

Pain attacked Tristan's hand and his entire arm.

He shook his red and possibly broken hand. "You really have some tricks up your sleeve, huh?"

Jordan just shrugged again, and this time, he decided to use both hands for attack, punching him one after the other. 

The speed was incredible, but not for Jordan, he ducked and twisted away easily, letting some punches land on Trevor instead.

Trevor tried to hide. "Please, be careful, Tristan!"

But the more Trevor complained and whined, the more irrational Tristan became. His punches became super fast, and as he watched Jordan dodge, he began to ask him if this man really was as foolish as they made him out to be.

Tristan was becoming impatient. "If you have that ability, don't hide it and fight me back!"

"Okay!" Jordan said casually and stood still, letting all the punches hit him.

And Tristan thought this was his chance. He gathered all the strength in his body and threw the biggest punch.

But what happened next was something that he didn't expect at all.

His punch slid off his body like he was covered in something slippery, then to everyone's surprise, the punch got redirected to Trevor himself.

Trevor didn't have the time to dodge that one, and Tristan didn't have the time to retract his strength. 

The punch landed on Trevor's abdomen.

Trevor landed on his knees, the breath knocked out of him.

That was the last straw for Trevor. "I told you to be careful, you stupid mutt!"

Jordan saw this and decided to fuel the fire. "That's right. I knew it, you were just using your brother Trevor for a quick lesson. Look at what you did!"

Tristan looked at the mess he created and didn't say anything.

"Are you not going to explain?" Trevor asked. "I will tell dad about this!"

Trevor believed Jordan this time. He and his brother never really got along and this just proved that they had some sort of animosity.

Tristan couldn't believe what had just happened. "That not true! I wasn't just making an excuse to hit you!"

"F*ck!" Trevor spat a mouthful of blood. "I almost fell for his trap..."

The two of them turned around to attack Jordan together, but he already escaped.

"Hurry up! We must find him!" Trevor yelled.

"I think it would be better not to," Tristan said shyly, which was highly uncharacteristic of him.

Jordan was nothing but a retard. How could he have all of these tricks?

"Are you just going to let him do that?" Trevor asked indignantly. "He made us look like dumbasses!"

Trevor couldn't deal with this anymore. He had been embarrassed far too many times to still tolerate this.

"I have my ways, don't worry," Tristan suddenly assured him. "I think it's time to find the old man and ask for his help."

"What?" Trevor was shocked. "Are we really going to call an old master to deal with Jordan? Don't you think we're making the issue bigger?"

"Didn't you hear about what he had done tonight? Not only did he not divorce Sienna, but he also embarrassed Ken and offended the Andrich family. We have been at ease around him for so long. Don't you think it's time to do something big about it?"

With that, Tristan's eyes flashed with a mischievous light.

* * *

Jordan sat in another elevator, deep in thought.

Tonight, it seemed that he had just gathered enough strength for a display that was close to his normal abilities.

The most important thing for him to do now was to keep tracking his strength and to see if his subordinates were still loyal to him after all these years.

Jordan's strength was still locked and intact. The thing he's just using lately were residuals of that energy.

It was still pitifully small, slightly above a normal human's but definitely not something noteworthy.

Back in the day, he used to dominate the battlefield with no problem. He had beat so many people in such fights without lifting a finger. His skills were more than just remarkable, and he wished so bad to be in full power again so he could defend himself and Sienna better.

Sighing, Jordan decided to throw a punch in the air. It was strong, and he wished he punched Tristan like that--


The elevator doors opened and in came Sienna, who looked surprised to see him there.

"Sienna?" he asked in alarm. "What are you doing here?"

She just let a long sigh of relief like she was just glad to see him. "Where's Trevor and Tristan?"

Jordan knew that she had come here to see if things were going easy, so he decided to lie and say, "Something came up at the last minute and they told me to just go home by myself."

"How unreliable," she muttered.

But then her expression turned cold. "Jordan, I don't know why you're acting like this all of a sudden, but I really want to talk to you about the divorce settlement. I'll sign it in a week."

Jordan was stunned. "What if I do what your dad wants me to do?"

"You can't." She shook her head. "It's impossible, that's why dad agreed in the first place."

"You're my wife yet you don't believe me," Jordan said with a sly smile.

Sienna's pretty face turned dark when he emphasized the word wife. "Conduct yourself. This is a public place and you should act more appropriately."

"What's wrong with calling you my wife?" he retorted. "Wifey."

Sienna bit her lip.

At that moment, she realized thats she missed the old innocent Jordan who wouldn't be saying stuff like this to her.

Now, it seemed like he was becoming some sort of playboy, which she hated.

"Ah, if it isn't the most beautiful girl in the city."

Jordan and Sienna looked at the source of the playful voice and came face to face with a group of men and women in fancy suits and dresses. In front of them was a familiar face.

"Ivan Graham," Sienna said.

Ivan smiled at her before looking at Jordan. "Are you her husband? Damn, you really live up to your reputation."

The people around him started to whisper among themselves. "So he's that idiot."

"What a shame. Miss Sienna is too beautiful to stay with someone like that."

Jordan leaned over to Sienna. "Do you know this man?"

Sienna nodded and started to tell him about Ivan.

It turned out that he was the second son of the Graham family, who were affiliated with the Andrich family.

They had a security company, much like the one that Sam wanted to establish.

This was why Sienna had to grit her teeth and tolerate this man. He could be a potential business partner.

Jordan nodded in understanding, although he definitely didn't completely grasp what was happening to the Campbells and their business.

When Sienna finished, Jordan looked at Ivan. He looked young, but also really immature in a way that he couldn't explain.

Jordan decided not to stoop to his level.

But Ivan already caught Jordan's reaction. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Before Jordan could even reply, he covered his nose like Jordan was emitting a bad smell. "Well, Miss Sienna, it seems like your dog needs to be groomed."

When no one said anything, Ivan continued, "I really don't know why you refused the divorce, Miss Sienna. I feel bad for Andrich, I really do. I can't believe you chose this dog over him."

He continued to make more jokes about her, but Sienna couldn't defend herself even though she was red with anger. She was clenching her fists, but she had nothing to say. She had never been good with words.

But just as she was about to tell Jordan that they should leave, Ivan suddenly fell on his butt, a red mark on his face.

Jordan stepped forward. "You should have shut your mouth when you had the chance."