
Isabella's POV 18 years old

With tears in her eyes she looked to the sky

"Why am I so broken?" She screamed as the pain of heartbreak over took her.

She felt a hand brush through her hair.

"You're not broken." He whispered.

She looked up in disbelief.

He was here.

With teary eyes she looked down at her hands, his hands covered hers.

"Isabella, don't cry." He spoke after a moment. She leaned into his hand as a smiled played on her lips. But reality was setting in.

"How can you say that? How can you be so gentle after all this time?! Where were you when I needed to be protected?!" She pushed his hand away and stood up. "All these years Cameron!" She whispered.

"Bella,"she cut him off shaking her head. She turned around taking off full speed. Her eyes clouded with tears as she jumped and maneuvered through her second home. The forest had always been Isabella's escape.

It hadn't been a lot of time but she finally came to stop hearing the pain of a howl.

A new found freedom as she all she known.

She must have crossed borders.

More howls ring out.

A pack member lost.


The beginning

8years old

I was startled awake and my heart begin to race it was time to run.

"Bella baby, your father and I are right behind you. Run and don't look back." Mother says I nodded as she walked quickly to the edge.I could see the fires and hear the screams as other meet us at the edge.

My dad didn't take long but it wasn't enough time. He looked back and licked my face before taking off to the fight. Mother hugged me one last time placing a kiss to my forehead then my cheek.

"Run." My mother says

Without a second thought.

I took off running

7 hours later

I had been running and my body was tired.

I leaned against a tree to catch my breath when I heard the leaves crunching.