Chap 4 pt 2

Isabella's pov

It was still early the sun was begging to rise. I decided after my shower to go explore a little when i ran into a hard surface.

"What th-" i heard the king say as i fell on my bottom. His feet turned my way i looked up.

"Oh bella." He was at my level pulling me back to my feet. "What are you doing up at 6am?" He questioned. I felt his eyes demanding for to meet his gaze and when my eyes met his, his face softened.

"Nightmares." He said once my eyes began to warter. He pulled me into a tight hug causing me to break.

"My parents arent coming are they?" I asked my voice sounding like a nail on a board.

He pressed his lips and looked away.

"You can tell me the truth." I said bravely. Cause in my heart i knew. I felt the boned break once i crossed the lands. I couldn't feel them anymore. It had been at least 4 days now since that night.

Nobody would say it directly but i knew. Somehow in my heart i knew.

"Little one..." he sighed his eyes not meeting mine as i stared him down.

"The truth my king." I demanded.

He sighed once more but nodded.

"There is talk that the warning messenger never made it. Bella we shouldnt discuss this right now."

I knew what he was doing. I was to young.

Thats when i broke even more.

"WHY CANT I JUST STAY HERE?! HUH?! WHY KEEP SENDING ME AWAY? THEYVE TAKEN EVERYTHING FROM ME!" I exclaimed. I stomped my foot and clenched my fist and for the first time i felt helpless.

My parents had always been there watching and helping me calm down. But to know i would never get that again enraged me.

The wind around us picking up and immediately i was taken back to my room.

I slammed the door and allowed my powers to take over. Without lifing a finger things began to break around me. And i smiled wickedly.

I heard the door open and with a sassy smile i turned making sure to throw a vase. My telekinesis at its best in years since i always had to hide it.

Since i had discovred my power a few years ago i would always practice when i was alone.

I heard a gasp as i fought my wolf for control.

Alpha Henry pov

We watched in amazement as she chucked a vase in our direction.

A wicked grin on her face.

"Introduce yourself little wolf." The king demands.

"Im kori." Her vocie a little deeper and more mellow than Isabella.

"Interesting." The king murmurs as he watched the girl in front of us.

"Kori, you are a strong wolf." The king says as he apparched her slowly. She stood still eyes flickering between grey and cloudy. Isabella fighting for control.

Her eyes glazed over for a bit before they returned to a bright grey color.

"Bella?" The king asked kneeling in front of her.

"Im sorry. Sometimes i still have trouble controlling my wolf and powers." He turned to myself, beta and my gamma. As we all stood in amazement.

"Tell me little one, what is it you wish to learn." He inquires opening his arms to show he means no harm.

"I want to control them both. I dont want to hurt people." She says with a determination in her scowl.

"And with proper training that can happen." The king replies. She smiled and he tickled her bringing a magical sound to our ears.

She was goinf to be a grwat wolf.

"Will i be sent away again?" She asked once she calmed down.

"How about i talk somethinga over with alpha henry and we what happens?" She nodded.