Isabella pov
Age 3
I was running and playing with my friends when i suddenly felt hot to my core.
I slowed myself down to catch my breath but the more i tried to run to my parents the more the pain came in waves. I garbbed a hold of my stomach and fall to the ground...
My ears were ringing and everything seemed so close yet so far away
"Mommy ! Daddy !" I begged before passing out.
When i woke up i was shivering.
'Why so cold kori?' I reached out to my wolf.
'Im not sure but it feels amazing.' She replies rolling on her back.
I hear a door open and feet rush in
"Oh thank the moon goddess." My mother cried.
Dad sighed with relief.
A man walks in.
"Hello little one." He greets me.
I coward behind my mother and shake my head. I dont want to talk.
"No need to shy away. Im Aaron." He says i can hear hes closer.
My parents are whispering to low for me to hear. I hear a new chuckle before mom pulls away from me.
"How about we get you some food and dry off?" I nodded climbing out the tub onto the towels already on the floor.
I was left with dad and Aaron who where whispering a mile a min.
"Are you talking about me ?" I finally asked. The rining in my ears had started back up from trying to hear them.
"Of course not honey. We have another pack visiting and king aaron wanted to see why the alpha wasnt at the gate to greet them."
I put my head down. I felt bad now. I know how important alpha duties are.
"Im sorry dad." I said just above a whisper.
"Oh honey. Dont be sorry. Its not your fault. I promise you were gonna make sure you feel better ok?" I nodded as he held his hand out.
My wolf was suddenly on edge pacing in my head.
'Kori?' I called to her worridedly.
'Somethings off bella. I can feel it.'
'Im confused.'
'Lets wait first. I want to see somthing.' I nodded at her and she returned my sight.
We were now in the kitchen of the pack house and ot was full.
"Bella !" I heard from all directions as my friends ran up to hug me.
"You ok now?" Becca asked i nodded before i could respond my syomach growled. We all laughed.
"Why dont you guys go play while bella eats." Mom says. My friends waved goodbye and headed outside.
I peeked around mom to see a few faces i never seen before. Mom held my plate in one hand and grabbed my hand with the other and headed right towards the strangers.
I could hear more whispering as we grew closer and my wolf was not a happy camper. She whimpered as we drew closer.
The whispering stopped and suddenly all eyes were on me.
"Is this her?" He said like he was annoyed. I cowardly hid behind moms legs. She laughed and put a hand on my head. Calming me instantly.
"Now Henry thats no way to talk." Mom scolds him. He smiled sheepishly.
"Im sorry Elaine. My boy has been on edge. She looks just as bad as him." He makes a motion and a boy bigger then comes in.
His head is down and he drags his feet.
"Head up Cameron." Alpha henry says. I hide even more when i peek up i see him trying to get a look and hide again.
"And thats our future?" Henery snaps suddenly a growl rips through my chest as kori had enough of whatever this is.
Alpha Henry instantly shuts up. As the boy Cameron approaches me.
Cameron pov 6 years old
After she growled at my dad i was very intrigued. I took a cautious step and she didnt budge her eyes dark.
She was it.
I remembered this smell from when mrs Elaine was pregnant. I would beg dad to come here and now i know.
I hadnt gotten my wolf yet but i knew something about her just drew me in.
I grabbed her hand and i let go quickly. She looked up at me then back at her hand. Before looking at me again.
"Play?" I nodded .
"Uh uh uh. Bella needs to eat something first." Mrs. Elaine says. We both sighed and bella sat down across from my dad.
He sniffs the air before his eyes widened in shock.
He quickly gets up and pulls mrs. Elaine to the side. The whisper for a second before a voice rang out.
"I can hear you." Bella says excited. Bouncing in her seat.
Our parents turned eyes widened
"MARK!" MRS Elaine yells. I watched as aplha mark ran in
"She can hear us." My dad says with a slight nod towards Bella whos finished her plate by now.
More men surrounded us and bella cowards back into her seat.
"What did i do now mama?" She whispered.
"Can you guys give her some space." Alpha mark says his voice laced with venom.
The men back up and king aaron appears. He looks between us and smirks.
"Interesting little wolf." He murmurs more to himself
"Ive seen enough. Ill be back when the child is of age to train." He says before he gets up to leave.