Chapter-30 British Airways Doha-London

This time only the three of them were in the first class. Andalas and Akiko simultaneously breathed a sigh of relief. Even if there was an incident, or death, it would not be witnessed by people. Akiko even gave a special instruction to the flight attendants that they did not want to be bothered and did not need food and drink service. They would ask if they needed something.

Akiko replayed her memories of some people who were identified by Andalas as potential enemies.

A well-dressed man, a beautiful woman in her thirties, a young man with a hat and sunglasses, a jet set woman, a middle-aged man with slanted eyes, a long-haired man, and two airline flight attendants.

Akiko remembered her father. How she was taught to be discipline in a hard way since a young age. How his father let his 10-year-old daughter witnessed a Yakuza sanctioned murder. How she was once asked by his father to accompany a senior Yakuza member who later died in front of her during a shootout with the police when she was 12 years old. Then how she did not blink when a Yakuza member who became an Interpol informant had his fingers cut off one by one when she was just 15 years old.

Akiko didn't tremble or cry at all at that time.

She saw everything with eyes wide open. She knew her father raised her that way hoping that she would join the Yakuza and got used to all kinds of violence. There was only one thing that his father missed. Akiko had extremely strong will of her own. She had absolutely no desire to get involve in her father's world. She only had one goal. To become a doctor and repay all of her father's deeds.

As the daughter of an influential Yakuza leader, naturally she became a target of competing organizations. There were several kidnapping attempts on her. They all failed since she was always surrounded by a group of well-trained bodyguards.

But the last incident had traumatized Akiko's father. She was the lone survivor of a gruesome gun fight at her graduation as a doctor.

Akiko's father asked his only daughter to leave Tokyo or even Japan. He couldn't afford to lose Akiko. Especially if he died the Yakuza way.

As a medical student, Akiko was very sharp. She graduated as the second best for general practitioners and the first in her class when she specialized in epidemiology at the Tokyo University. When she finally decided to leave, she could have worked in any famous hospital in the world, but she decided to work on A whaling ship instead, because she loved risky adventures.

Akiko's journey was similar to Cecilia's.

They both came from a well-off family but decided to make their careers in the area which was considered dangerous for women.

There were no significant turbulences along the route to London. Not many clouds in the sky as the spring was coming and the weather was very friendly. The plane flew as smooth as silk.

The three changed their seats. Cecilia sat next to the window, Akiko on the left and Andalas sat behind her. Cecilia was the most important person in MB-BA-30. A brilliant doctor who was trying to prevent a global pandemic that would lead to mass horrific deaths from happening. The woman must be protected no matter what.

The sound of the curtain divider being opened triggered Andalas's offensive instinct. A flight attendant asked whether any of them would like anything to drink or nibble. Akiko asked for cold drinks and three cups of coffee. They needed caffeine to stay focused. It was agreed earlier that Akiko and Andalas would take turn sleeping.

It wasn't long before the flight attendant came in with their order. Three cups of hot coffee and a bottle of cold soft drink. After placing the order, the flight attendant quickly walked back to her quarter.

Akiko frowned when she saw Cecilia was about to take a sip of her coffee. She patted Cecilia's arm and signaled her to take out the poison detector. Cecilia put her coffee down and took the detector from her bag.

Cecilia did pack all equipment that she needed in Pandora with Cathy's help such as pathogen detectors, poison detectors, antivenom serums, and essential drugs.

Cecilia took a spoon to get a sample from her cup and then dropped it into the poison detector. There was a soft beep. Cecilia showed the results on the screen to Akiko and Andalas.

The screen showed a graph with soaring curve. It meant that the drink contained poison at lethal dose. Cecilia pressed the analyze button. The screen showed the loading process. A few seconds later the screen displayed the chemical compound symbol; [Ar] 3d¹⁰4s²4p³.

It's Arsenic. Akiko hissed. People who wanted them dead did not mess around. The poison could kill them in just two hours and there was no antidote for it.

No wonder the flight attendant left in a hurry and looked a little nervous. Andalas slowly moved towards the dividing curtain. Then with an unexpected speed, he launched his hand.

Andalas pulled in the flight attendant who served them the coffee. The flight attendant looked pale and frightened. Her lips trembled and tears began to flow.

Akiko put a finger on the flight attendant's mouth telling her to calm down. She whispered at the flight attendant's ear.

"Tell the person who ordered you to bring this drink that the poison worked. The three of us were in a lot of pain and passed out." Akiko pulled out her kaiken and stuck its sharp tip to the flight attendant's neck. Her eyes were threatening. The trembling flight attendant nodded.

Andalas and Akiko asked Cecilia to lie down. They covered her up to the neck and then apply mascara on the eyes and mouth. It was convincing look of someone poisoned by arsenic. Andalas and Akiko did the same to themselves.

They could hear footsteps coming toward them. The curtains were opened, and three flight attendants appeared. The last one was the flight attendant that Akiko had threatened earlier. The two flight attendants in front each took out a small knife that didn't seem to be made of metal but sharp, nonetheless.

They both aimed at Andalas and Akiko large veins. Their order was for them to do the killing themself.

In almost synchronized moves, Andalas and Akiko who were lying with their faces painted black, caught the hands holding the knives then swiftly jumped to their feet and flipped the two flight attendant's arms behind their backs.

There was a groan of pain from both flight attendants. The slightest movement, their arms would be broken.

Akiko hit the neck of one flight attendant with the back of her hand. There was a grunt and her body rolled over unconsciously. Andalas performed almost the same movement. The second flight attendant slumped unconscious.

The third flight attendant could only sit with tearful eyes. Cecilia, who had gotten up and witnessed everything, took the flight attendant's hand and tried to calm her down.

After she calmed down, Cecilia whispered for the flight attendant to return to her post and not to tell anyone about the incident. She was still in shock and could only nod. It was the first time for her as a flight attendant to experience such intense situation.

Andalas took a bag from the cabin and pulled out a small black strap. A rope with extraordinary strength used by experienced climbers.

Andalas tied the two flight attendants up while Akiko was watching. These two people were easily subdued due to the element of surprise. Otherwise, Akiko believed that the two fake flight attendants were quite tough to deal with.

Akiko took chloroform from a bag and rubbed it under their noses in a dose that was not lethal but enough to make them sleep all the way to London. They were put in empty passenger seats.

Andalas stood and stared at Akiko and Cecilia while shaking his head.

"The Executor never stops trying and really wants us dead."